Secretshop is an one-stop online marketplace where users can put up listings to buy, trade or sell console games. We built Secretshop because we noticed the absence of a peer-to-peer platform for avid gamers in Singapore to exchange second-hand video games.
We are currently taking a break from the development of this project.
- Search through hundreds of listings using our filters
- Create your listings by simply by signing up and filling up a form
- Add a wishlist on your profile page and check out what others have in their inventory!
- Notify sellers you are interested in their listing using our realtime chat feature
Secretshop was built using the following open source framework and libraries:
- ReactJS - Library for building front end UI components
- Express - Fast Node.js network app framework
- NodeJS - Evented I/O for the backend
- MongoDB - One of the most popular non-relational databases for web apps
- Socket.IO - Enables realtime, bi-direction communication between web clients and servers
After cloning the repository, install the dependencies and devDependencies on both the frontend and backend.
cd secret-shop-sg/ frontend
cd ../backend
From the root directory, first start the backend server
cd backend
yarn start
Using another terminal instance, navigate back to the root dirctory and run the following code to start the frontend server
cd frontend
yarn start
Alternatively, click here after starting up the backend server
Marcus Tan 🇸🇬 Joshua Tan 🇸🇬 Richard Ding 🇸🇬