By Simon Owen ([email protected])
SimCoupe emulates the SAM Coupé - a British Z80-based home computer released in 1989 by Miles Gordon Technology. See the Links section at the end of this document for more information, including history and technical specifications.
SAM starts up ready to accept BASIC programs, with software loaded from tape or disk.
The steps required to boot a disk on a real SAM are:
- Press the reset button to Return to the start-up screen
- Insert disk in floppy drive 1
- Press F9 (or enter BOOT) to boot the disk
The equivalent steps in SimCoupe are:
- Press F12 to reset the emulated SAM
- Press F1 to browse for a disk image
- Press Numpad-9 or type BOOT and press Enter
The default SimCoupe settings actually make the final step unnecessary, as disks inserted into drive 1 at the SAM start-up screen are booted automatically. To boot a disk inserted at any other time, press F12 to reset then Numpad-9 to boot (Numlock must be On).
Commercial titles will start automatically when booted, but some SAM disks found online may not. Here are the common failure messages:
55 Missing Disk, 0:1
There's no disk in drive 1 - did you insert into drive 2 instead?
19 Loading error, 0:1
The boot sector (track 4, sector 1) could not be loaded. The disk could be unformatted or may be damaged.
53 No DOS, 0:1
The disk does not have a valid boot sector, and cannot be booted. The default SimCoupe settings avoid this error by substituting an internal DOS image, so you're more likely to see the following error instead.
101 no AUTO* file, 0:1
DOS was booted, but no filename starting with "auto" was found to load. To avoid this error, boot using BOOT 1 instead, which loads DOS but doesn't attempt to auto-run any file. Try DIR 1 to list the files on drive 1, then LOAD n, where n is a file number to load.
0 OK, 0:1
DOS was loaded and an "auto" file was found, but there was no auto-run line number to execute from. Use LIST to check for a BASIC listing, and RUN to execute it. Otherwise use DIR 1 for a directory listing, to manually select a file to load.
SimCoupe can use software in the following disk image types:
- Simple sector dump of +D/SAM disks: 2 sides, 80 tracks/side, 10
sectors/track, 512 bytes/sector = 819200 bytes. Older images in this format may
have a .dsk file extension. This is the preferred format for normal format SAM
- SAm Disk format, created by Aley Keprt. Also a sector-based dump, but
with a 22-byte file header allowing disk-wide geometry adjustments to
sides/disk, tracks/side, sectors/track and bytes/sector. Normal SAM disks
stored in SAD format are 819222 bytes, but a difference in track order prevents
removing the 22-byte header to give an equivalent MGT image. Version 2 SAD
images are the same basic format, but compressed using gzip.
- Extended DSK (EDSK) images, originally used for Amstrad CPC and
Spectum +3 disks. A flexible format able to represent all existing SAM disks.
Images size is proportional to the disk geometry, with a normal SAM disk format
around 840K.
- Sam BooTable files, created by Andrew Collier. These are self-booting
files designed to be copied to an empty SAM disk, then booted. While not
technically disk images, SimCoupe treats them as such (read-only).
TeleDisk .TD0 (and other) images can be converted to EDSK using SAMdisk.
If you are a Windows user and your PC motherboard still includes a floppy port you can use many original SAM disks directly in SimCoupe. Even custom-formatted titles such as Lemmings and Prince of Persia can be booted directly.
To use this you must connect your floppy drive directly to the motherboard using a standard 34-pin cable. Very few modern motherboards still support this. USB floppy drives will NOT work as they can't read the 10th sector from tracks.
You must also install a free 3rd party driver to give full access to the drive. This is a one-time install and must be run by a user with Administrator access rights. The driver installer is available from:
To use real disks under Windows 7 or later:
- Install the fdrawcmd.sys driver, if not already installed
- Insert your SAM disk into PC drive A:
- Select "Open A:" from the File menu to use as SAM drive 1
- Boot/use the disk as normal
SimCoupe emulates the Atom and Atom Lite hard disk interfaces. Atom's DOS (BDOS) is compatible with the original SAMDOS. The hard disk is treated as an array of floppy-sized records, giving good compatibility with existing software.
