Models provide a convenient object representation for rows in the database, as well as a
convenient way to access related objects by Foreign Keys. Most models will subclass one
or more mixins, which provide convenient abstractions for commonly used methods. However,
compared to classic SQLAlchemy models, pulsar's may be larger and require more manual
code. In order to take advantage of caching at a model level, we do not define
's, instead opting to create properties which return other models with
their methods which support caching. Caching is handled by the mixins subclassed by
's are used to add attributes to models which are not part of their SQL
schema. @cached_property
is an alternative @property
which caches the value in a
private variable and should be used for any properties that do not change during the
lifetime of a request.
.. automodule:: core.users.models :members: :show-inheritance:
.. automodule:: core.permissions.models :members: :show-inheritance:
.. automodule:: forums.models :members: :show-inheritance: