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MeerKAT and MeerKAT Extension

The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) manages all radio astronomy initiatives and facilities in South Africa, including the MeerKAT radio telescope. MeerKAT is a precursor to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and consists of 64 offset-Gregorian antennas in the Karoo desert in South Africa.

MeerKAT Extension is a project currently underway to extend MeerKAT with additional antennas and longer baselines. This module (katgpucbf) is intended for deployment with MeerKAT Extension.

Radio Astronomy Correlators

Radio astronomy interferometry is a means of achieving higher sensitivity and resolution in radio telescopes by combining signals from multiple antennas, as opposed to relying on ever-larger individual antennas which are expensive and unwieldy.

This combination of signals is typically achieved digitally by equipment known as a correlator. In the narrowband case, correlation is achieved by cross- multiplying each antenna's signal with each other antenna's signal. Since modern radio telescopes have wideband receivers, the signal is decomposed (typically using the Fourier transform) into multiple narrowband frequency channels.

Mathematically, correlation and frequency decomposition can be done in any order. A correlator which calculates cross-correlations first and then frequency decomposition is referred to as X-F, while vice-versa is known as F-X. For practical reasons (both in terms of compute and interconnect), F-X correlators are more cost-effective to implement, and so MeerKAT and MeerKAT Extension make use of this architecture for their correlators.

MeerKAT and MeerKAT Extension's correlators were developed with the influence of CASPER. Costs are minimised by using commercially-available products wherever possible. In particular, Ethernet is used to connect signal-processing nodes. This eliminates the need to design costly custom backplanes.

This module

This module (katgpucbf) provides a software implementation of the DSP engines of a radio astronomy correlator described above.

The module contains several executable entry-points. The main functionality is implemented in :program:`fgpu` and :program:`xbgpu` which execute (respectively) an F- or an XB-engine. The F-engine implements the channelisation component of the correlator's operation, while the XB-engine calculates the correlation products (X) and beamformer output (B). The beamformer component is not currently implemented, but is planned for a future release.

Additionally, packet simulators are provided for testing purposes. A :ref:`dsim` can be used to test either an F-engine or an entire correlator. An :ref:`feng-packet-sim` can be used to test an XB-engine in isolation.

The module also includes unit tests (:file:`test/`), as well as a framework for automated testing of an entire correlator against the set of requirements applicable to the MeerKAT Extension CBF (:file:`qualification/`).

As far as possible, the code in this package is not MeerKAT-specific. It could in theory be used at other facilities, provided that compatible input and output formats are used (including number of input and output bits). The :mod:`katgpucbf.meerkat` module contains some tables that are specific to MeerKAT and MeerKAT Extension, which are used by some convenience scripts, but which are not used by the core programs.

Some additional scripts (:file:`scratch/`) which the developers have found to be useful are included, but user discretion is advised as these aren't subject to very much quality control, and will need to be adapted to your environment.


.. todo::  ``NGC-680``
    - Relationship with katsdpcontroller
    - reference to a later section which will describe it more thoroughly.