Real hard disks and compact flash (CF) cards can be used under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. This gives a fast and reliable way to share data between with a real SAM machine. For safety, only USB-connected disks can be opened in SimCoupe.
If you don't have a real device to use, you can still work with existing hard disk images files (HDF):
- Press F10 to open the SimCoupe options
- In the Disks section, click "..." next to the Atom interface type
- Browse to select an existing HDF image file to use
- Click OK twice and you're ready to boot BDOS
To create and prepare a new HDF image:
- Press F10 to open the SimCoupe options
- In the Disks section, click "..." next to the Atom interface type
- Enter a new path and size in megabytes (32MB = 40 floppy records)
- Click OK twice to create the disk and return to the emulation
- Boot a BDOS version (1.6e is recommended)
- With "Floppy drive" selected, press Cursor-right to view the files
- Select "Formatter" and press Enter
- Press Enter again, then "Y" to begin the Atom format
- Your HDF image is now ready to use!
For more details on using BDOS, visit Edwin Blink's pages:
- Insert your CF card in the USB reader
- In SimCoupe, press F10 to open the options
- In the Disks section, click the combo-box down-arrow for the Atom
- Select the device name to use.
- Click OK twice and you're ready to boot BDOS
The details for discovering the IDE/CF device path will depend on the Linux distribution you're using, but is usually one of the following:
- For IDE hard disks, try
fdisk -l
as root to list available devices. - For USB devices, try
tail -f /var/log/messages
then inserting it. - Failing those, browse through the raw
dmesg | less
Once you've found the device path:
- In SimCoupe, press F10 to open the options
- In the Disks section, enter the device path for the Atom hard disk
- Click OK then Close, and you're ready to boot BDOS
- Insert the CF card in your USB reader
- When warned about an unreadable disk, click Ignore
- Open Disk Utility and select your CF volume (orange USB icon)
- Click Info on the toolbar, and find the Disk Identifier (such as disk1)
- Prefix the identifier with
for the device path (/dev/rdisk1
) - In SimCoupe, press Cmd-F10 to open the options dialog
- In the Disks section, enter the device path for the Atom hard disk
- Click OK then Close, and you're ready to boot BDOS!
In most cases you only need to determine the device path once, as it will be the same the next time you insert it. It will only change if other disk devices have been added/removed.
SimCoupe supports print-to-file on all platforms, making it easy to export code listings to a plain text file. Configure as follows:
- Press F10 to open the options
- Select the Parallel section
- Under the Port 1 drop-down, select Printer
- In the Printer Device section, select "File: prntNNNN.txt"
- Click OK to accept the new settings.
You can now print from most applications, and use LLIST to print BASIC listings. The output will be saved to a file in your Data Files directory, with a unique name matching the template "prntNNNN.txt".
The default SAM keyboard mode allows letters, digits and symbols to be typed as normal on your keyboard, with SimCoupe automatically converting them to the appropriate SAM key sequence. There's also a Spectrum mapping mode to use when running Spectrum software, and a raw mode to disable the mappings.
The SAM has a keypad of function keys from F0 to F9 located on the right-side of the keyboard. For similar key positions in SimCoupe, the SAM keypad is mapped to the numeric keypad on your keyboard. You'll need to have Numlock enabled for these keys to be recognised. Don't forget that when SAM software refers to function keys, you must use the numeric keypad instead!
F1 to F12 keys on your keyboard are used for emulator functions, with the default mappings shown below. Under OS X, keys F9 to F12 are used by Expose and Dashboard, so you'll need to hold the Command key in addition to the combinations below to access them.
Holding the Windows key and pressing F1 to F10 will generate the corresponding SAM function key F1 to F0. Recent versions of Windows process Win-F1 as help, so Win-F11 can also be used to access the SAM F1 key.
