run *npm install
cd ios
Run pod install
run cd ..
run react-native run-ios
To Edit on native part Open file AudioStream2.xcworkspace on xcode
Creating the native bridge
I created two files
- RCTCustom.h
- RCTCustom.m
.h is the header file where we declare all our interfaces and modules to import. In our case I have to #import "RCTBridgeModule.h"
, and define an interface
@interface RCTCustom : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule> @end
which am going to implement and write our custom function.
Once done get to the .m file where the actual implementation happens.
#import "RCTCustom.h"
include the .h file defined,
then our implementation code
@implementation RCTCustom ... @end
between this code our entire implementation goes.
##Expose Module
says that this module entirely is accessible in ReactJavascript layer. If want to give a specific name RCT_EXPORT_MODULE("MyModuleName");
###Exposing a method
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(play:(NSString *)url) { RCTLogInfo(@"Pretending to create an event %@ ", url); STKAudioPlayer* audioPlayer = [[STKAudioPlayer alloc] init]; [audioPlayer play:url]; }
##Javacript layer
Add NativeModules to import
var RCTCustom = NativeModules.Custom;
A small glitch here, please note that the module we import doesn't have RCT prefix in that'')