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Bits, Bytes and Binary

Let's just refresh our memory about memory:

  • A bit is a single digit in binary; on or off; 1 or 0
  • 8 bits form a single byte: 11111111 = 2^8 - 1 = 255
  • Hexadecimal is another notation to count even higher in fewer places
    • Two hexadecimal places express 1 byte
    • FF in Hexadecimal is 255
  • Two's complement
    • Most modern computers use this notation for signed integers
    • Most significant bit: Usually the leftmost, but generally the bit with the highest value: If 1000 = 8, then 1 is the most significant bit. If we were using a different notation such as 1010 = 5, then the rightmost 0 is the most significant bit.
    • If the most significant bit is 1, then in two's complement, you're looking at a negative number
    • To convert: 1010 (read as ten if unsigned), first note that it is negative. Then find its magnitude by flipping all the bits (0101, 5) and then adding 1 (0110) meaning the value is -6.
    • Consult the following table to see something interesting: (note the wraparound effect
Binary usigned decimal two's complement decimal
000 0 0
001 1 1
010 2 2
011 3 3
100 4 -4
101 5 -3
110 6 -2
111 7 -1

Be aware of some important boundaries as well:

  • 0x00000000 = 0
  • 0x7FFFFFFF = 2147483647
  • 0x80000000 = -2147483648
  • 0xFFFFFFFF = -1

Bitwise Operators

While we're on the subject of binary representation, let's take a moment to examine C's bitwise operators. They're a bit tricky, but perform extremely fast low level operations and learning them well now will help you with more complex concepts later on.

Bitwise AND

The bitwise AND operator, &, takes two integers as operands and returns a new integer with a bit pattern consisting of ones only in the positions that both operands contain bits set to 1.

int x = 5;  // 0101 in binary
int y = 12; // 1100 in binary
x & y;      // 0100 (4)

Note: x & y == 4, but x && y == 1. Can you explain why?

This provides a handy way of checking the bit value at a given position in a number:

int mask = 8; // 1000 in binary, for checking the 4th bit
x & mask;     // 0, since 5 doesn't contain a 1 in the 4th bit
y & mask;     // 1000 == 8 > 0, since 12 contains a 1 in the 4th bit

Bitwise OR

The bitwise OR, |, behaves like the bitwise AND but the returned integer's bit pattern consists of ones where either operand has a 1.

int x = 5;  // 0101 in binary
int y = 12; // 1100 in binary
x | y;      // 1101 (13)

Bitwise XOR and Complement

The bitwise XOR, ^, sets 1 in each bit where its operands differ and 0 where they are the same. The bitwise complement, ~, performs the one's complement on its operatand by flipping each bit.

Bit Shifting

The bitwise shift operators, << and >>, shift their left operand by the number of digits specified by the right operand. Left shifting always fills vacated bits by zero. Right shifting varies from machine to machine and whether or not we're talking unsigned or signed.

int x = 2;  // 000010 in binary
x << 2;     // 001000 (8)
8 >> 1;     // 000100 (4)

Data Types: Numbers

Integer Types:

  • char
  • int

Modifiers (and sugar):

  • short
  • long

Memory size for each type depends on system, and only restrictions are that

char <= short <= int <= long <= long long

CLIC machines follow

  • char = 1 byte
  • short = 2 bytes
  • int = 4 bytes
  • long = 8 (these last two vary from system to system a lot)
  • long long = 8

Test it out for yourself:

#include <stdio.h>
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   printf("char: %d\n
     short: %d\n
     int: %d\n
     long: %d\n
     longlong: %d\n",
     sizeof(char), sizeof(short), sizeof(int), sizeof(long), sizeof(long long));
   return 0;

Here are some declarations to help you understand what really happens when we're talking characters and integers. Definitely take a look at The Ascii Table and understand the relationships in theorder of the first 128 ascii characters. The C language is built on a subset of 7-bit ascii (0-127) so its important to know what the table is like, not to memorize it. Also note that in C, single quotes means a character.

Declaration x (dec) y (dec)
int x; NULL -
int x, y; NULL NULL
int x = 0, y; 0 NULL
char x = 'x'; 120 -
char x = '\n'; 10 -
char x = '\13'; 11 -
char x = '0'; 48 -
char x = '\0'; 0 -
char x = 0; 0 -
long x = 0L; 0 -

Preceding a constant with 0x denotes hexadecimal notation:

(0xFFFFFFFF == -1); //returns 1 (which is true, but C doesn't have true)
(037777777777 == -1); //returns 1 (true)
sizeof(1234L); //returns 8
sizeof(1234); //returns 4
0xFFFFU; //returns 65535
0177777U; //returns 65535

Also not that converting a signed value to an unsigned value or vice verse preserves the bit pattern:

  char c = -1; //0xFF
  unsigned char uc = c; //0xFF
  int i = uc; //i == 255

Float and double are the two floating point types (decimal) and can be expressedwith a decimal point or as scientific notation:

float miles = 1.8;
double big = 1e10;

The only implementation constraint is that

float <= double <= long double

so they could all be one size, or be three distinct sizes.

In C there is no such thing as a string, just an array and pointers. Essentially, a bunch of single characters located consecutively in memory will make up a string, but more on this later.


char *myString = "Here's a string!" //string literal
int x = 10; //variable declaration and assignment
int x; //variable declaration
x = 30; //variable assignment: lvalue = rvalue

The order of the increment/decrement operators in C matters:

int x = 1;
int y = x++; // y==1
y = ++x; // y==3

Valid binary operators in order of increasing precedence:

    • / %

The positive and negative operators are more tightly binding than any of the above operators (+/-).

Comparison operators:

  • < > <= >=

All of these comparison operators have the same precedence, and are more tightly binding than the equality and inequality operators (==/!=).

The logical operators are || for or, && for and, and ! for not. The "or" and "and" operators short-circuit.

Bitwise operators are tricky and can be used for a variety of purposes. See the examples in the recitation 2 notes for a refresher.

Ternary operator:

x = a ? b : c;

is the same thing as this:

  x = b;
  x = c;

Note that any integer is also a boolean!! 0 is false, any other number is true!


If-Else Statements

  if(condition2) {
    printf("conditions met");
    return 0;
    printf("no conditions met");

Switch Statements

  case 1: // v == 1
    printf("v is 1");
  case 2:
    printf("v is 2");
    printf("v is neither 1 nor 2");


int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    // do things here
while(i) { //condition checked at the beginning
    //other things

do {
    //more things
} while(i < 5); //condition is checked at the end

Using break; inside a loop will break out of the innermost loop. Using continue; will stop executing the current iteration of the loop and skip to the next iteration. for(;;) is an idiom for an infinite loop. goto label will jump to a line beginning with label: . Be careful with gotos.