F1 = Open disk 1
Shift-F1 = Eject disk 1
Ctrl-F1 = Save disk 1
Alt-F1 = New disk 1
F2 = Open disk 2
Shift-F2 = Eject disk 2
Ctrl-F2 = Save disk 2
Alt-F2 = New disk 2
F3 = Tape browser
F4 = Import data
Shift-F4 = Export data
Alt-F4 = Exit application
F5 = Toggle TV aspect ratio
F6 = Toggle display smoothing
F8 = Toggle full-screen
F9 = Debugger
Shift-F9 = Save SAM screenshot in PNG format
F10 = Options
F11 = NMI Button
F12 = Reset button
Ctrl-F12 = Exit application
Win-Fx = SAM function key Fx
PrintScrn = Save SAM screenshot in PNG format
Pause = Pause emulation
Ctrl-Break = Reset
Ctrl-Keypad * = Reset
Ctrl-Keypad - = Normal emulation speed
Keypad - = Reduce emulation speed
Keypad + = Increase emulation speed
Keypad * = Turbo speed
Turbo speed disables the frame sync and sound, and limits the display to just 5 frames per second. This usually gives a big speed boost, which is useful for zooming through slow sections in games and demos, etc.
SAM shift modifier keys and special symbols are mapped as follows:
Insert = Inv
Left-Ctrl = Symbol
Right-Ctrl = Cntrl
Left-Alt = Cntrl (if enabled)
Right-Alt = Edit (if enabled)
Menu Key = Edit
` (backtick) = (c)
. (on keypad) = (c)
§ (section) = #
The following additional combinations are also provided for convenience, since they map common keys to the equivalent function on the SAM:
Native key SAM key
---------- -------
Delete = Shift-Delete
Numlock = Symbol-Edit (toggles SAM BASIC keypad mode)
Home = Cntrl-Left
End = Cntrl-Right
Page Up = F4
Page Down = F1
The debugger provides code, text, data and graphical views of memory, with typical debugging functions such as single-stepping and breakpoints.
The debugger starts in disassembly view, highlighting the next instruction. Symbols are shown for ROM locations, and for custom code if built with pyz80 using the --mapfile= option. The register panel on the right shows the current system state.
The first 7 lines of the panel show Z80 register values, with changed registers display in pink text. Below it are the current interrupt mode, and the interrupt state (EI or DI). The arrows below the SP value point to the top of the stack, where the top 4 values are shown.
IM shows the current interrupt mode, and IFF1 status (DI/EI).
Stat shows the 5 interrupt status flags: O=midi-out, F=frame, I=midi-in, M=mouse and L=line. These letters are visible when the corresponding interrupt type is active (low) in the status port (F9/249).
Scan shows the line number (0-311) and line-cycle counter (0-383) for the current raster position within the frame. If the position is within the visible area, the raster is shown on the display as a pulsing white dot.
T shows the cycle offset within the current frame (0-119807). Below it is the number of cycles since the debugger was last active. During single stepping this shows the timing for the last instruction, including any I/O contention delays. Stepping over an instruction will give the total time for the step.
A/B/C/D show the page present in each of the four 16K mamory banks. This will be ROM 0-1, RAM 00-1F for internal memory, or EXT 00-FF for external memory. Cyan text indicates the area is read-only.
L/H/V/M show the current LMPR/HMPR/VMPR paging register values, plus the current display mode (1-4).
