COVID-19 in Spain dataset maintained by DATADISTA (in Spanish) provides details on COVID-19 confirmed cases by autonomous community (Spain's first-level political and administrative division) as well as information about health infrastructure (hospital beds) and supplies (face masks).
Update Frequency: Approximately weekly.
Dataset stats: Comma-separated values (CSV) files.
- Format: .csv
- Number of files: 9
- Language: Spanish
Dataset Profile: Pandas-profile for the dataset (generated on: 2020-07-02). Soon to be replaced with Dataprep EDA profile.
- nacional_covid19.csv
National COVID-19 confirmed cases information.
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication date. | 126 non-null | object |
1 | casos_total |
Total of confirmed cases | Accumulated total of COVID-19 confirmed cases (sum of PCR and Antibody cases columns). | 91 non-null | float64 |
2 | casos_pcr |
Number of PCR cases | Number of COVID-19 cases confirmed by PCR testing. PCR: Polymerase chain reaction test. | 126 non-null | int64 |
3 | casos_test_ac |
Number of Antibody cases | Number of COVID-19 cases confirmed by Antibody testing. | 48 non-null | float64 |
4 | altas |
Number of recoveries | Number of COVID-19 recoveries. | 71 non-null | float64 |
5 | fallecimientos |
Number of deaths | Number of COVID-19 deaths. | 114 non-null | float64 |
6 | ingresos_uci |
Number of ICU hospitalizations | Number of COVID-19 cases that required ICU hospitalization. | 58 non-null | float64 |
7 | hospitalizados |
Number of hospitalizations | Total number of COVID-19 cases that required hospitalization (including ICU hospitalizations). | 60 non-null | float64 |
- nacional_covid19_rango_edad.csv
National COVID-19 confirmed cases information per age range.
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication date. | 1878 non-null | object |
1 | rango_edad |
Age range | Patients' age range: "0-10", "10-19", "20-29", "30-39", "40-49", "50-59", "60-69", "70-79", and "80 y +" (80 and more). | 1878 non-null | object |
2 | sexo |
Gender | Gender: "hombres" (males), "mujeres" (females), "ambos" (both genders). | 1878 non-null | object |
3 | casos_confirmados |
Accumulated number of confirmed cases | Accumulated number of COVID-19 confirmed cases. | 1878 non-null | int64 |
4 | hospitalizados |
Accumulated number of hospitalizations | Accumulated number of COVID-19 cases that required hospitalization. | 1878 non-null | int64 |
5 | ingresos_uci |
Accumulated number of ICU hospitalizations | Number of COVID-19 cases that required ICU hospitalization. | 1878 non-null | int64 |
6 | fallecidos |
Accumulated number of deaths | Accumulated number of COVID-19 deaths. | 1878 non-null | int64 |
- ccaa_covid19_altas_long.csv
Number of COVID-19 recovered cases.
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication date. | 1368 non-null | object |
1 | cod_ine |
Autonomous Community code | Autonomous Community Code according to the following official National Statistics Institute (INE) table. | 1368 non-null | int64 |
2 | CCAA |
Autonomous Community name | In Spain, an autonomous community (Spanish: comunidad autónoma) is a first-level political and administrative division. | 1368 non-null | object |
3 | Total |
Accumulated recovered cases | Total number of COVID-19 recovered cases. | 1344 non-null | float64 |
- ccaa_covid19_casos_long.csv
Number of COVID-19 confirmed cases.
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication date. | 1729 non-null | object |
1 | cod_ine |
Autonomous Community code | Autonomous Community Code according to the following official National Statistics Institute (INE) table. | 1729 non-null | int64 |
2 | CCAA |
Autonomous Community name | In Spain, an autonomous community (Spanish: comunidad autónoma) is a first-level political and administrative division. | 1729 non-null | object |
3 | Total |
Number of confirmed cases | Total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases. | 1729 non-null | int64 |
- ccaa_covid19_fallecidos_long.csv
Number of COVID-19 deceased cases.
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication date. | 1558 non-null | object |
1 | cod_ine |
Autonomous Community code | Autonomous Community Code according to the following official National Statistics Institute (INE) table. | 1558 non-null | int64 |
2 | CCAA |
Autonomous Community name | In Spain, an autonomous community (Spanish: comunidad autónoma) is a first-level political and administrative division. | 1558 non-null | object |
3 | Total |
Number of deceased cases | Total number of COVID-19 deceased cases. | 1558 non-null | int64 |
- ccaa_covid19_hospitalizados_long.csv
Number of COVID-19 cases that required hospitalization (including ICU hospitalizations).
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication date. | 1786 non-null | object |
1 | cod_ine |
Autonomous Community code | Autonomous Community Code according to the following official National Statistics Institute (INE) table. | 1786 non-null | int64 |
2 | CCAA |
Autonomous Community name | In Spain, an autonomous community (Spanish: comunidad autónoma) is a first-level political and administrative division. | 1786 non-null | object |
3 | Total |
Number of hospitalization cases | Total number of COVID-19 cases that required hospitalization (including ICU hospitalizations). | 1458 non-null | float64 |
- ccaa_covid19_uci_long.csv
Number of COVID-19 cases that required ICU hospitalization.
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication date. | 1786 non-null | object |
1 | cod_ine |
Autonomous Community code | Autonomous Community Code according to the following official National Statistics Institute (INE) table. | 1786 non-null | int64 |
2 | CCAA |
Autonomous Community name | In Spain, an autonomous community (Spanish: comunidad autónoma) is a first-level political and administrative division. | 1786 non-null | object |
3 | Total |
Number of ICU hospitalization cases | Total number of COVID-19 cases that required ICU hospitalization. | 1488 non-null | float64 |
- ccaa_covid19_mascarillas.csv
Number of face masks available since 2020-03-10.
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | fecha |
Publication date | Publication Date | 58 non-null | object |
1 | cod_ine |
Autonomous Community code | Autonomous Community Code according to the following official National Statistics Institute (INE) table. | 57 non-null | float64 |
2 | CCAA |
Autonomous Community name | In Spain, an autonomous community (Spanish: comunidad autónoma) is a first-level political and administrative division. | 58 non-null | object |
3 | mascarillas_acumulado_desde_2020-03-10 |
Number of face masks available since 2020-03-10 | Number of face masks available since 2020-03-10. | 58 non-null | int64 |
- ccaa_camas_uci_2017.csv
As of 2017, number of ICU (Intensive Care Unit) beds per autonomous community (first-level political and administrative division in Spain).
ID | Column (in Spanish) | Column (in English) | Column additional information (if applicable) | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | cod_ine |
Autonomous Community code | Autonomous Community Code according to the following official National Statistics Institute (INE) table. | 17 non-null | int64 |
1 | CCAA |
Autonomous Community name | In Spain, an autonomous community (Spanish: comunidad autónoma) is a first-level political and administrative division. | 17 non-null | object |
2 | Públicos |
Number of public ICU beds | Number of ICU beds in public hospitals. | 17 non-null | int64 |
3 | Privados |
Number of private ICU beds | Number of ICU beds in private hospitals. | 17 non-null | int64 |
4 | Total |
Total of ICU beds | Total number of ICU beds in the autonomous community. | 17 non-null | int64 |
Please cite: DATADISTA GitHub dataset repository (in Spanish).