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792 lines (665 loc) · 42.5 KB

File metadata and controls

792 lines (665 loc) · 42.5 KB


The web, with simplicity.

v2.0.0.alpha5 - 2022-01-12


  • [Luca Guidi] Sensible default configuration for application logger, with per-environment defaults:

    The defaults are:

    • In production, log for level info, send logs to $stdout in JSON format without colours
    • In development, log for level debug, send logs to $stdout in single-line format with colours
    • In test, log for level debug, send logs to log/test.log in single-line format without colours

    To configure the logger:

    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        config.logger.level = :info
    = $stdout = "/path/to/file" =
        config.logger.format = :json
        config.logger.format =
        config.logger.color = false # disable coloring
        config.logger.color =
        config.logger.filters << "secret" # add
        config.logger.filters += ["yet", "another"] # add
        config.logger.filters = ["foo"] # replace
        # See
        config.logger.options = ["daily"] # time based log rotation
        config.logger.options = [0, 1048576] # size based log rotation

    To configure the logger for specific environments:

    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        config.environment(:staging) do
          config.logger.level = :info

    To assign a custom replacement logger object:

    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        config.logger =
  • [Tim Riley] Comprehensive config.source_dirs setting

    This replaces the previous component_dir_paths setting, and contains two nested settings:

    • config.source_dirs.component_dirs (backed by Dry::System::Config::ComponentDirs), for directories of source files intended to be registered as components
    • config.source_dirs.autoload_paths, for directories of source files not intended for registration as components, but still to be made accessible by the autoloader

    To add and configure your own additional component dirs:

    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        # Adding a simple component dir
        config.source_dirs.component_dirs.add "serializers"
        # Adding a component dir with custom configuration
        config.source_dirs.component_dirs.add "serializers" do |dir|
          dir.auto_register = proc { |component|

    To customize the configuration of the default component dirs ("lib", "actions", "repositories", "views"):

    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        # Customising a default component dir
        config.source_dirs.component_dirs.dir("lib").auto_register = proc { |component|
        # Setting default config to apply to all component dirs
        config.source_dirs.component_dirs.auto_register = proc { |component|
        # Removing a default component dir

    To configure the autoload paths (defaulting to ["entities"]):

    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        # Adding your own autoload paths
        config.source_dirs.autoload_paths << "structs"
        # Or providing a full replacement
        config.source_dirs.autoload_paths = ["structs"]
  • [Tim Riley] Application router is lazy loaded (not requiring application to be fully booted) and now available via Hanami.rack_app or Hanami.application.rack_app, instead of the previous (which required the app to be booted first).

v2.0.0.alpha4 - 2021-12-07


  • [Luca Guidi] Manage Content Security Policy (CSP) with "zero-defaults" policy. New API to change CSP values and to disable the feature.

    # Read a CSP value
    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        config.actions.content_security_policy[:base_uri] # => "'self'"
    # Override a default CSP value
    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        # This line will generate the following CSP fragment
        # plugin-types ;
        config.actions.content_security_policy[:plugin_types] = nil
    # Append to a default CSP value
    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        # This line will generate the following CSP fragment
        # script-src 'self' https://my.cdn.test;
        config.actions.content_security_policy[:script_src] += " https://my.cdn.test"
    # Add a custom CSP key. Useful when CSP standard evolves.
    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        # This line will generate the following CSP fragment
        # my-custom-setting 'self';
        config.actions.content_security_policy[:my-custom-setting] = "'self'"
    # Delete a CSP key.
    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
    # Disable CSP feature.
    module MyApp
      class Application < Hanami::Application
        config.actions.content_security_policy = false

v2.0.0.alpha3 - 2021-11-09


  • [Luca Guidi] Added Hanami.shutdown to stop all bootable components in the application container
  • [Tim Riley] Added component_dir_paths application setting to allow for components to be loaded from additional directories inside each slice directory. To begin with, this defaults to %w[actions repositories views]. Components inside these directories are expected to be namespaced to match the directory name; e.g. given a main slice, slices/main/actions/home.rb is expected to define Main::Actions::Home, and will be registered in the slice container as "actions.home".