Events shows upcoming events, and the number of cycles before they are due:
FINT = start of frame interrupt
FEND = end of frame interrupt
LINT = start of line interrupt
LEND = end of line interrupt
MIDI = MIDI OUT interrupt
MEND = end of active MIDI OUT interrupt
MTXF = end of TXFMST active in LMPR
MOUS = mouse reset after strobe
BLUE = Blue Alpha clock tick
TAPE = next tape edge due
ASIC = end of ASIC startup sequence
Keys active in all views:
A = enter new view address
B = breakpoint list
C = code trace history
D = disassembly view
G = graphics view
H = change HMPR page
L = change LMPR page
M = change screen mode
N = number view
T = text view
V = change VMPR page
Keypad-0 = toggle ROM0
Keypad-1 = toggle ROM1
Keypad-2 = toggle RAM write-protection
Keypad-3 = toggle external RAM
Ctrl-T = toggle debugger transparency
Esc = exit debugger, or return to disassembly view
Disassembly View:
S = toggle symbol display
U = execute until condition is met
Keypad-7 = single step 1 instruction
Keypad-8 = step over instruction
Keypad-9 = step out of function
Keypad-4 = step 10 instructions (10000)
Keypad-4/5/6 = step 10/100/1000 instructions
Ctrl-KP4/5/6 = step 10K/100K/1M instructions
Ctrl-Keypad-8 = step over with code timing (no ints, border contention)
Left/Right = scroll 1 byte
Up/Down = scroll 1 instruction
PgUp/PgDn = scroll 1 page
Ctrl-Left/Right = move PC by 1 byte
Ctrl-Up/Down = move PC by 1 instruction
Return = debugger command mode (see below)
Text/Number View:
Up/Down = scroll by 1 line
Left/Right = scroll by 1 byte
PgUp/PgDn = scroll by 1 page
Graphics View:
1/2/3/4 = select screen mode
Up/Down = scroll by 1 line
Left/Right = scroll by 1 byte
Ctrl-Up/Down = zoom in/out
Ctrl-Left/Right = adjust column width by 1 byte
PgUp/PgDn = scroll by 1 column
Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn = scroll by 1 page
Trace View:
Space = toggle single/double register display
S = toggle address symbol display
Debugger Command Mode:
di / ei = disable/enable interrupts
im M = set interrupt mode M (0-2)
reset = reset emulation
nmi = generate non-maskable interrupt
zap = replace current instruction by NOP
call ADDR = simulate call of address A
push W = push 16-bit value W onto stack
pop [reg] = pop 16-bit value, optionally to register
break = set paging+interrupts in an attempt to return to BASIC
x N = execute N instructions
[x] until COND = execute until condition is true (one-shot)
bpu COND = breakpoint on condition (permanent)
bpx ADDR = execute breakpoint at ADDR with optional condition
bpm ADDR [r|w|rw] = memory breakpoint with optional access specifier
bpmr A B [r|w|rw] = memory range breakpoint from address A for length B
bpio P [rw|r|w] = I/O breakpoint on port P
bpint I = breakpoint on interrupt (frame/line/midi/midiin/midiout)
flag +|- sz5h3vnc = set and/or reset flag bits
bc N = clear breakpoint N (* for all)
bd N = disable breakpoint N
bd N = enable breakpoint N
exx = exchange BC/DE/HL with BC'/DE'/HL'
ex de,hl = exchange DE with HL
ld R,N = load register R with value N
r R=N = load register R with value N
out P,N = write value N to port P
poke A,N1[,N2,...] = poke address A with one or more values
Breakpoint addresses are resolved to a physical location, so they'll trigger if the same underlying memory is access from a different paging position. They can also be specified in page:offset format for an explicit location e.g. bpx 1:0 will break when page 1 offset 0 (BASIC address 0x8000/32768) is executed.
Breakpoints accept an optional condition, by adding if COND
to the end of the
command. If present, the breakpoint will only trigger when the expression is
Single-stepping a HALT instruction will step into the interrupt handler, assuming interrupts are enabled. Stepping over a HALT will completely execute the handler, as if stepping over a call. Step-over also recognises JP/JR instructions, and will single-step to follow the jump rather than attempting to step over it.
To return to the current execution point after browsing other memory locations,
press A to enter a new address and enter pc
as the expression. Alternatively,
single-step and the view will automatically return to the next instruction.
To aid to debugging, conditional instructions show whether or not the condition is met by the current flags. If execution flow is changing, the current highlight changes from yellow to green, and an arrow indicates whether the change is above or below the current location.
Double-clicking on an instruction in disassembly view will set an execution breakpoint for that address.
