- Update cocycle notebook (fix #83).
- Update build process to include python code and wheels. No code change.
- Convert package to `src` style.
- Fix build command not including python source files.
- Update CD commands for newer build system.
- Failed to build wheels. This version does not exist.
- Failed to build wheels. This version does not exist.
- Bugfix for lower star filtrations with edges that come in at exactly 0 (courtesy of Riccardo Ceccaroni)
- Add some includes to ripser.cpp for newer Ubuntu/C++ environments
- Prevent simplex assembly in last dimension for improved memory usage (courtesy of Umberto Lupo)
- Lazy import plotting dependencies
- Update C++ backend to commit 286d369 of [ripser](https://github.com/Ripser/ripser) but keeping same functionalities
- Add support to robinhood hashmap into the C++ Backend
- Update CI in order to compile C++ with robinhood enable
- Enable Enclosing radius when threshold is set to infinity
- Updating CI/CD pipeline.
- Fixing issue with inconsistent answers from different scipy.sparse formats, courtesy of Umberto Lupo
- Adding link to ripser++ GPU version by Simon Zhang
- Cocycle indices now correspond to point cloud indices, even
when a greedy permutation is in use
- Fixed packing so C++ is MSVC compatible.
- Added license to distributed packages.
- Added support for greedy permutations.
- Outsourced plotting to persim.
- Outsourced data construction in examples to tadasets.
- Revamped documentation.
- Completed JOSS review, thanks @lmcinnes and @arokem!!
- Documentation details updated.
- Docs and notebooks revamp.
- Support for Windows.
- Support for lower star filtrations
- Notebook on lower star filtrations
- Sparse distance matrix support
- Two additional notebooks about sparsity
- Language agnostic bindings support
- Bug fixes (filtrations with low number of points)
- Bug fixes (int rounding error for small magnitude threshold)
- Generation of cocycles.
- Handle inf in C code and in plotting.
- Many new options for plotting diagrams.