# Installing the code
git clone --recurse-submodule [email protected]:sgnoohc/WVZLooper.git
cd WVZLooper
source setup.sh
make clean
make -j
sh runall.sh -b baseline_0709 -t WVZ -v v0.1.11
sh runall.sh -b baseline_0709_with_systs -t WVZ -v v0.1.11 -s
For example,
sh runall.sh -b baseline_0709 -t WVZ -v 0.1.11 -d myplots -p ChannelEMuHighMT__MllNom -n 5
To plot 5 bin dilepton mass spectrum in emu channel
The extrapolation uncertainties for control regions were obatined from the following script.
Make sure the directory paths in the python script is pointing to the right places.
python scripts/extrapolation_uncertainty.py
# In another terminal
source setup.sh
python scripts/write_datacards.py -t WVZ -v v0.1.11 -b baseline_0709_with_systs
# In another new terminal
cd stats/
source setup_higgs_combine.sh
cd ../
sh stats/combine.sh -t WVZ -v v0.1.11 -b baseline_0709_with_systs
sh stats/doSensitivity.sh stats/stat.txt
sh stats/doSensitivity.sh stats/WVZ2016_v0.1.11/y2016_baseline_0709_with_systs/stat.txt
sh stats/doSensitivity.sh stats/WVZ2017_v0.1.11/y2017_baseline_0709_with_systs/stat.txt
sh stats/doSensitivity.sh stats/WVZ2018_v0.1.11/y2018_baseline_0709_with_systs/stat.txt
For fake validations one uses the trilepton filtered baby
sh runall.sh -b baseline_0709 -t Trilep -v v0.1.11
It follows similar structure
sh runall.sh -b baseline_0709 -t Trilep -v v0.1.11 -d fakevr -p DYPlusXFakeMuMR__lepFakeCand2relIso03EA -u
To draw the WZ v. DY ttbar comparison plots use the following script.
Make sure the directory pahts in the python script is pointing to the right places.
python scripts/compare_fakes.py