Unary: + - ~ ! * =
Binary arithmetic: + - * / \ %
Logical: && || and or
Comparison: == != <> < > <= >=
Bitwise arithmetic: & | ^ band bor bxor
Bitwise shift: << >>
Single registers: a f b c d e h l i r ixh ixl iyh iyl
Double registers: af bc de hl af' bc' de' hl' ix iy sp pc
Paging: lpage hpage vpage vmode lepage hepage rom0 rom1 wprot
Registers: lepr hepr lpen hpen status lmpr hmpr vmpr midi border addr
Interrupts: ei di iff1 iff2 im
I/O: inval outval
Display: dline sline
Execution: inrom call autoexec
PEEK <addr> = 8-bit lookup in currently paged RAM
DPEEK <addr> = 16-bit lookup in currently paged RAM
The '=' unary operator has a special use in expressions. Its operand is evaluated immediately, and the value inserted in the expression instead of the operand itself. The first example below shows why this can be useful.
Example UNTIL
- Break when the current value of HL changes:
hl != =hl
- Break at the next HALT instruction:
peek pc == 0x76
- Break when 123 is written to any port:
outval == 0n123
- Break when screen mode 3 is selected:
vmode == 3
- Break when hex 1234 is top of stack:
dpeek sp == 1234
- Break when the raster is drawing screen line 0:
sline == 0
- Break when A, B and IXl are equal:
(a == b) && (b == IXl)
Execute Until breakpoints are only temporary, and cleared when the debugger is next activated, regardless of whether they were triggered. This also applies to other simple breakpoints, such as step-out and step-over.
The debugger works natively in hexadecimal, but allows values to be entered in other bases using an appropriate prefix or suffix:
Decimal: 0n12345
Hexadecimal: 1234 or 0x1234 or 1234h or $1234 or &1234 or #1234
Character: "a" or 'a'
Binary: %10101100
Octal is not supported, so leading zeroes have no special meaning.
The section below describes all setting available in the Options (F10
Internal RAM - the base SAM model comes with only 256kB main memory, with an internal add-on board to boost it to 512kB. Many software titles require 512kB to work correctly.
External memory - external add-on packs are available to extend memory in 1MB blocks. Programs needed to be written specially to use external memory, with only a few titles doing so. They include MasterDOS, MasterBASIC and the TopGun Demo.
Custom 32K ROM image - if blank a built-in v3.0 ROM image is used.
Use AL-BOOT ROM if Atom Lite is connected - if the Drive 2 is configured as an Atom Lite device, this option applies ROM patches to automatically boot from it. This is not available if a custom ROM image is in use.
Bi-linear fitering (smoothing) - smooth the display image when stretching to fill the SimCoupe window.
SID Interface - selects the type of SID chip connected to the Quazar SID interface. The (default) 6581 is the traditional chip found in the original C64 machines, with a gritty sound. The 8580 is the chip found in newer C64 models, with a cleaner and brighter sound.
DAC on port 7C - select the type of DAC device present on SAM's port 7C. The Blue Alpha sampler has a custom clock frequency for variable speed playback. The SAMVoc and Paula (no relation to the Amiga chip!) are simple DAC output devices.
MIDI Out - select a device for MIDI output, which may be a real device or software synthesizer.
Port 1/2 - selects the device to connect to the virtual printer port. With Printer selected you have a choice of printing to a file or a real printer device. Mono-DAC emulates an 8-bit mono sound device, and EDdac/SAMdac an 8-bit stereo device. The latter is highly recommended for use with Stefan's SAM MOD Player.
Printer device - if Printer is selected above, this is the file or device to use for output. The "File:" option auto-generates a unique file to hold the output, and saves it to your Data Files path.
Automatically flush print jobs - if no data is sent to the port within 2 seconds, any remaining print data with be flushed to the output device.
Keyboard - in SAM Coupe mode letters and symbols are converted to the key sequence required to generate the same symbol on SAM. For example, pressing Shift-0 on a typical PC keyboard generates ')'. SimCoupe converts it to Shift-9 to generate the same symbol on SAM. If you require a literal Shift-0, select Disabled from the mode list. Automatic mode also detects the presence of a Spectrum ROM and will use ZX Spectrum mappings.