  • [Tim Riley] A slice's classes can now be defined directly inside slices/[slice_name]/lib/; e.g. given a main slice, slices/main/lib/example.rb is expected to define Main::Example, and will be registered in the slice container as "example"
  • [Tim Riley] The root lib/ directory is no longer configured as a component dir, and classes inside lib/[app_namespace]/ will no longer be auto-registered into the container. If you need to share components, create them in their own slices as appropriate, and import those slices into the other slices that require them.
  • [Tim Riley] lib/[app_namespace]/ is configured for autoloading, and lib/ is added to $LOAD_PATH to support explicit requires for source files outside lib/[app_namespace]/.
  • [Tim Riley] (Internal) Ported Hanami::Configuration and related classes to use dry-configurable
  • [Tim Riley] Application inflector can be entirely replaced, if required, via Hanami::Configuration#inflector=. Custom inflection rules can still be provided to the default inflector via Hanami::Configuration#inflections.
  • [Marc Busqué] App settings are defined within a concrete class rather than an anonymous block, to allow for users to leverage the typical behavior of Ruby classes, such as for defining their own types module to use for coercing setting values. This class also relies on dry-configurable for its settings implementation, so the standard dry-configurable setting API is available, such as the constructor: and default: options.
    # frozen_string_literal: true
    require "dry/types"
    require "hanami/application/settings"
    module TestApp
      class Settings < Hanami::Application::Settings
        # Example usage of a types module (previously not possible inside the anonymous block)
        Types = Dry.Types()
        setting :session_secret, constructor: Types::String.constrained(min_size: 20)
        setting :some_bool, constructor: Types::Params::Bool, default: false
  • [Marc Busqué] Application settings_loader and settings_loader_options have been replaced with settings_store, which is an updated abstraction for providing setting values to work with the new Hanami::Application::Settings implementation noted above (see Application::Settings::DotenvStore for the default store, which provides the same behavior as previously)
  • [Marc Busqué] Routes are defined within a concrete class rather than an anonymous block, to provide consistency with the settings (noted above), as well a place for additional behavior (in future releases):
    # frozen_string_literal: true
    require "hanami/application/routes"
    module MyApp
      class Routes < Hanami::Application::Routes
        define do
          slice :main, at: "/" do
            root to: ""

v2.0.0.alpha2 - 2021-05-04


  • [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 3.0
  • [Tim Riley] Code autoloading via Zeitwerk
  • [Tim Riley] Hanami::Application subclasses generate and configure a Dry::System::Container, accessible via .container and AppNamespace::Container, with several common container methods available directly via the application subclass (e.g. Bookshelf::Application["foo"] or Hanami.application["foo"])
  • [Tim Riley] Introduced Hanami::Application.register_bootable to register custom components
  • [Tim Riley] Introduced Hanami::Application.keys to get the list of resolved components
  • [Tim Riley] Dynamically create an auto-injection mixin (e.g. Bookshelf::Deps)
    # frozen_string_literal: true
    module Bookshelf
      class CreateThing
        include Deps[service_client: "some_service.client"]
        def call(attrs)
          # Validate attrs, etc.
  • [Tim Riley] Introduced application settings. They are accessible via Hanami.application.settings in config/settings.rb
  • [Tim Riley] Introduced application slices to organise high-level application concerns. Slices are generated based on subdirectories of slices/, and map onto corresponding ruby module namespaces, e.g. slices/main -> Main, with the slice instance itself being Main::Slice (as well as being accessible via Hanami.application.slices[:main])
  • [Tim Riley] Each slice generates and configures has its own Dry::System::Container, accessible via the slice instance (e.g. Main::Slice.container) as well as via its own constant (e.g. Main::Container)
  • [Tim Riley] Slice containers automatically import the application container, under the "application" namespace
  • [Tim Riley] Allow slice containers to be imported by other slice containers


  • [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby: MRI 2.5
  • [Tim Riley] Removed config.cookies in favor of config.actions.cookies
  • [Tim Riley] Removed config.sessions in favor of config.actions.sessions
  • [Tim Riley] Removed settings

