This is the server configuration file options
server: # This is related to the http service configuration
address: "" # Type: string, IP Address in the host where you want the service listen
port: 9690 # Type: int, Port in the host where you want the service listen
readTimeout: 2s # Type: time.Duration, ReadTimeout is the maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body. see:
writeTimeout: 5s # Type: time.Duration, WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out writes of the response. see:
idleTimeout: 60s # Type: time.Duration, IdleTimeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled. see:
ReadHeaderTimeout: 5s # Type: time.Duration, ReadHeaderTimeout is the amount of time allowed to read request headers. see:
shutdownTimeout: 30s # Type: time.Duration, The time you want to wait until connections established finish before shutdown the server
KeepAlivesEnabled: true # Type: boolean, KeepAlivesEnabled controls whether HTTP keep-alives are enabled. see:
LogFormat: text # Type: string, Define the log output format of the server, valid values [text|json]
Debug: false # Type: boolean, If this is enabled, the log debug messages are visible in the log output
application: # This is related to the application behavior
metricStatPeriod: 5m # Type: time.Duration, Defined the global period of time .see:
metricTimeWindow: 10m # Type: time.Duration, Defined the time windows between the StartTime and EndTime. see:
metricsFiles: # Type: Array, List of files with the definitions of metrics queries
- metrics.yaml # Type: string, Part of the array list with the location/path of file with the metrics queries in the format defined in file
for readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout, ReadHeaderTimeout and KeepAlivesEnabled
for metricStatPeriod and metricTimeWindow
for metricsFiles