Welcome to the SLAC Shared Scientific Data Facility (S3DF). The S3DF is a compute, storage and network architecture designed to support massive scale analytics required by all SLAC experimental facilities and programs, including LCLS/LCLS-II, UED, cryo-EM, the accelerator, and the Rubin observatory. The S3DF infrastructure is optimized for data analytics and is characterized by large, massive throughput, high concurrency storage systems.
We are continuing to recover S3DF - specifically we are having issues with the SDFdata Ceph tiering filesystem and are working to recover it. We will provide the next update at Midnight 12:00AM PST
Access | Address |
SSH | s3dflogin.slac.stanford.edu |
NoMachine | s3dfnx.slac.stanford.edu |
OnDemand | https://s3df.slac.stanford.edu/ondemand |
Globus Endpoint | slac#s3df_globus5 |
Documentation | This! |
Help (slack channel) | slac.slack.com#comp-sdf |
Help (email) | [email protected] |
Banking & Accounting | https://s3df.slac.stanford.edu/coact |
S3DF Dashboard & Monitoring | https://grafana.slac.stanford.edu |