v2.0.0.alpha1 - 2019-01-30


  • [Luca Guidi] Implemented from scratch hanami version
  • [Luca Guidi] Implemented from scratch hanami server
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration is opinionated: when a setting is not specified in generated code, it uses a framework default.
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting environment: to yield env based settings (e.g. config.environment(:production) { |c| c.logger = {...} })
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting base_url: to set the base URL of the app (e.g. config.base_url = "")
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting logger: to set the logger options (e.g. config.logger = { level: :info, format: :json })
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting routes: to set the path to routes file (e.g. config.routes = "path/to/routes")
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting cookies: to set cookies options (e.g. config.cookies = { max_age: 300 })
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting sessions: to set session options (e.g. config.sessions = :cookie, { secret: "abc" })
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting default_request_format: to set the fallback for request format (aka MIME Type) (e.g. config.default_request_format = :json)
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting default_response_format: to set the default response format (aka MIME Type) (e.g. config.default_response_format = :json)
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting middleware to mount Rack middleware (e.g. config.middleware.use MyMiddleware, "argument")
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting security to set security settings (see below)
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration setting inflections to configure inflections (e.g. config.inflections { |i| i.plural "virus", "viruses" })
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration security setting x_frame_options: defaults to "deny" (e.g. = "sameorigin")
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration security setting x_content_type_options: defaults to "nosniff" (e.g. = nil)
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration security setting x_xss_protection: defaults to "1; mode=block" (e.g. = "1")
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration security setting content_security_policy: defaults to "form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; base-uri 'self'; default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' https: data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https:; font-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; plugin-types application/pdf; child-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; media-src 'self'" (e.g.[:style_src] += " https://my.cdn.example" to add another source) (e.g.[:plugin_types] = nil to override the settings)


  • [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby: MRI 2.3, and 2.4.
  • [Luca Guidi] Hanami::Application must be used as superclass for main application under config/application.rb (e.g. Bookshelf::Application)
  • [Luca Guidi] Main configuration is available at config/application.rb instead of config/enviroment.rb
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed Hanami.configure in favor of main application configuration (e.g. Bookshelf::Application.config)
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed DSL syntax for main configuration (from cookies max_age: 600 to config.cookies = { max_age: 600 })
  • [Luca Guidi] Per enviroment settings must be wrapped in a block (e.g. config.enviroment(:production) { |c| c.logger = {} })
  • [Luca Guidi] Concrete applications are no longer supported (e.g. Web::Application in apps/web/application.rb)
  • [Luca Guidi] Main routes must be configured at config/routes.rb:
# frozen_string_literal: true

Hanami.application.routes do
  mount :web, at: "/" do
    root to: "home#index"

  mount :admin, at: "/admin" do
    root to: "home#index"
  • [Luca Guidi] Per application routes are no longer supported (e.g. apps/web/config/routes.rb)
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed shotgun and code reloading from the core. Code reloading is implemented by hanami-reloader gem.
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed support for .hanamirc

v1.3.4 - 2021-05-02


  • [Slava Kardakov] Fix generated require_relative statement
  • [Armin] Fix Hanami::CommonLogger elapsed time compatibility with rack 2.1.0+
  • [Adam Daniels] Fix generated tests compatibility with minitest 6.0+

v1.3.3 - 2019-09-20



  • [Alfonso Uceda & Luca Guidi] Ensure to use :host option when mounting an application in main router (e.g. mount, at: "/", host: "beta.hanami.test")

v1.3.2 - 2019-07-26


  • [Luca Guidi] Support both hanami-validations 1 and 2


  • [Wisnu Adi Nurcahyo] Ensure hanami generate syntax for Welcome page is compatible with ZSH
  • [Luca Guidi] Don't let hanami to crash when called without bundle exec

v1.3.1 - 2019-01-18


  • [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.6
  • [Luca Guidi] Support bundler 2.0+


  • [Aidan Coyle] Remove from app generator support for deprecated force_ssl setting
  • [Alessandro Caporrini] Remove from app generator support for deprecated body_parsers setting
  • [Daphne Rouw & Sean Collins] Make app generator to work when code in config/environment.rb uses double quotes

v1.3.0 - 2018-10-24


  • [Luca Guidi] Automatically log body payload from body parsers


  • [Luca Guidi] Generate correct syntax for layout unit tests
  • [Vladislav Yashin] Fix concatenation of Pathname and String in Hanami::CommonLogger

v1.3.0.beta1 - 2018-08-08


  • [Sean Collins] Generate new projects with RSpec as default testing framework
  • [Alfonso Uceda] Generate actions/views/mailers with nested module/class definition


  • [Anton Davydov] Make possible to pass extra settings for custom logger instances (eg. logger, :foo, :bar)
  • [graywolf] Ensure hanami generate app to work without require_relative entries in config/environment.rb
  • [Makoto Tajitsu & Luca Guidi] Fixed regression for hanami new . that used to generate a broken project


