challenges with Ivanhoe:
update system/alert to remind you to play the game, real time, responsive update system hard to remember as response takes you to a new page, perhaps split screen or some way of being able to reference the move one was responding to respond to more than one move at once (already sort of set up) ways of editing moves isolated to the individual rather than returning to the collective
taking turns? verses all at once--timeline can get wonky
boost move via twitter? like wordpress
make it pretty
-- liked: fun, research and background gathering than anticipated, exercise in creativity, power to take on another persepective, subverts assumed meaning, draw attention to things worthy of being pointed to, no real heirarchy to opening move to response, flexible to use in a variety of contexts
examples of use cases examples targeted at particular groups of users ways of movitivating ppl to be interested in game (subject, way of play, notification of others seeing what you have done, consolidated play space, active eleemnts within page, see different sides of ppl i know, audience = intimate, not broad)
-wordpress as Ivanhoe game, plugins as moves
play games for 30 minutes -Family Reunion -Exquisit corpse (collaborative storytelling--individual and collective)