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executable file
29 lines (25 loc) · 2.1 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
29 lines (25 loc) · 2.1 KB


Project initialization steps

  1. Initialize repository (typically via git init)
  2. Ensure default branch name is main (not master)
  3. Install dependencies (typically via npm install)
  4. Acknowledge pre-configured precommit git hooks, they validate changes to be committed against preconfigured lint rules and expected prettier style.
    If for some reason in context of this project you don't find it helpful, ensure to remove all husky and lint-stage related configuration.
  5. Acknowledge pre-configured semi-automation of a release process. For that to work as expected, project is expected to to follow semantic commit messages.
    See proposed Commit Message Guidelines.
    If for some reason in context of this project you don't find it helpful, ensure to remove all commitlint and standard-version related configuration, and cleanup .travis.yml.
  6. Fill all occurences of CHANGEME found in any files across a project with expected counterparts. While doing that also remove this section.
  7. (Needed for automatic tagging of new releases and sending release notes) Configure serverless-ci auth token (just public_repo scope is needed) into USER_GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub secret for CI/CD
  8. (Needed for npm publications) Configure serverless-main auth token into NPM_TOKEN GitHub secret for CI/CD
  9. Commit created changes, ideally by combining them into initial commit by pursuing following steps:
  • git stash
  • git rebase -i --root
    Change here 'pick' to 'edit' on first commit
  • git stash pop
  • git add -A .
  • git commit --amend '-S'
    Confirm on initial commit message.
    (note: this one doesn't necessarily need to confirm to commitlint. To make it distinct you may use emotikon as 💥).
  • git rebase --continue
  • git push -f
  1. Ideally all further updates should go through CI validated and reviewed PR's