To update the Cilium package with upstream, please follow the next steps.
Download the upstream manifests:
helm repo add cilium
helm repo update
helm search repo cilium/cilium
helm pull cilium/cilium --version 1.16.3 --untar --untardir /tmp
Change the tag for the images on the file MAINTENANCE.values.yaml
, check the
new one on /tmp/cilium/values.yaml
Render the manifests:
# before running helm template, remove from the /tmp/cilium/templates/validate.yaml
# the ServiceMonitor capability check, otherwise it will not work
helm template cilium /tmp/cilium --namespace kube-system --values MAINTENANCE.values.yaml > built-with-hubble.yaml
helm template cilium /tmp/cilium --namespace kube-system --values MAINTENANCE.values.yaml \
--set hubble.enabled=false \
--set hubble.relay.enabled=false \
--set hubble.ui.enabled=false \
--set hubble.metrics.enabled=null > built-without-hubble.yaml
You need one version with hubble enabled and one version with hubble disabled, to
check differences between the two deployments and assure that the folder hubble
contains the correct patches to cilium without hubble, core
Check differences between core/deploy.yaml
and built-without-hubble.yaml
update accordingly.
Then, create a dummy kustomization project with the file built-with-hubble.yaml
as resource, and build it:
mkdir dummy
cp built-with-hubble.yaml dummy
echo -e "resources:\n- built-with-hubble.yaml" > dummy/kustomization.yaml
kustomize build dummy > built-from-helm.yaml
# Now build the current project:
kustomize build . > built.yaml
And check the differences betweeen built-from-helm.yaml
and built.yaml
Beware that we changed how we generate the base CA from helm to cert-manager using a self-signed CA, and also, we fixed the ServiceMonitor for the hubble metrics, adding a target port on the cilium service and changing the target of the hubble ServiceMonitor.
Once you're done aligning the manifest with upstream, replace the old one hubble/deploy.yaml
with the newly built built.yaml
mv built.yaml hubble/deploy.yaml