Use Left-Alt for Cntrl key - maps the Left-Alt key to the Cntrl key on the SAM keyboard, in addition to the Right-Ctrl key. Left-Alt is located in a similar keyboard position to SAM's Cntrl key. Note: enabling this option blocks normal Windows menu combinations, such as Alt-F for the File menu. However, you can still press and release Alt to activate the menu, then press F to open the file menu and navigate as normal.
Use Alt-Gr for Edit key - maps the Right-Alt key to the Edit key on the SAM keyboard. Alt-Gr is located in a similar keyboard position to SAM's Edit key.
Enable mouse interface - select to use your mouse with supported SAM software. Clicking on the SimCoupe window will activate the mouse when a program is reading it. For BASIC use, double-click the SimCoupe window to active it. To release mouse control for normal desktop use, press Esc or switch to another task using the keyboard.
Player 1/2 - selects up to 2 devices to use for control input. Each can be set to control SAM joystick 1 (keys 6,7,8,9+0), SAM joystick 2 (keys 1,2,3,4+5), or a Kempston joystick used by Spectrum software.
Device - select whether floppy drive 1 is installed in the left-hand bay. The ROM only supports booting from drive 1, but later loading is supported from either drive.
Media - select either a disk image file or real device from the drop-down list (if supported).
Device - select the type of device installed in in the right-hand bay. This can be None, Floppy, Atom Classic or Atom Lite.
Media - select either a disk image file or real device from the drop-down list (if supported). Atom and Atom Lite devices support Master and Slave drives, which can be either HDF images or real devices. Only pre-formated hard disks and compact flash cards are listed, and you'll also need sufficient permission to access the raw disk devices. Under Windows this requires the user be running as an Administrator (elevated), or having SAMdiskHelper installed. Under Linux the user will often need to be a member of the 'disk' group.
SAMBUS clock - the most common clock hardware interface, as used by MasterDOS and BDOS.
DALLAS clock - advanced clock hardware, supported by BDOS.
Show disk drive activity lights - enables on-screen LEDs in the top left of the display, showing when the drive is active. Floppy drives are shown in green, Atom in orange, and Atom Lite in blue.
Show status messages - enables the display of status text in the bottom right of the display. This are used to confirm various user actions, such as ejecting disks and changing runtime options.
Show emulation speed - show the percentage of normal SAM running speed in the upper-right of the display window.
Ask before saving disk image changes - prompts for confirmation before saving modifications back to disk images when they are ejected. This doesn't apply to changes saved manually using Ctrl-F1/F2.
Fast boot after hardware reset - accelerates the cold-boot process, avoiding a few seconds delay while main memory is tested.
Fast floppy disk access - accelerates the emulation speed when disks are being accessed, to speed up loading and saving.
Auto-load media inserted at startup screen - automatically load disks and tapes inserted when SAM is showing the stripey boot screen.
Allow booting from non-bootable disks - detects booting from an unbootable disk and temporarily replaces the boot disk with either an internal DOS image or a user-specified disk. Once DOS has booted the original disk is restored and the boot process continued.
