An iterative doodling adventure!
$ = document.querySelector.bind(document)
$$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)
deg2rad = (θ) -> θ * Math.PI / 180
rad2deg = (θ) -> θ / Math.PI * 180
wrapFunc = (f) -> (f2) ->
Each scrawl method returns a new scrawl instance so we can pass them around and call them without worrying about mutation. This is probably not very efficient, but nothing compared to DOM/SVG overhead.
This API is fairly heavily inspired by Logo/Turtle graphics.
scrawlProto =
scrawlWith: (props) ->
scrawl.apply null, (props[k] ? this[k] for k in ['svg', 'start', 'end', 'focus', 'angle', 'drawing', 'flipped'])
rotate: (deg) ->
deg = -deg if @flipped
@scrawlWith angle: @angle + deg2rad deg
forward: (rate = 1) ->
end =
x: @focus.x + Math.cos(@angle) * rate * @length
y: @focus.y + Math.sin(@angle) * rate * @length
@to end
backward: (rate = 1) -> @forward -rate
to: (point) ->
s = @scrawlWith start: @focus, end: point, focus: point
s.draw() if @drawing
penUp: -> @scrawlWith drawing: false
penDown: -> @scrawlWith drawing: true
fromStart: -> @scrawlWith focus: @start
fromEnd: -> @scrawlWith focus: @end
fromMiddle: -> @scrawlWith focus: @middle
from: (n) -> @scrawlWith focus: x: (@start.x * n + @end.x * (1-n)) / 2, y: (@start.y * n + @end.y * (1-n)) / 2
reverse: -> scrawl @svg, @end, @start
flip: -> @scrawlWith flipped: true
Drawing is a bit complicated - we want to be able to click lines even if their stroke is small, so we duplicate all lines in a second, larger group.
draw: ->
el = document.createElementNS("", "line");
el.setAttribute k, v for k, v of {x1: @start.x, y1: @start.y, x2: @end.x, y2: @end.y}
@svg.appendChild el
undoStack.addElement el
if clickables = @svg.querySelector('.clickables')
invisEl = el.cloneNode()
clickables.appendChild invisEl
undoStack.addElement invisEl
We just call this whenever we need a new scrawl. The only compulsory arguments are the svg element to write to and a start and an end point. We have a notion of a focus, which is a point (theoretically) on the line that is where our drawing commands will take effect from.
getAngle = (start, end) -> Math.atan2(end.y-start.y, end.x-start.x)
scrawl = (svg, start, end, focus = end, angle, drawing=true, flipped=false) ->
return scrawlFromLine svg if svg and svg.tagName is 'line'
angle ?= getAngle(start, end)
s = Object.create scrawlProto
s.svg = svg; s.start = start; s.end = end; s.focus = focus; s.angle = angle; s.drawing = drawing; s.flipped = flipped
s.middle = x: (start.x + end.x) / 2, y: (start.y + end.y) / 2
s.length = Math.sqrt((end.x - start.x)**2 + (end.y - start.y)**2)
scrawlFromLine = (el) ->
attr = (x) -> Number(el.getAttribute(x))
start = x: attr('x1'), y: attr('y1')
end = x: attr('x2'), y: attr('y2')
scrawl el.ownerSVGElement, start, end
We keep track of the current tool, which is set later on. That tool is just a function that we call on a scrawl when we click it.
curTool = ->
drawbox = $('#drawbox')
drawbox.addEventListener 'click', (ev) ->
el =
return unless el.tagName is 'line'
if ev.shiftKey
curTool scrawl el
When you mouseover a line it shows a preview of what the tool would look like if clicked. This is in another temporary svg group that we nuke regularly. We're taking advantage here of the fact that scrawl doesn't actually check if the thing it's attached to is an svg root. So we just tell it to draw where we want.
