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Kairsten Fay edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 33 revisions

Tips for moving forward when things break.

ETL processes


Problem: AssertionError

Aborting with error: Specimen with unexpected «collections-clia-compliance» barcode «aaaaaaaa»

This is the wrong type of barcode, so delete this record and create a new Trello card in #record-troubleshooting. Be sure to tag Peter and Brian (of the lab) on the new card.

Presence Absence ETL

Problem: SampleNotFoundError

No sample with identifier «aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa» found

This means the specimen manifest sheet (or at least the latest imported copy of it in ID3C) is out of date. The lab may be slightly behind in updating it, or we may choose to manually import the specimen manifest sheet instead of relying on our automated process to import known specimen manifest sheets from S3.

Sometimes, this error means that there was a duplicate collection barcode for two samples which is noted on the specimen manifest sheet. One solution here is to manually create samples with just the sample identifiers from the lab's aliquot manifest. Once the collection barcode duplication issue is resolved, the manifest ETL will pick it up and update the newly created samples.

Problem: AssertionError

Aborting with error: Identifier found in set «samples-haarvi», not «samples»

This error means that a sample from a separate study arm that we're not supposed to be ingesting was not properly marked as experimental (_exp), so it ended up in our pipeline. The appropriate avenue is to Slack someone in one of data-transfer channels. We can ask NWGC to re-send the same JSON bundle but with _exp designations on the affected samples. We should manually skip the bundle in recieving.presence_absence and wait for the updated JSON.

Manifest ETL

Problem: AssertionError

  1. AssertionError: Collection identifier found in set «samples», not {'collections-environmental', 'collections-kiosks', '', 'collections-self-test', 'collections-household-intervention', 'collections-swab&send-asymptomatic', 'collections-kiosks-asymptomatic', 'collections-swab&send', 'collections-household-observation', ''}

    In this case, we need to ask Peter or someone in #lab to update the specimen manifest with new collection IDs. We may need to generate new ones for them. See example Slack threads (1, 2) of how this problem has been resolved previously.

  2. Aborting with error: Collection identifier found in set «collections-haarvi», not {'collections-household-observation', '', '', 'collections-household-intervention', 'collections-self-test', 'samples-haarvi', 'collections-environmental', 'collections-kiosks', 'collections-swab&send', 'collections-scan', 'collections-kiosks-asymptomatic', 'collections-swab&send-asymptomatic'}

    Assuming we're supposed to actually ingest barcodes from this collection, we need to add a missing collection (e.g. collections-haarvi) to the manifest ETL.

    Sometimes we receive barcodes from collections we're not supposed to be ingesting (e.g. collections-clia-compliance). In that case, make a card for the incorrect barcode in #record-troubleshooting, and delete the affected rows from receiving.manifest.

  3. Aborting with error: Sample identifier found in set «samples-haarvi», not {'samples'}

    This means we've received a sample from a separate study arm that we're not supposed to be ingesting. Ask someone in the #lab Slack channel to update these sample identifiers to have a prefix of _exp so they won't get ingested in the next manifest upload. The original affected records should be deleted from receiving.manifest.

Problem: Exception

  1. Aborting with error: More than one sample matching sample and/or collection barcodes: [Record(id=137871, identifier=None, collection_identifier='aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa', encounter_id=1754975),    Record(id=138045, identifier='bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb', collection_identifier=None, encounter_id=None)]

    This error can arise due to incomplete records within the manifest uploaded by the lab team. Delete the sample record that is incomplete i.e. the sample that doesn't have a collection identifier.

  2. Aborting with error: More than one sample matching sample and/or collection barcodes: [Record(id=118997, identifier='aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa', collection_identifier='bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb', encounter_id=416344), Record(id=120434, identifier=None, collection_identifier='cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc', encounter_id=416344)]

    This is one of the nefarious problems caused by duplicate barcodes. This situation arises when there are two samples associated with an encounter. Of the two samples, you should delete the one that does not have any presence-absence results attached to it. Then, the manifest ETL will find only one matching sample in the warehouse. It is then able to update the collection identifier to the corrected collection identifier.

  3. Aborting with error: More than one sample matching sample and/or collection barcodes: [Record(id=122250, identifier=None, collection_identifier='aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa', encounter_id=418757), Record(id=119610, identifier='bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb', collection_identifier='cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc', encounter_id=420854)]

    This is another duplicate barcodes problem, but more insidious than #1 because these sampes are already linked to two different encounters.

    We've solved this in the past by taking the following steps:

    1. Delete the sample that doesn't have any presence-absence results. In this case, it's sample 122250.
    2. Run the manifest ETL.
    3. Manually upload a DET for the affected REDCap records so they may be linked to the correct encounter and have a sample.

    Note that samples that have not yet been aliquoted will resolve when they're added to the aliquoting manifest. In this case, cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc was one of the duplicate barcodes. The tangling that occurred here was probably due to the timing of fixes.


Problem: Duplicate REDCap record ID in a project

Found duplicate record id «999» in project 12345.
Duplicate record ids are commonly due to repeating instruments/longitudinal events in REDCap,
which the redcap-det ETL is currently unable to handle.
If your REDCap project does not have repeating instruments or longitudinal events,
then this may be caused by a bug in REDCap.

The warning message really says it all. While this issue doesn't cause this ETL pipeline to fail, we still want to post in the #record-troubleshooting Trello board to alert the REDCap team about this problem. If left unmitigated, duplicate record IDs in REDCap could cause our return of results PDF generation to fail. Be sure to tag Misja and Sarah (of the REDCap team) in the new card.

Duplicate record IDs are a commonly known REDCap bug, a duplicate record ID across two study arms (e.g. symptomatic and asymptomatic) for the most part is not surprising. However, if the problem seems especially bizarre -- for example, if every single REDCap record ID in the priority code study arm is a duplicate record ID of another arm -- then send an additional message in the #redcap channel notifying Misja and Sarah of the situation.

Problem: Unknown discharge disposition value

Aborting with error: Unknown discharge disposition value «hospice - medical facility».

The ETL pipeline attempts to map the raw discharge disposition value (indicating where the patient went upon discharge from the hospital) to a FHIR Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition code. This error indicates that there is no mapping for the raw value.

If the raw value is a human readable disposition value, add a mapping to the data source specific ETL pipeline code file in the id3c-customizations repository. For example, for the UW retrospectives pipeline, edit the discharge_disposition function in this file.

If the raw value isn't a human readable disposition (e.g., is «96») or if you need more information about how to map it, contact Becca at ITHS. She will research the data issue and generate a correction if necessary.


Problem: Metabase is down

  • Restarting Metabase may help.
  • If restarting Metabase fails, you can check its Docker container status with:
    docker container ls -a

Problem: Metabase queries are slow

  • Try adjusting the Metabase cache.
  • You can kill long, existing Metabase queries with this bit of SQL:
    select pg_cancel_backend(pid)
    FROM pg_stat_activity
    WHERE (now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start) > interval '5 minutes'
    and usename = 'metabase'
    and state = 'active'

SCAN RoR PDF generation

Problem: PDF generation errors out for specific barcodes

ERROR Errors were encountered (n=1) during processing of: ['s3://dokku-stack-phi/covid19/results-scan-study/AAAAAAAA-2020-01-01-en.pdf']
  • This problem is commonly caused by duplicate record IDs in REDCap. It is related to a known REDCap bug that ITHS is working to fix. If there are duplicate record IDs in or across study arms (e.g. asymptomatic or symptomatic), post a Slack message in the #redcap channel describing that there are one or more duplicate record_ids causing errors in our results PDF generation. Include which REDCap project contains the problem (e.g. English), and tag Misja.
  • Rarely, this problem pops up when ID3C failed to create a Specimen resource for a given REDCap record. Manually generating a DET for the target REDCap record should resolve this issue. If this issue continues to arise, then further debugging of our REDCap ingest process is warranted.

Problem: REDCap records with duplicated barcodes are dropped

Dropped 2 REDCap records with duplicated barcodes: ['AAAAAAAA']

Until this warning is resolved, it will prevent returning results to the affected study participants. When you encounter this warning, please create a new Trello card in the #record-troubleshooting board, and assign it to Misja.

Presence Absence Results

Investigating Presence/Absence Results

Problem: Need to investigate results from a specific plate

  • We do not have plate name/info in a field within the JSONs we get from Samplify. However it does seem like the controls of each plate has an investigatorId that starts with the plate name (e.g. BAT-049A*).
  • So if we need to investigate the results we received for a specific plate, I recommend running the following query to find the presence_absence_id for the plate. In this example, we are searching for plate BAT049A:
      json_to_recordset(document -> 'samples') as s("investigatorId" text)
      "investigatorId" like 'BAT-049A%'
    group by

Bad Presence/Absence Results Uploaded

Problem: A plate was swapped

  • When this happens, the lab may create new samples and reattach the results to those samples (see an example in Slack).
  • Our ETL would create new presence/absence records for the sample since the lims_id is part of the presence/absence identifier.
  • The sample record would be associated with both LIMS IDs, and the previous presence/absence results would still exist. A manual deletion of results associated with the original LIMS ID may be necessary.

Problem: A sample was retroactively failed

  • When this happens, the lab will re-push the entire plate of results with the updated sample results marked as Fail.
  • Our ETL skips Fail results, so we need to manually delete records in ID3C.
    1. Find the sample record within warehouse.sample using the collection barcode or sample barcode
    2. Find all result JSON documents containing the sample within receiving.presence_absence (Hopefully there's only two records: first incorrect one and an updated one)
    3. Download and diff the JSONs to verify that only the affected sample results are different.
      \copy (select document from receiving.presence_absence where presence_absence_id = ...) to 'fileA.json'
      \copy (select document from receiving.presence_absence where presence_absence_id = ...) to 'fileB.json'
      jq -S . fileA.json > fileA_fmt.json
      jq -S . fileB.json > fileB_fmt.json
      diff fileA_fmt.json fileB_fmt.json
    4. Delete the incorrect result record(s) for the sample from warehouse.presence_absence
    5. Delete the incorrect results JSON document from receiving.presence_absence so we don't ingest the incorrect results again when we bump the ETL revision number.
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