SimCoupe supports the following command-line options, which override setting in the configuration file:
-scale <int> Windowed mode scaling: 1=50%, 2=100%, 3=150%
-tvaspect <bool> TV aspect ratio (default=yes)
-mode3 <bool> Sample odd pixels in low-res (default=no)
-fullscreen <bool> Start in full-screen mode (default=no)
-depth <int> Colour depth for full-screen (default=16)
-visiblearea <int> 0=No Border, 1=Small Border, 2=TV Visible,
3=Full Active (default=2)
-greyscale <bool> Greyscale mode (default=no)
-filter <bool> Smooth emulated display (default=yes)
-filtergui <bool> Smooth built-in GUI display (default=no)
-rom <path> 32K custom ROM image (blank for default v3.0)
-romwrite <bool> Enable memory writes to ROM (default=no)
-albootrom <bool> Enable Atom Lite boot ROM patches (default=no)
-fastreset <bool> Skip SAM power-on memory test (default=yes)
-asicdelay <bool> ASIC delay on first start (default=yes)
-mainmemory <int> Main memory size in kB: 256 or 512 (default)
-externalmem <int> External memory size in MB: 0 (default) to 4
-cmosz80 <bool> CMOS rather than NMOS Z80 (default=no)
-speed <int> Emulator speed percentage (default=100)
-drive1 <int> Drive 1: 0=none, 1=floppy
-drive2 <int> Drive 2: 0=none, 1=floppy, 2=Atom, 3=Atom Lite
-turbodisk <bool> Fast disk access sensitivity (default=yes)
-dosboot <bool> Automagically boot DOS (default=yes)
-dosdisk <path> Custom DOS boot disk (blank for SamDos 2.2)
-stdfloppy <bool> Assume real disks are normal format (default=yes)
-disk1 <path> Disk image file for drive 1
-disk2 <path> Disk image file for drive 2
-atomdisk0 <path> Atom hard disk image or device path (Master)
-atomdisk1 <path> Atom hard disk image or device path (Slave)
-autoload <bool> Auto-load media at startup screen (default=yes)
-turbotape <bool> Fast tape access (default=yes)
-tapetraps <bool> Use tape traps for instant loading (default=yes)
-inpath <path> Default path for input files
-outpath <path> Default path for output files
-keymapping <int> Keyboard mapping: 0=none, 1=auto, 2=SAM, 3=ZX
-altforcntrl <bool> Use Left-Alt for SAM Cntrl key (default=no)
-altgrforedit <bool> Use Alt-Gr for SAM Edit key (default=yes)
-mouse <bool> Mouse interface enabled (default=no)
-mouseesc <bool> Esc to release mouse capture (default=yes)
-joytype1 <int> Joystick 1: 0=none, 1=Joy1, 2=Joy2, 3=Kempston
-joytype2 <int> Joystick 2: 0=none, 1=Joy1, 2=Joy2, 3=Kempston
-joydev1 <string> Joystick 1 device (default=none)
-joydev2 <string> Joystick 2 device (default=none)
-deadzone1 <int> Joystick 1 deadzone percentage (default=20)
-deadzone2 <int> Joystick 2 deadzone percentage (default=20)
-parallel1 <int> Parallel port 1 device: 0=none (default),
1=printer, 2=mono DAC, 3=stereo DAC
-parallel2 <int> Parallel port 2 device: 0=none (default),
1=printer, 2=mono DAC, 3=stereo DAC
-printerdev <string> Printer device name or path
-printeronline <bool> Printer online (default=yes)
-flushdelay <int> Printer flush delay in seconds (default=2)
-midi <int> 0=none (default), 1=midi synth [Win32]
-midiindev <string> MIDI-in device name/path (future)
-midioutdev <string> MIDI-out device name/path
-sambusclock <bool> SAMBUS clock (default=yes)
-dallasclock <bool> DALLAS clock (default=no)
-sound <bool> Sound enabled (default=yes)
-latency <int> Sound latency: 1=best, 5=(default), 20=worst
-dac7c <bool> DAC on port 7C: 0=none, 1=Blue Alpha (default),
2=SAMVox, 3=Paula
-samplerfreq <int> Blue Alpha sampler frequency (defaut=18000)
-sid <bool> SID chip: 0=none, 1=6581 (default), 2=8580
-drivelights <int> Floppy drive LEDs: 0=none, 1=top, 2=bottom
-profile <int> Profiling stats: 0=off, 1=simple (default),
2=detailed percentage, 3=detailed timings
-status <bool> Show status messages (default=yes)
<bool> 0 or 1, true or false, yes or no
<int> an integer value in the range shown next to the parameter
<string> string of characters, in "quotes" if it contains spaces
<path> file/dir path, in "quotes" if it contains spaces
To restore the defaults settings, close SimCoupe and delete the file:
[Linux]~/Library/Preferences/SimCoupe Preferences
[Mac OS X]
SimCoupe Homepage:
SimCoupe project page:
World of Sam archive:
Wikipedia entry for the SAM Coupe (and for more links):é