hoverbox = drawbox.querySelector('.hover')
currentHover = null
drawbox.addEventListener 'mouseover', (ev) ->
return unless is 'line'
currentHover =
s = scrawl
s.svg = hoverbox
curTool s
drawbox.addEventListener 'mouseout', (ev) ->
return unless is 'line'
currentHover = null
hoverbox.innerHTML = ""
We want to refresh the preview when the tool state is changed
refreshHover = ->
return unless currentHover
hoverbox.innerHTML = ""
s = scrawl currentHover
s.svg = hoverbox
curTool s
screenToSVG = (svg, point) ->
pt = svg.createSVGPoint()
ctm = svg.getScreenCTM().inverse()
pt.x = point.x
pt.y = point.y
newpt = pt.matrixTransform(ctm)
{x: newpt.x, y: newpt.y}
currentView = {}
currentView[k] = v for k, v of drawbox.viewBox.baseVal
clickableGroup = drawbox.querySelector('.clickables')
clickableWidth = 16
drawbox.addEventListener 'wheel', (ev) ->
scale = 1 + ev.deltaY/1000
if scale < 1
scalePoint = {x: ev.pageX, y: ev.pageY}
scalePoint = {x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2}
origin = screenToSVG drawbox, scalePoint
currentView = cv =
x: (currentView.x - origin.x) * scale + origin.x
y: (currentView.y - origin.y) * scale + origin.y
width: currentView.width * scale
height: currentView.height * scale
drawbox.setAttribute 'viewBox', "#{cv.x} #{cv.y} #{cv.width} #{cv.height}"
clickableWidth *= scale
clickableGroup.setAttribute 'stroke-width', clickableWidth
We implement undo with a simple stack model. Because the underlying code doesn't know about shapes, just lines, we just store all the lines for the current undo step in a big array and advance the undo stack on each click.
The initial line is drawn before the stack is advanced for the first time, so it can't be undone.
undoButton = $('#undo')
undoStack = do ->
stack = []
addElement: (el) -> stack[0]?.push el
next: ->
stack.unshift []
undoButton.disabled = false
undo: ->
el.remove() for el in stack.shift() if stack.length > 0
undoButton.disabled = true if stack.length is 0
undoButton.addEventListener 'click', -> undoStack.undo()
document.addEventListener 'keydown', (ev) -> undoStack.undo() if ev.keyCode is 90 and (ev.ctrlKey or ev.metaKey)
To convince the browser to let us download, we need to attach a pretend link element to the document and pretend to click it. We also strip out any extra groups we're using.
$('#download').addEventListener 'click', ->
d = drawbox.cloneNode(true)
f = new File([d.outerHTML], "scrawl.svg", {type:"image/svg+xml"});
a = document.createElement 'a'
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(f) = "scrawl.svg" = 'none'
This is the code that switches around tools. It's a bit gnarly because it does DOM and state management all at the same time. Basically we cycle through different permutations of each tool on repeated button press. That way we don't have to make separate tools for every direction.
toolState = 0
origTool = null
activate = (func, backwards) ->
if origTool is func
if backwards
toolState = toolState - 1
toolState = 3 if toolState < 0
toolState = (toolState + 1) % 4
toolState = 0
reversed = (toolState + 1) % 2 == 0
flipped = toolState > 1
origTool = func
curTool = (x) ->
x = x.reverse() if reversed
x = x.flip() if flipped
el.classList.remove 'active', 'reversed', 'flipped' for el in $$('.palettebutton')
if activeDiv = divs.get(func)
activeDiv.classList.add 'active', ('reversed' if reversed), ('flipped' if flipped)
parent = activeDiv.parentNode
top = parent.scrollTop
bottom = top + parent.offsetHeight
if activeDiv.offsetTop < top
parent.scrollTop = activeDiv.offsetTop
else if activeDiv.offsetTop + activeDiv.offsetHeight > bottom
parent.scrollTop = activeDiv.offsetTop - parent.offsetHeight + activeDiv.offsetHeight
keymap = {}
window.addEventListener 'keypress', (ev) ->
char = String.fromCharCode(ev.which || ev.keyCode)
if func = keymap[char.toLowerCase()]
activate func, ev.shiftKey
divs = new Map()
This is pretty clever. We use scrawl itself to preview tools rather than using static imagaes. That means no boring image management.
