Command-line utilities to manage concurrent app workflows.
Currently 2 functions:
- Checkout (or create) branch concurrently across apps (safely)
- Execute command concurrently across apps
What does safely mean?
- Checkout
- First checks status, if clean, checkout or create/checkout branch
- if staged changes, ask if you want to commit with 'temp commit' message and then continue checkout or create/checkout branch
- if unstaged changes, ask you want to save changes and commit with 'temp commit' message and then continue checkout or create/checkout branch
- if there are changes, if you don't want to commit, will stop there.
Prerequiste: Erlang and mix (optional) have to be installed.
- Run escript install:
mix escript.install
Append "/Users/jkwan/.mix/escripts" to your PATH
Run the program
Just run it (with Erlang installed)
usage: eltd [checkout | co] <branch> # Checkout branch concurrently across apps
eltd [execute | ex] "<command string>" # Execute command concurrently across apps
example: eltd -a w ex "git ci -am 'temp commit'"
--apps or -a
<comma seperated apps> # List of comma seperated apps. Ex: admin,client,provider
# Abbreviations: a = admin, c = client, cc = callcenter
# Example: -a a,p,m
Shorthand for apps:
"tc" -> "teladoc_constants_gem"
"tf" -> "teladoc_framework"
"t" -> "tas"
"p" -> "provider"
"a" -> "admin"
"m" -> "member"
"c" -> "client"
"cc" -> "callcenter"
"ma" -> "mobile_api"
"o" -> "oms"
"k" -> "kronos"
"w" -> ["provider", "admin", "member", "client"] # Web
"wtf" -> ["provider", "admin", "member", "client", "teladoc_framework"] # Web with teladoc_framework
"tcao" -> ["teladoc_constants_gem", "teladoc_framework", "tas", "callcenter", "mobile_api"] # teladoc_constants_gem apps only
default_apps: ["teladoc_framework", "provider", "admin", "member", "client"]
commit_message: "temp commit" # For checkout command
Optional configuration file can be created in ~/.mix/escripts/
Need to call it config.exs and use Mix.Config format
Example file:
use Mix.Config # Need to add this
config :eltd, default_apps: ["member", "client"]
config :eltd, commit_message: "a new commit message" # For checkout command
config :eltd, top_level_directory: "~/Code/Teladoc/" # Setting this allows you to run
# the program from another directory.
# Helpful for quick testing.
Note: If you want to change the configuration file name or location, do so in config/config.exs, and then you will need to recompile
- Make changes
- Run
mix do, escript.install
If you want to only a local instance of the program