[drag=35 10, drop=top, pad=10, fit=1.1]
The Perfect Slide Deck Solution
[drag=30 3, drop=50 77 true false, set=text-gray, fit=0.5] Press F for Fullscreen Mode
[drag=100 20, drop=bottom, fit=1.05]
For Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators
[drag=8 10, drop=-29 55, opacity=0.7, set=h2-silver, fit=0.8, animate=bouncedown, filter=contrast]
[drag=40 55, drop=1 10, fit=0.9]
@fab[docker fa-xs]
An app to develop,
preview, and present
slide decks offline.
[drag=40 10, drop=1 -25, flow=row]
@fa[linux fa-2x] @fa[apple fa-2x] @fa[windows fa-2x ]
[drag=40 10, drop=1 -15, set=fragmentx]
Available on Linux, MacOS, Windows
[drag=40 10, drop=topleft, pad=10, fit=1.2]
With the Desktop app you can...
@ul[drag=40 80, drop=2 15, sync=true, list-spaced-bullets]
- Develop slides using markdown
and powerful markdown widgets - Using an embedded markdown editor
- Or your favorite IDE
- Enjoy live browser previews
- Dedicated speaker support
- And pixel-perfect slide export
- To PDF @fa[file-pdf], PPTX @fa[file-powerpoint], and HTML @fa[html5] @ul
[drag=60 100, drop=right, flow=stack, pad=0 40, sync=true]
[drag=100 10, drop=top, fit=1.2]
And with a simple git-push to GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket you can share...
[drag=100 40, drop=center, flow=row, bg=#232B2B, set=text-white]
@fa[users fa-4x] @fa[user-shield fa-4x] @fa[lock fa-4x]
[drag=100 20, drop=0 -5, set=fragment, fit=1.5]
...public, private, and password-protected slide decks on gitpitch.com.
[drag=85 10, drop=top, fit=1.2]
GitPitch 4.0 introduces brand new grid layouts for your slide content...
@codedrag=37 41, drop=21 13, fit=0.66, border=2px dashed gray, elixir
[drag=35, drop=12 56, pad=40px, bg=#FFFFBF, border=2px dashed gray]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
[drag=25 70, drop=-18 16, rotate=35, border=2px dashed gray]
@mermaidwidth=250, theme=forest, border=2px dashed gray
[drag=100 7, drop=bottom, flow=row, border=2px dashed gray, fit=0.8]
@fa[github] gitpitch [email protected] @fa[twitter] gitpitch
[drag=30 20, drop=-0 -11, bg=#232B2B, set=text-white fragment, fit=0.9, animate=bounceright]
The new grid layouts system
brings drag-and-drop layout precision
to GitPitch markdown presentations.
[drag=100 10, drop=top, fit=1.1]
With Markdown widgets you can render rich slide content including...
@ul[drag=40 70, drop=0 20, sync=true, list-spaced-sm-bullets list-fade-fragments]
- Images with filters + transformations
- Mermaid + PlantUML diagrams
- Cloud architecture diagrams
- LaTeX Math formulas
- YouTube, Vimeo, Mp4 Videos
- Excalidraw whiteboard sketches
- Plus slide content synchronization @fa[arrow-right] @ul
[drag=60 80, drop=-2 15, flow=stack, pad=0 30, fit=0.75, sync=true]
@math[pad=30px, rotate=-25, fit=1.4]
\[ \left( \sum_{k=22}^n a_k b_k \right)^{\!\!2} \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right) \]
This slide is an example of
slide content synchronization.
The display of the list-content
on the left has been
synchronized with the display of
this stack-content on the right.
[drag=60 10, drop=top, pad=20, fit=1.2]
Enjoy stunning code slides with live step-and-zoom...
[drag=30 5, drop=-5 -24, fit=0.5]
* GitPitch 4.0 supports the use of the full slide area when rendering code.
- Selection of Monospaced Code Fonts
- 100+ Syntax Highlighting Styles
- Step-and-ZOOM into Code
- Including Fenced Code Blocks
- Repository Source Code Files
- And any public GitHub GIST
@codedrag=98, drop=1, fit=1.6, elixir
[drag=50 6, drop=-2 1, flow=false, set=font-concert-one pull-right]
@[1-4](Live code presenting with optional annotations.) @[6,12](Filtering, casting, and validation of constraints.) @[7-8, zoom-11](Taking advantage of Elixir's pipe operator.) @[7-9, zoom-11] @[7-10, zoom-11] @[7-11, zoom-11]
[drag=100 10, drop=top, fit=1.2]
All powered using modular Markdown under Git version control...
[drag=30 90, drop=5 15, rotate=-4, bg=#232B2B]
@fab[markdown fa-4x text-white]
@fab[git fa-4x text-white]
@codedrag=17 80, drop=50 16 true false, fit=0.5, text
[drag=30 90, drop=-5 15, rotate=4, bg=#B70057] [drag=30 90, drop=-5 15, pad=0 40, rotate=4, fit=1.4, set=text-white]
... so you can manage your presentation
+ training content
the same way you manage code
[drag=60 90, drop=-5 5, fit=1.2]
And before you publish, stamp
your brand on any slide deck...
Using the GitPitch Presentation Theme Builder
You can activate custom fonts, color schemes, logos and more for any slide deck.
---?color=black @title[Now It's Your Turn]
[drag=30 10, drop=35 0, set=text-smallcaps]
[drag=100 40, drop=center, fit=1.3]
Are you ready to
[drag=100 15, drop=0 -0, set=bubblegum]
No sign-up or credit card needed. Start your free trial now @fa[external-link]