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Abbreviation Spellout Explanation
1 First Person A verb form when the subject is the speaker, either
in singular with я 'I' or plural with мы 'we'
2 Second Person A verb form when the subject is the hearer, either
in singular with ты 'you' or plural with вы 'you'
3 Third Person A verb form when the subject is neither the speaker
nor the hearer, either in singular with он 'he/it',
она 'she/it' оно 'it' or plural with они 'they'
Acc Accusative case Used to mark direct objects; destinations with в 'into' and
на 'onto'; as the object of prepositions за 'behind',
о 'against', по 'up to', под 'under', с 'approximately',
про 'about', через 'across', сквозь 'through'; and in expressions of
time like в пятницу 'on Friday', в час 'at one o'clock'
Adverb Adverb A word that modifies an adjective or a verb like очень 'very'
and красиво 'well'
Anim Animate In the accusative case, Russian distinguishes between nouns that refer to
animate beings (people and animals) and all other nouns
Biasp Biaspectual A verb that can signal both perfective and imperfective aspect,
like обещать 'promise'
Comparative Comparative A comparative form of an adjective, like теплее 'warmer', лучше 'better'
Dat Dative case Used to mark indirect objects, with certain verbs indicating communication,
benefit, harm, equality, or submission; with expressions of age and
need; and with prepositions к 'toward', по 'along'
Fem Feminine gender A class of nouns ending in -a, -я, or -ь;
adjectives, participles, and past tense verb forms can also
express gender
Gen Genitive case Used with many prepositions, among them из 'from', с 'from',
от 'from', до 'to', у 'at'; with certain verbs of
approach and withdrawal; to express 'of'; to express colors;
with numerals and quantifiers; to express the lack of something;
and in comparisons
Gerund Gerund A verb form that can be either perfective like
посоветовавшись 'after having consulted' or imperfective like улыбаясь 'while smiling'
Imper Imperative A verb form that is used to tell someone to
do something, like извините! 'excuse me!' and не забывайте 'don't forget!'
Imperf Imperfective aspect A verb that is used to describe actions seen as
processes or as repeated events
Inan Inanimate In the accusative case, Russian distinguishes between nouns that refer
to animate beings (people and animals) and all other nouns (inanimate)
Inf Infinitive A verb form that corresponds to 'to X', as in
писать 'to write'
Ins Instrumental case Used to mark the agent in a passive construction like
Он был очень взволнован появлением этой женщины 'He was very
excited by the appearance of this woman' (the appearance is the agent);
to mark means and instruments; to mark labels for things as in
Правила являются частью игры 'The rules are part of the game'
(part is a label); and with prepositions с 'with', перед 'in front
of', за 'behind', над 'above', под 'under', между 'between'
Loc Locative case Used after the prepositions в ‘in’, на ‘on’, при ‘at’,
о ‘about’, по ‘after’; also called “Prepositional case”
Masc Masculine gender A class of nouns ending in a consonant or -ь,
or referring to a male human and ending in -а or -я; adjectives,
participles, and past tense verb forms can also express gender
Neut Neuter gender A class of nouns ending in a -o or -e; adjectives,
participles, and past tense verb forms can also express gender
Nom Nominative case Used to mark the subject of a sentence, the Y in
a sentence meaning ‘X is Y’, in apposition, and when calling
someone or naming something
Past Past tense A verb form that describes a situation before the present time
PastActiveParticiple Past Active Participle A verb form that describes someone or something that did
something in the past, as in остывший (чай) ‘(tea) that had
gotten cold’
PastPassiveParticiple Past Passive Participle A verb form that describes someone or something that has
been acted upon, as in (куртка) застёгнута ‘(the jacket is)
buttoned up’
Perf Perfective aspect A verb that is used to describe actions seen as
unique complete events that can be sequenced
Plur Plural number A form of a noun, adjective, or verb that refers to
more than one individual
PresentActiveParticiple Present Active Participle A verb form that describes someone or something that is
doing something, as in желтеющий (лист) ‘(a leaf) that is
turning yellow’
PresentPassiveParticiple Present Passive Participle A verb form that describes someone or something that is
being acted upon, as in (документы) пересылаемые (по электронной
почте) ‘(the documents) that are being sent (by email)’
Sing Singular number A form of a noun, adjective, or verb that refers
to one individual