  • [John Downey] Don't use thread unsafe Dir.chdir to serve static assets

v1.2.0 - 2018-04-11

v1.2.0.rc2 - 2018-04-06


  • [Kelsey Judson] Ensure to not reload code under lib/ when shotgun isn't bundled

v1.2.0.rc1 - 2018-03-30

v1.2.0.beta2 - 2018-03-23


  • [Luca Guidi] Raise meaningful error message when trying to access session or flash with disabled sessions
  • [Pistos] Print stack trace to standard output when a CLI command raises an error

v1.2.0.beta1 - 2018-02-28


  • [Luca Guidi] HTTP/2 Early Hints


  • [Alfonso Uceda] Render custom template if an exception is raised from a view or template

v1.1.1 - 2018-02-27


  • [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby MRI 2.5+


  • [Alfonso Uceda] Fixed regression for mailer generator: when using options like --from and --to the generated Ruby code isn't valid as it was missing string quotes.
  • [Luca Guidi] Generate tests for views including :format in exposures. This fixes view unit tests when the associated template renders a partial.

v1.1.0 - 2017-10-25


  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure hanami db rollback steps to be a positive integer

v1.1.0.rc1 - 2017-10-16


  • [Yuji Ueki] Generate RSpec tests with :type metadata (eg type: :action)
  • [Kirill] Add --relation option for hanami generate model (eg bundle exec hanami generate model user --relation=accounts)

v1.1.0.beta3 - 2017-10-04


  • [Luca Guidi] Don't require :plugins group when running hanami new

v1.1.0.beta2 - 2017-10-03


  • [Luca Guidi] Introduce :plugins group for Gemfile in order enable Hanami plugin gems
  • [Alfonso Uceda] CLI: hanami db rollback to revert one or more migrations at once


  • [Gabriel Gizotti] Fix generate/destroy for nested actions

v1.1.0.beta1 - 2017-08-11


  • [Ben Johnson] Allow to use custom logger as Hanami.logger (eg. Hanami.configure { logger$stdout) })
  • [akhramov] Generate spec file for application layout when generating a new app
  • [Anton Davydov] Generate file for new projects
  • [Anton Davydov] Selectively boot apps via HANAMI_APPS=web bundle exec hanami server
  • [Marion Duprey & Gabriel Gizotti] Log payload (params) for non-GET HTTP requests
  • [Marion Duprey & Gabriel Gizotti] Filter sensitive data in logs


  • [jarosluv] Ensure to remove the correct migration file when executing hanami db destroy model
  • [sovetnik] Fix require path for Minitest spec helper

v1.0.0 - 2017-04-06

v1.0.0.rc1 - 2017-03-31


  • [Luca Guidi] Allow logger setting in config/environment.rb to accept arbitrary arguments to make Hanami::Logger to be compatible with Ruby's Logger. (eg. logger 'daily', level: :info)


  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure code reloading don't misconfigure mailer settings (regression from v1.0.0.beta3)
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure database disconnection to happen in the same thread of Hanami.boot
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure mailer block in config/environment.rb to be evaluated multiple times, according to the current Hanami environment
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure a Hanami project to require only once the code under lib/

v1.0.0.beta3 - 2017-03-17


  • [Luca Guidi] Try to disconnect from database at the boot time. This is useful to prune stale connection during production deploys.
  • [Tobias Sandelius] Don't mount Hanami::CommonLogger middleware if logging is disabled for the project.
  • [Anton Davydov] Don't configure mailers, if it's mailing is disabled for the project.
  • [Marcello Rocha] Ensure code reloading don't misconfigure mailer settings
  • [Jimmy Börjesson] Make apps/web/application.rb code to wrap around the 80th column


  • [Luca Guidi] Removed deprecated ApplicationConfiguration#default_format. Use #default_request_format instead.

v1.0.0.beta2 - 2017-03-02

v1.0.0.beta1 - 2017-02-14


  • [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.4
  • [yjukaku] CLI: hanami generate model now also generates a migration
  • [Luca Guidi] Generate config/boot.rb for new Hanami projects.
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Hanami.logger as project logger
  • [Luca Guidi] Automatic logging of HTTP requests, migrations, and SQL queries
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced environment for env specific settings in config/environment.rb


  • [Marcello Rocha] Fix Hanami::Mailer loading
  • [Kai Kuchenbecker] Serve only existing assets with Hanami::Static
  • [Gabriel Gizotti] Ensure inline ENV vars to not be overwritten by .env.* files
  • [Adrian Madrid] Ensure new Hanami projects to have the right jdbc prefix for JRuby
  • [Luca Guidi] Fixed code reloading for objects under lib/
  • [Semyon Pupkov] Ensure generated mailer to respect the project name under lib/
  • [Semyon Pupkov] Fixed generation of mailer settings for new projects
  • [Victor Franco] Fixed CLI subcommands help output


