Anyone who has tried to compile and install scipy
from source can attest that manually installing complex Python dependencies can be a time-consuming nightmare.
If your code makes use of the many wonderful Python packages out there as dependencies, it can quickly become unmanageable to expect users to install these dependencies by hand.
Don't simply list all the "prerequisites" your code requires and expect the user to figure out how to install them. Users that are new to the Python ecosystem may try to install them in any manner of ways, and it's not guaranteed that they will manage to install fully compatible versions. It is almost guaranteed they will not enjoy installing a large list of dependencies manually.
The more we, as tool providers, can do to simplify the installation process, the better. If prospective users can easily install your tool and get up and running quickly, they are much more likely to use your tool, get something done, and cite your work.
If your package is pure Python, it's easy to package and deploy to a very wide audience via the Python Package Index.
This site greatly simplifies installation from the user perspective via the tool pip
which is available almost universally in common Python distributions.
Installation of a tool like pymbar
is simplified to:
pip install pymbar
This automatically installs the specified package and its dependencies---which must also be available through PyPI---into the user's current Python installation.
Note that if this is a system Python installation, pip install <packagename>
may ask for an administrator or root password so that the package can be installed into the system Python installation.
This is highly discouraged: We recommend that, whenever possible, user-space Python installations, such as the Miniconda minimal Python install installed into the user's home directory, be used.
The user can also manage multiple environments this way, in case different incompatible dependency versions are needed for different toolchains.
Packages with compiled components or binary libraries that must be distributed alongside them can generally not be deployed via PyPI.
While this is changing with wider support for Python wheels (see PEP 427, PEP 491, and PEP 513), the recommended approach for codes that depend on platform-specific libraries is the conda
scheme described below.
If you have a pure Python package you would like to upload to PyPI and have already structured it to be installable by a
that makes use of distutils
, uploading your package is very easy.
This tutorial provides a gentle introduction to the whole process, but once everything is structured correctly, uploading is as simple as:
python register -r pypi
python sdist upload -r pypi
It is highly recommended that you first upload your package to the PyPI testing site before uploading it to the live PyPI.
The Conda package manager was developed as a solution to the fact that installing anything with platform-specific or binary dependencies via PyPI was essentially impossible.
You can read about the problems that conda
attempts to solve in this excellent blog piece, and learn about its advanced features.
Since its inception, it has grown into a robust, stable way to deploy scientific Python packages that often depend on complex compiled code for maximum performance via the Anaconda cloud.
While users with pip
can in principle obtain conda
pip install conda
the preferred way to create a new conda
-enabled minimal Python distribution is via the minimal miniconda
distribution from
For example, on a Linux cluster, you can install a fully functional conda
-enabled Python distribution with
wget # fetch miniconda installer
bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda3 # install it automatically
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH" # add it to your PATH
See the conda
quick install instructions for more on getting started quickly.
Once conda
is installed, installation of tools with complex dependencies can then be done via conda install
# Install seaborn, jupyter, and scipy
conda install --yes seaborn jupyter scipy
There are several ways to make use of conda
and the Anaconda cloud to distribute your software:
Conda-Forge has emerged as the community standard way to automate release builds and uploads to the Anaconda cloud for community-developed codes.
Excellent documentation is available for adding a recipe for automatically building your software for Windows, Linux, and OSX, provided it can easily be built using only conda
-installable dependencies.
The Omnia software consortium was formed to make deployment of high-performance computational chemistry codes that can take advantage of GPU computing (such as OpenMM) easy, and to nucleate a community of interoperable codes for computational chemistry. The Omnia build system is similar to Conda-Forge, but uses specialized build infrastructure that provides CUDA and OpenCL capabilities. Instructions for contributing a recipe for building and deploying your code through Omnia can be found here.
Want to contribute to this repository? Have a suggestion for an improvement? Spot a typo? We're always looking to improve this document for the betterment of all.
- Please feel free to open a new issue with your feedback and suggestions!
- Or make a pull request from your branch or fork!