1 |
First Person |
A verb form when the subject is the speaker, either |
in singular with я 'I' or plural with мы 'we' |
2 |
Second Person |
A verb form when the subject is the hearer, either |
in singular with ты 'you' or plural with вы 'you' |
3 |
Third Person |
A verb form when the subject is neither the speaker |
nor the hearer, either in singular with он 'he/it', |
она 'she/it' оно 'it' or plural with они 'they' |
Acc |
Accusative case |
Used to mark direct objects; destinations with в 'into' and |
на 'onto'; as the object of prepositions за 'behind', |
о 'against', по 'up to', под 'under', с 'approximately', |
про 'about', через 'across', сквозь 'through'; and in expressions of |
time like в пятницу 'on Friday', в час 'at one o'clock' |
Adverb |
Adverb |
A word that modifies an adjective or a verb like очень 'very' |
and красиво 'well' |
Anim |
Animate |
In the accusative case, Russian distinguishes between nouns that refer to |
animate beings (people and animals) and all other nouns |
Biasp |
Biaspectual |
A verb that can signal both perfective and imperfective aspect, |
like обещать 'promise' |
Comparative |
Comparative |
A comparative form of an adjective, like теплее 'warmer', лучше 'better' |
Dat |
Dative case |
Used to mark indirect objects, with certain verbs indicating communication, |
benefit, harm, equality, or submission; with expressions of age and |
need; and with prepositions к 'toward', по 'along' |
Fem |
Feminine gender |
A class of nouns ending in -a, -я, or -ь; |
adjectives, participles, and past tense verb forms can also |
express gender |
Gen |
Genitive case |
Used with many prepositions, among them из 'from', с 'from', |
от 'from', до 'to', у 'at'; with certain verbs of |
approach and withdrawal; to express 'of'; to express colors; |
with numerals and quantifiers; to express the lack of something; |
and in comparisons |
Gerund |
Gerund |
A verb form that can be either perfective like |
посоветовавшись 'after having consulted' or imperfective like улыбаясь 'while smiling' |
Imper |
Imperative |
A verb form that is used to tell someone to |
do something, like извините! 'excuse me!' and не забывайте 'don't forget!' |
Imperf |
Imperfective aspect |
A verb that is used to describe actions seen as |
processes or as repeated events |
Inan |
Inanimate |
In the accusative case, Russian distinguishes between nouns that refer |
to animate beings (people and animals) and all other nouns (inanimate) |
Inf |
Infinitive |
A verb form that corresponds to 'to X', as in |
писать 'to write' |
Ins |
Instrumental case |
Used to mark the agent in a passive construction like |
Он был очень взволнован появлением этой женщины 'He was very |
excited by the appearance of this woman' (the appearance is the agent); |
to mark means and instruments; to mark labels for things as in |
Правила являются частью игры 'The rules are part of the game' |
(part is a label); and with prepositions с 'with', перед 'in front |
of', за 'behind', над 'above', под 'under', между 'between' |
Loc |
Locative case |
Used after the prepositions в ‘in’, на ‘on’, при ‘at’, |
о ‘about’, по ‘after’; also called “Prepositional case” |
Masc |
Masculine gender |
A class of nouns ending in a consonant or -ь, |
or referring to a male human and ending in -а or -я; adjectives, |
participles, and past tense verb forms can also express gender |
Neut |
Neuter gender |
A class of nouns ending in a -o or -e; adjectives, |
participles, and past tense verb forms can also express gender |
Nom |
Nominative case |
Used to mark the subject of a sentence, the Y in |
a sentence meaning ‘X is Y’, in apposition, and when calling |
someone or naming something |
Past |
Past tense |
A verb form that describes a situation before the present time |
PastActiveParticiple |
Past Active Participle |
A verb form that describes someone or something that did |
something in the past, as in остывший (чай) ‘(tea) that had |
gotten cold’ |
PastPassiveParticiple |
Past Passive Participle |
A verb form that describes someone or something that has |
been acted upon, as in (куртка) застёгнута ‘(the jacket is) |
buttoned up’ |
Perf |
Perfective aspect |
A verb that is used to describe actions seen as |
unique complete events that can be sequenced |
Plur |
Plural number |
A form of a noun, adjective, or verb that refers to |
more than one individual |
PresentActiveParticiple |
Present Active Participle |
A verb form that describes someone or something that is |
doing something, as in желтеющий (лист) ‘(a leaf) that is |
turning yellow’ |
PresentPassiveParticiple |
Present Passive Participle |
A verb form that describes someone or something that is |
being acted upon, as in (документы) пересылаемые (по электронной |
почте) ‘(the documents) that are being sent (by email)’ |
Sing |
Singular number |
A form of a noun, adjective, or verb that refers |
to one individual |