  • [Ozawa Sakuro] Don't include bundler as a dependency Gemfile for new Hanami projects
  • [Luca Guidi] Make compatible with Rack 2.0 only
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed logger settings from Hanami applications
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed logger for Hanami applications (eg Web.logger)
  • [Luca Guidi] Changed mailer syntax in config/environment.rb

v0.9.2 - 2016-12-19


  • [The Crab] Mark unit tests/specs as pending for generated actions and views


  • [Luca Guidi] Rake task :environment no longer depends on the removed :preload task
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure force SSL to use the default port, or the configured one
  • [Luca Guidi] Boot the project when other it's started without hanami server (eg. puma or rackup)

v0.9.1 - 2016-11-18


  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure JSON body parser to not eval untrusted input

v0.9.0 - 2016-11-15


  • [Christophe Philemotte] Introduced hanami secret to generate and print a new sessions secret


  • [Bruz Marzolf] Skip project code preloading when code reloading is enabled
  • [Bruz Marzolf] Ensure to generate project in current directory when running hanami new .
  • [Pascal Betz] Fix constant lookup within the project namespace
  • [Sean Collins] Ensure consistent order of code loading across operating systems
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure to load the project configurations only once
  • [Luca Guidi] Fix duplicated Rack middleware in single Hanami application stacks


  • [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby MRI 2.3+
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed support for "application" architecture
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed in favor of
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed Hanami::Container.configure in favor of Hanami.configure
  • [Luca Guidi] Configure model and mailer within Hanami.configure block in config/environment.rb
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed mapping from model configuration
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed Hanami::Application.preload! in favor of Hanami.boot
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed experimental code support for entr(1)
  • [Luca Guidi & Sean Collins] Renamed assets configuration digest into fingerprint

v0.8.0 - 2016-07-22


  • [Luca Guidi] Generate new projects with Subresurce Integrity enabled in production (security).
  • [Luca Guidi] Include X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block in default response headers (security).
  • [Luca Guidi] Include X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff in default response headers (security).
  • [Trung Lê & Neil Matatall] Added support for Content Security Policy 1.1 and 2.0
  • [Andrey Deryabin] Experimental code reloading with entr(1)
  • [Anton Davydov] Introduced JSON logging formatter for production environment
  • [Anton Davydov] Allow to set logging formatters per app and per environment
  • [Anton Davydov] Allow to set logging levels per app and per environment
  • [Anton Davydov] Application logging now can log to any stream: standard out, file, IO and StringIO objects.
  • [Andrey Deryabin] Allow new projects to be generated with --template CLI argument (eg. hanami new bookshelf --template=haml)
  • [Sean Collins] Add --version and -v for hanami version CLI


  • [Josh Bodah] Ensure consistent CLI messages
  • [Andrey Morskov] Ensure consistent user experience and messages for generators
  • [Luca Guidi] Fixed generators for camel case project names
  • [Anton Davydov] Fixed model generator for camel case project names
  • [Leonardo Saraiva] Fix Rakefile generation to safely ignore missing RSpec in production
  • [Sean Collins] When generate an action, append routes to route file (instead of prepend)
  • [Sean Collins] When an action is destroyed via CLI, ensure to remove the corresponding route
  • [Bernardo Farah] Fix require_relative paths for nested generated actions and views unit tests
  • [Anton Davydov] If database and assets Rake tasks fails, ensure to exit the process with a non-successful code
  • [Luca Guidi] remove Shotgun::Static in favor of Hanami::Assets::Static for development/test and Hanami::Static for production
  • [Alexandr Subbotin] Load initializers in alphabetical order
  • [Matt McFarland] Fix server side error when CSRF token is not sent
  • [Erol Fornoles] Fix route generations for mounted apps
  • [Mahesh] Fix destroy action for application architecture
  • [Karim Tarek & akhramov] Reference rendering errors in Rack env's rack.exception variable. This enables compatibility with exception reporting SaaS.
  • [Luca Guidi] Detect assets dependencies changes in development (Sass/SCSS)
  • [Luca Guidi & Lucas Amorim] Make model generator not dependendent on the current directory name, but to the project name stored in .hanamirc


