This check flags railway and major highway bridges longer than X meters (configurable) which only have a generic 'bridge=yes' tag without any details (bridge type or structure).
The minimum bridge length to qualify for this check is configurable. The default is 500 meters.
This is a port of Osmose check #7012.
Way id:4407849 represents a prominent bridge - it is a section of a motorway and its length is greater than 500m - but it only has a generic bridge=yes
The validation section ensures that the Atlas object being evaluated is an Edge with the following tags:
with one of the values:motorway
. Only main Edges are valid candidates for this check, to avoid duplicate flags on a single bi-directional Way.
The check section flags a valid candidate Edge if it is longer than the configurable minimum but does not have a bridge:structure
To learn more, please look at the source code for the check: