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Cory Gillenkirk edited this page Jul 18, 2016 · 3 revisions


Command Parameters Description
nte N/A Displays all available command arguments
nte debug Displays debug information
nte reload Reloads configuration and nametags
nte clear [player] Clears the prefix and suffix for a player
nte <prefix/suffix> [player] <text> Sets the prefix or suffix for a player
nte groups list Lists all loaded groups
nte groups order <groups> Orders the priority of groups.
nte groups add [group] Creates a new group
nte groups remove [group] Removes a group
nte groups [group] [perm] <value> Sets the default permission for a group
nte groups [group] [prefix] <value> Sets the prefix for a group
nte groups [group] [suffix] <value> Sets the suffix for a group
nte groups [group] clear <prefix/suffix> Clears the suffix for a group

Example Command Usage

Ordering Group Priority

Suppose we have 3 groups: Owner, Admin, Default. The first group looked at is the one with the highest priority. We would use:

/ne groups order Owner Admin Default

NametagEdit will remember the order so groups always load properly. v4.0.1 - Only users who use a database can use this command

Editing Invidiual Prefixes/Suffixes

Suppose we wish to have a nametag like

[Admin] sgtcazeyt

The command would be:

/nte prefix sgtcazeyt '[Admin] '

The ' character will be automatically removed, and allow you to use spaces

Creating/Editing Group Properties

So we want to create, or edit a group. We can start by creating it:

  • Run /ne groups add MyGroup
  • Assign a permission /ne groups set perm MyGroup my.custom.permission
  • Set the prefix: /ne groups set prefix MyGroup '&a[MyGroup] &e'
  • Set the suffix: /ne groups set suffix MyGroup ' &cMy Suffix'
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