– [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby 2.0 and 2.1

  • [Trung Lê] Database env var is now DATABASE_URL (without the project name prefix like BOOKSHELF_DATABASE_URL
  • [Trung Lê] lib/config/mapping.rb is no longer generated for new projects and no longer loaded.
  • [Anton Davydov] New generated projects will depend (in their Gemfile) on hanami tiny version (~> 0.8') instead of patch version (0.8.0)
  • [Andrey Deryabin] dotenv is now a soft dependency that will be added to the Gemfile :development and :test groups for new generated projects.
  • [Andrey Deryabin] shotgun is now a soft dependency that will be added to the Gemfile :development group for new generated projects.
  • [Anton Davydov] New logo in welcome page
  • [Ozawa Sakuro] Remove require 'rubygems' from generated code (projects, apps, routes, etc..)
  • [Eric Freese] Disable Ruby warnings in generated Rakefile for Minitest/RSpec tasks
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow views to render any HTTP status code. In actions use halt(422) for default status page or self.status = 422 for view rendering.

v0.7.3 - 2016-05-23


  • [Pascal Betz] Use Shotgun::Static to serve static files in development mode and avoid to reload the env

v0.7.2 - 2016-02-09


  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Fixed routing issue when static assets server tried to hijack paths that are matching directories in public directory

v0.7.1 - 2016-02-05


  • [Anton Davydov] Fixed routing issue when static assets server tried to hijack requests belonging to dynamic endpoints
  • [Anatolii Didukh] Ensure to fallback to default engine for hanami console

v0.7.0 - 2016-01-22


  • [Luca Guidi] Renamed the project

v0.6.1 - 2016-01-19


  • [Anton Davydov] Show the current app name in Welcome page (eg. /admin shows instructions on how to generate an action for Admin app)
  • [Anton Davydov] Fix project creation when name contains dashes (eg. "awesome-project" => "AwesomeProject")
  • [Anton Davydov] Ensure to add assets related entries to .gitignore when a project is generated with the --database flag
  • [deepj] Avoid blank lines in generated Gemfile
  • [trexnix] Fix for lotus destroy app: it doesn't cause a syntax error in config/application.rb anymore
  • [Serg Ikonnikov & Trung Lê] Ensure console to use the bundled engine

v0.6.0 - 2016-01-12


  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced configurable assets compressors
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced "CDN mode" in order to serve static assets via Content Distribution Networks
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced "Digest mode" in production in order to generate and serve assets with checksum suffix
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced lotus assets precompile command to precompile, minify and append checksum suffix to static assets
  • [Luca Guidi] Send Content-Cache HTTP header when serving static assets in production mode
  • [Luca Guidi] Support new env var SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS="true" in order to serve static assets for the entire project
  • [Luca Guidi] Generate new applications by including Web::Assets::Helpers in view.prepare block
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced new Rake tasks :preload and :environment
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced new Rake tasks db:migrate and assets:precompile for Rails/Heroku compatibility
  • [Tadeu Valentt & Lucas Allan Amorin] Added lotus destroy command for apps, models, actions, migrations and mailers
  • [Lucas Allan Amorim] Custom initializers (apps/web/config/initializers) they are ran when the project is loaded and about to start
  • [Trung Lê] Generate mailer templates directory for new projects (eg. lib/bookshelf/mailers/templates)
  • [Tadeu Valentt] Alias --database as -d for lotus new
  • [Tadeu Valentt] Alias --arch as -a for lotus new
  • [Sean Collins] Let lotus generate action to guess HTTP method (--method arg) according to RESTful conventions
  • [Gonzalo Rodríguez-Baltanás Díaz] Generate new applications with default favicon


  • [Neil Matatall] Use "secure compare" for CSRF tokens in order to prevent timing attacks
  • [Bernardo Farah] Fix support for chunked response body (via Rack::Chunked::Body)
  • [Lucas Allan Amorim] Add bundler as a runtime dependency
  • [Lucas Allan Amorim] Ensure to load properly Bundler dependencies when starting the application
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure sessions to be always available for other middleware in Rack stack of single applications
  • [Ken Gullaksen] Ensure to specify LOTUS_PORT env var from .env
  • [Andrey Deryabin] Fix lotus new . and prevent to generate the project in a subdirectory of current one
  • [Jason Charnes] Validate entity name for model generator
  • [Caius Durling] Fixed generator for nested actions (eg. lotus generate action web domains/certs#index)
  • [Tadeu Valentt] Prevent to generate migrations with the same name
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure RSpec examples to be generated with RSpec.describe instead of only describe
  • [Andrey Deryabin] Avoid lotus command to generate unnecessary .lotusrc files
  • [Jason Charnes] Convert camel case application name into snake case when generating actions (eg. BeautifulBlossoms to beautiful_blossoms)
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Convert dasherized names into underscored names when generating projects (eg. awesome-project to awesome_project)


  • [Sean Collins] Welcome page shows current year in copyright notes
  • [Luca Guidi] Add /public/assets* to .gitignore of new projects
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed support for default_format in favor of default_request_format
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed support for apps/web/public in favor of apps/web/assets as assets sources for applications
  • [Luca Guidi] Removed support for serve_assets for single applications in order to global static assets server enabled via SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS env var
  • [Luca Guidi] assets configuration in apps/web/application.rb now accepts a block to configure sources and other settings

v0.5.0 - 2015-09-30


  • [Ines Coelho & Rosa Faria] Introduced mailers support
  • [Theo Felippe] Added configuration entries: #default_request_format and default_response_format
  • [Rodrigo Panachi] Introduced logger configuration for applications, to be used like this: Web::Logger.debug
  • [Ben Lovell] Simpler and less verbose RSpec tests
  • [Pascal Betz] Introduced --method CLI argument for action generator as a way to specify the HTTP verb


  • [Luca Guidi] Handle conflicts between directories with the same name while serving static assets
  • [Derk-Jan Karrenbeld] Include default value font-src: self for CSP HTTP header
  • [Cam Huynh] Make CLI arguments immutable for Lotus::Environment
  • [Andrii Ponomarov] Disable welcome page in test environment
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Print error message and exit when no name is provided to model generator


  • [Theo Felippe] Deprecated #default_format in favor of: #default_request_format

v0.4.1 - 2015-07-10


  • [Trung Lê] Alias --database as --db for lotus new


  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure to load correctly apps in lotus console
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure to not duplicate prefix for Container mounted apps (eg /admin/admin/dashboard)
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure generator for "application" architecture to generate session secret
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa & Trung Lê & Hiếu Nguyễn] Exit unsuccessfully when lotus generate model doesn't receive a mandatory name for model
  • [Miguel Molina] Exit unsuccessfully when lotus new --database receives an unknown value
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure to prepend sessions middleware, so other Rack components can have access to HTTP session

v0.4.0 - 2015-06-23


  • [Luca Guidi] Database migrations and new CLI commands for database operations
  • [Luca Guidi] Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
  • [Hiếu Nguyễn & Luca Guidi] Application Architecture
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Force SSL for applications
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced --url CLI argument for action generator
  • [Luca Guidi] Added rendered "let" variable for new generated tests for views


  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Fix generated routes for Container applications mounted on a path different from /.
  • [Luca Guidi] Reading .lotusrc pollutes ENV with unwanted variables.
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Added sqlite extension to SQLite/SQLite3 database URL.


  • [Luca Guidi] .env, .env.development and .env.test are generated and expected to be placed at the root of the project.
  • [Luca Guidi] Remove database mapping from generated apps.
  • [Trung Lê & Luca Guidi] Remove default generated from new apps.
  • [Luca Guidi] New projects should depend on lotus-model ~> 0.4

v0.3.2 - 2015-05-22


  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Automatic secure cookies if the current connection is using HTTPS.
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Routing helpers for actions (via #routes).
  • [My Mai] Introduced Lotus.root. It returns the top level directory of the project.


  • [Ngọc Nguyễn] Model generator should use new RSpec syntax.
  • [Ngọc Nguyễn] Model generator must respect file name conventions for Ruby.
  • [Ngọc Nguyễn] Action generator must respect file name conventions for Ruby.
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Action generator must raise error if name isn't provided.
  • [Luca Guidi] Container generator for RSpec let the application to be preloaded (discard config.before(:suite))

v0.3.1 - 2015-05-15


  • [Hiếu Nguyễn] Introduced application generator (eg. bundle exec lotus generate app admin creates apps/admin).
  • [Ngọc Nguyễn] Introduced model generator (eg. bundle exec lotus generate model user creates entity, repository and test files).
  • [Ngọc Nguyễn] Introduced Lotus.env, Lotus.env? for current environment introspection (eg. Lotus.env?(:test) or Lotus.env?(:staging, :production))
  • [Miguel Molina] Skip view creation when an action is generated via --skip-view CLI arg.


