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+# Enedis TIC Arduino Library
+Arduino library for reading data from Linky electricity meters in France
+### Related products
+| *Enedis TIC Arduino Shield* | *MySensors nRF24 Linky Module* |
+### Description
+Electricity meters in France expose real time information through the consumer-side Télé-Information Client (TIC) output. The output is similar to a serial port. This library allows to process and decode the received bytes.
+### Features
+* Supports different serial ports
+* Low ram consumption by processing data on the fly
+* Computes bit parity and CRC
+### Usage
+The `tic_reader` class has a `setup()` function which expects a serial port in the form of a reference to a `HardwareSerial` instance. That serial port should already be initialized with a baudrate of either `1200` for historic mode, or `9600` for standard.
+Once setup has been called, you should call the `read()` function periodically to process incoming data. When enough bytes have been received, the `read()` function will return `1`, and the `dataset` argument will be filled with a received key-value pair. All possible key-value pairs are described in section 6 of the official [Enedis NOI-CPT_54E.pdf](https://github.com/sitronlabs/SitronLabs_Enedis_TIC_Arduino_Library/blob/master/doc/Enedis%20NOI-CPT_54E.pdf) document.
+For more information, have a look a the [example firmware](https://github.com/sitronlabs/SitronLabs_Enedis_TIC_Arduino_Shield_Example/blob/master/src/main.cpp).