addPalette = (func, key) ->
keymap[key] = func if key
div = document.createElement 'div'
divs.set func, div
div.className = 'palettebutton'
div.innerHTML = """
<div class="key">#{key or ''}</div>
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1"
viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"
stroke="black" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round">
<line x1="25" y1="50" x2="75" y2="50"></line>
div.addEventListener 'click', -> activate func
func scrawl div.querySelector('line')
$('#palette').appendChild div
Triangles work great for making spirals and other fun iterative shapes. We include a 90 degree right triangle
rtriangle = (line) -> line.rotate(135).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2)).rotate(90).forward()
rtriangleh = (line) -> line.rotate(90).forward(1).to(line.start)
A 3-4-5 triangle
wtriangle = (line) -> line.rotate(120).forward(1/2).rotate(90).forward(Math.sqrt(3))
mtriangle = (line) -> line.rotate(90).forward(Math.sqrt(3)).rotate(150).forward(2/Math.sqrt(3))
ltriangle = (line) -> line.rotate(90).forward(1/Math.sqrt(3)).rotate(120).forward(2)
An equilateral triangle
eqtriangle = (line) -> line.rotate(120).forward().rotate(120).forward()
And an isoceles triangle (using the line as the base height)
isoceles = (line) -> base = tee(line);
Enclosing shapes:
box = (line) -> rightangle(rightangle(rightangle(tee(line))))
diamond = (line) -> rightangle(rightangle(rightangle(line.rotate(135).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2)))))
ubend = (line) -> rightangle rightangle rightangle line
Golden ratio magic
PHI = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2
golden = (line) ->
goldener = (line) ->
Shapes where we put something on the end:
rightangle = (line) -> line.rotate(90).forward()
arrow = (line) -> line.rotate(135).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2)); line.rotate(-135).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2))
tee = (line) -> line.rotate(90).penUp().backward(0.5).penDown().forward(2)
qswirl = (line) -> line.rotate(90).forward(0.5).rotate(90).forward().rotate(90).forward()
hook = (line) -> line.rotate(90).forward(0.5).rotate(90).forward(1)
sbend = (line) -> line.rotate(90).forward(0.5)
zbend = (line) -> line.rotate(135).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2))
fork = (line) -> line.rotate(30).forward(); line.rotate(-30).forward()
latch = (line) -> t = tee(line); t.fromStart().rotate(-90).forward(1); t.rotate(-90).forward(1)
bulb = (line) -> line.rotate(-90).penUp().backward(0.5).penDown().forward(2).rotate(90).forward(1).rotate(90).forward(1).rotate(90).forward(1)
diamondbulb = (line) -> line.rotate(-45).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2)).rotate(90).forward(1).rotate(90).forward(1).rotate(90).forward(1)
slash = (line) -> line.rotate(135).penUp().backward(1/Math.sqrt(2)).penDown().forward(2)
backslash = (line) -> line.rotate(-135).penDown().forward(Math.sqrt(2))
Shapes where we build out from the middle
intersect = (line) -> line.fromMiddle().penUp().rotate(90).backward(0.5).penDown().forward(2)
normal = (line) -> line.fromMiddle().rotate(90).forward(0.5)
kay = (line) -> line.fromMiddle().rotate(45).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2)); line.fromMiddle().rotate(135).forward(1/Math.sqrt(2))
star = (line) -> intersect(line); intersect(line.rotate(45)); intersect(line.rotate(135))
Line extension:
extend = (line) -> line.forward()
bang = (line) -> line.penUp().forward(1/2).penDown().forward(1)
We procedurally generate shapes for building n-gons (3-12)
ngon = (n) -> (line) -> line.rotate(180 - (1-2/n) * 180).forward()
These are a bit cheeky, but pretty useful
halve = (line) -> line.fromStart().forward(0.5).forward(1)
double = (line) -> line.fromStart().forward(2)
Now add all of these to the palette
addPalette rtriangle, 'r'
addPalette rtriangleh, 'p'
addPalette mtriangle, 'm'
addPalette wtriangle, 'w'
addPalette ltriangle, 'l'
addPalette eqtriangle, 'v'
addPalette isoceles, 'i'
addPalette box, 'b'
addPalette diamond, 'd'
addPalette ubend, 'u'
addPalette golden, 'g'
addPalette goldener, 'f'
addPalette arrow, 'a'
addPalette tee, 't'
addPalette qswirl, 'q'
addPalette fork, 'y'
addPalette normal, 'n'
addPalette sbend, 's'
addPalette zbend, 'z'
addPalette hook, 'j'
addPalette slash, '/'
addPalette backslash, '\\'
addPalette kay, 'k'
addPalette star, '*'
addPalette intersect, 'x'
addPalette bulb, 'o'
addPalette diamondbulb, 'h'
addPalette latch, 'c'
addPalette bang, '!'
addPalette extend, 'e'
addPalette ngon(n), String(n%10) for n in [3..12]
addPalette halve, '.'
addPalette double, ','
activate rtriangle
activate rtriangle # Second time so we reverse it