Name | Type | Description | Notes |
key | String | A URL-friendly name of the project (i.e: slug). You will be able to query later using this key instead of the id (UUID) of the project. | |
urn_namespace | Option<String> | Optional namespace for URNs. If empty, URNs will be generated from project key. | [optional] |
name | String | The name of the project | |
description | Option<String> | a longer description outlining the project objectives | [optional] |
settings | Option<serde_json::Value> | the settings for this project | [optional] |
active_policy_repo_id | Option<uuid::Uuid> | the id of the policy repo to use for this project | [optional] |
initial_environments | Option<Vecmodels::EnvironmentCreate> | The initial environments to create for this project. By default, 'Development' and 'Production' are created, specify [] (empty list) to skip that. | [optional][default to [{key=dev, name=Development}, {key=production, name=Production}]] |