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Releases: seek-oss/capsize

@capsizecss/[email protected]

09 Nov 08:58
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Minor Changes

  • #93 db8da8e Thanks @michaeltaranto! - Remove fullName, postscriptName and subfamilyName fields

    The fullName, postscriptName and subfamilyName data fields were originally returned solely to support the website. These are no longer required, and looking to simplify this data structure in the lead up to version 1.

      "familyName": "Abril Fatface",
    -  "fullName": "Abril Fatface",
    -  "postscriptName": "AbrilFatface-Regular",
    -  "subfamilyName": "Regular",
      "capHeight": 700,
      "ascent": 1058,
      "descent": -291,
      "lineGap": 0,
      "unitsPerEm": 1000,
      "xHeight": 476

Patch Changes

  • #99 a108fe6 Thanks @danielroe! - fromFile: Resolve unpack metrics error when unable to read the font file.

    Fixes an issue where reading the metrics from a file could fail but still attempt to unpack the metrics.

@capsizecss/[email protected]

11 Jul 01:49
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Minor Changes

@capsizecss/[email protected]

23 Mar 21:35
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Minor Changes

  • #80 578682b Thanks @michaeltaranto! - Expose xHeight metadata when available

  • #80 578682b Thanks @michaeltaranto! - metrics: Ensure generated types reflect extracted metadata

    The constructed types will now align with the metadata available from the font itself. This will ensure that TypeScript consumers receieve build time feedback for incomplete metrics, allowing manual overrides to complete the required FontMetric data.


    When the font metadata does not include a capHeight:

      familyName: 'My Incomplete Font',
      ascent: 860,
      descent: -348,
      lineGap: 0,
      unitsPerEm: 1024

    TypeScript will now error when providing the metrics, rather than accepting them and rendering incorrectly.

    import myIncompleteFontMetrics from '@capsizecss/metrics/myIncompleteFont';
    import { createStyleObject } from '@capsizecss/core';
      fontSize: 16,
      leading: 24,
      // Errors with incomplete metrics, missing `capHeight`
      fontMetrics: myIncompleteFontMetrics,

    This allows consumers to resolve missing values and complete the contract.

      fontSize: 16,
      leading: 24,
      // Error can be resolved by providing a manual override
      fontMetrics: {
        capHeight: 594,

    Resolving missing data

    Resolving manual overrides can be done via the Capsize website. After selecting or uploading the font, use the Edit button at the end of Step 1.

Patch Changes

@capsizecss/[email protected]

24 Sep 10:56
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Minor Changes

@capsizecss/[email protected]

24 Sep 10:56
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Minor Changes

@capsizecss/[email protected]

23 Aug 00:49
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Major Changes

@capsizecss/[email protected]

23 Aug 00:49
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Major Changes

  • #41 beb400b Thanks @michaeltaranto! - The capsize package has been moved to its own organisation on npm called @capsizecss. This will allow an official ecosystem of tooling to be added over time.



    Accepts capsize options and returns a JS object representation of the capsize styles that is compatible with most css-in-js frameworks.

    This replaces the default export of the previous version (see migration guide below).

    import { createStyleObject } from '@capsizecss/core';
    const capsizeStyles = createStyleObject({
      fontSize: 18,
      fontMetrics: {
        // ...
        // fontFamily: '...' etc,
      My capsized text 🛶


    Accepts capsize options and returns a string representation of the capsize styles that can then be templated into a HTML style tag or appended to a stylesheet.

    import { createStyleString } from '@capsizecss/core';
    const capsizedStyleRule = createStyleString('capsizedText', {
      fontSize: 18,
      fontMetrics: {
        // ...
      <style type="text/css">
      <div class="capsizedText">
        My capsized text 🛶


    Accepts capsize options and returns all the information required to create styles for a specific font size given the provided font metrics. This is useful for integrations with different styling solutions.

    Breaking Change Migration Guide


    Replace the previous capsize dependency with the new scoped version of the package @capsizecss/core:

    npm uninstall capsize
    npm install @capsizecss/core

    API changes

    There is no longer a default export, this behaviour is now available via the createStyleObject named export.

    - import capsize from 'capsize';
    + import { createStyleObject } from '@capsizecss/core';
    - const styles = capsize({
    + const styles = createStyleObject({
      fontSize: 18,
      fontMetrics: {
        // ...

    Import changes

    Both the getCapHeight function and FontMetrics type still exist, but the package name will need to be updated.

    - import { getCapHeight, FontMetrics } from 'capsize';
    + import { getCapHeight, FontMetrics } from '@capsizecss/core';


    The CapsizeOptions type has been removed, you can infer this from the first argument passed to createStyleObject using TypeScripts built-in Parameters utility:

    - import type { CapsizeStyles } from 'capsize';
    + import type { createStyleObject } from '@capsizecss/core';
    + type CapsizeOptions = Parameters<typeof createStyleObject>[0];

    The CapsizeStyles type has been removed, you can infer this from createStyleObject using TypeScripts built-in ReturnType utility:

    - import type { CapsizeStyles } from 'capsize';
    + import type { createStyleObject } from '@capsizecss/core';
    + type CapsizeStyles = ReturnType<typeof createStyleObject>;

[email protected]

15 Mar 22:40
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Major Changes

  • 4719217 #33 Thanks @michaeltaranto! - Change margin collapse guard from padding to display table

    The styles object returned from capsize no longer contains a padding property (also removed the height property from the pseudo elements). This was previously used to prevent the negative margins from collapsing.

    The technique has been swapped out in favour of using display: table on the pseudo elements, which also required an inversion of the negative margin direction.

      "fontSize": "67.5165px",
      "lineHeight": "72px",
    -  "padding": "0.05px 0",
      "::before": {
        "content": "''",
    +    "marginBottom": "-0.1648em",
    +    "display": "table",
    -    "marginTop": "-0.1648em",
    -    "display": "block",
    -    "height": 0
      "::after": {
        "content": "''",
    +    "marginTop": "-0.1921em",
    +    "display": "table",
    -    "marginBottom": "-0.1921em",
    -    "display": "block",
    -    "height": 0

Patch Changes

[email protected]

30 Jul 06:01
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Minor Changes

  • 943bbc4 #19 Thanks @michaeltaranto! - Add getCapHeight utility and round decimal precision to 4 places

    Add getCapHeight({ fontSize: number, fontMetrics: FontMetrics }): number
    Utility to get the actual rendered cap height for a specific font size given the provided font metrics.

    CSS property precision
    Based on discovering that browser implementations of layout units fall between 1/60th and 1/64th of a pixel, rounding all property values to 4 decimal precision.

    (also mentions Mozilla -

[email protected]

27 Jul 05:49
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Patch Changes