  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure routes to be loaded for unit tests

v0.3.0 - 2015-03-23


  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced action generator. Eg. bundle exec lotus generate action web dashboard#index
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to specify default cookies options in application configuration. Eg. cookies true, { domain: '' }
  • [Tom Kadwill] Include Lotus::Helpers in views.
  • [Linus Pettersson] Allow to specify --database CLI option when generate a new project. Eg. lotus new bookshelf --database=postgresql
  • [Linus Pettersson] Initialize a Git repository when generating a new project
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Produce .lotusrc when generating a new project
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Security HTTP headers. X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy are now enabled by default.
  • [Linus Pettersson] Database console. Run with bundle exec lotus db console
  • [Luca Guidi] Dynamic finders for relative and absolute routes. It implements method missing: Web::Routes.home_path will resolve to Web::Routes.path(:home).


– [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Cookies will send HttpOnly by default. This is for security reasons.

  • [Jan Lelis] Enable templates configuration for new generated apps
  • [Mark Connell] Change SQLite file extension from .db to .sqlite3

v0.2.1 - 2015-02-06


  • [Huy Đỗ] Introduced Lotus::Logger
  • [Jimmy Zhang] lotus new accepts a --path argument
  • [Jimmy Zhang] Project generator for the current directory (lotus new .). This is useful to provide a web deliverable for existing Ruby gems.
  • [Trung Lê] Add example mapping file for project generator: lib/config/mapping.rb
  • [Hiếu Nguyễn] RSpec support for project generator: --test=rspec or --test=minitest (default)


  • [Luca Guidi] lotus version to previx v (eg v0.2.1)
  • [Rob Yurkowski] Ensure project name doesn't contain special or forbidden characters
  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure all the applications are loaded in console
  • [Trung Lê] Container architecture: preload only lib/<projectname>/**/*.rb
  • [Hiếu Nguyễn] Fixed lotus new to print usage when project name isn't provided

v0.2.0 - 2014-06-23


  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced lotus new as a command to generate projects. It supports "container" architecture for now.
  • [Luca Guidi] Show a welcome page when one mounted Lotus application doesn't have routes
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Application.preload! to preload all the Lotus applications in a given Ruby process. (Bulk Lotus::Application.load!)
  • [Trung Lê] Allow browsers to fake non GET/POST requests via Rack::MethodOverride
  • [Josue Abreu] Allow to define body parses for non GET HTTP requests (body_parsers configuration)
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to toggle static assets serving (serve_assets configuration)
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to serve assets from multiple sources (assets configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure ENV vars with per environment .env files
  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Introduced lotus routes command
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure low level settings for MVC frameworks (model, view and controller configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Container
  • [Trung Lê] Include Lotus::Presenter as part of the duplicated modules
  • [Trung Lê] Include Lotus::Entity and Lotus::Repository as part of the duplicated modules
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced code reloading for lotus server
  • [Trung Lê] Allow to configure database adapter (adapter configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi & Trung Lê] Allow to configure database mapping (mapping configuration)
  • [Piotr Kurek] Introduced custom templates for non successful responses
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure exceptions handling (handle_exceptions configuration)
  • [Michal Muskala] Allow to configure sessions (sessions configuration)
  • [Josue Abreu] Allow to configure cookies (cookies configuration)
  • [Piotr Kurek] Allow to yield multiple configurations per application, according to the current environment
  • [David Celis] Allow to configure Rack middleware stack (middleware configuration)
  • [David Celis] Introduced lotus console command. It runs the REPL configured in Gemfile (eg. pry or ripl). Defaults to IRb.
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Environment which holds the informations about the current environment, and CLI arguments
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Application.load! to load and configure an application without requiring user defined code (controllers, views, etc.)
  • [Leonard Garvey] Introduced lotus server command. It runs the application with the Rack server declared in Gemfile (eg. puma, thin, unicorn). It defaults to WEBRick.
  • [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 2.1 and 2.2


  • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Changed semantic of assets configuration. Now it's only used to set the sources for the assets. Static serving assets has now a new configuration: serve_assets.


  • [Luca Guidi] Ensure HEAD requests return empty body

v0.1.0 - 2014-06-23


  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to run multiple Lotus applications in the same Ruby process (framework duplication)
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Routes as factory to generate application URLs
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure scheme, host and port (scheme, host and port configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure a layout to use for all the views of an application (layout configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure routes (routes configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure several load paths for Ruby source files (load_paths configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to serve static files (assets configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Render default pages for non successful responses (eg 404 or 500)
  • [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure the root of an application (root configuration)
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Configuration
  • [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Application
  • [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 2.0