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File metadata and controls

279 lines (223 loc) · 11.2 KB

File I/O

3 channels

A C program is automatically given 3 channels for input and output. They can all be redirected, but the basic three streams are:

  • (0) stdin (Standard input) This stream is for incoming characters which normally come from the keyboard but can also be from other sources.
  • (1) stdout (Standard output) This stream is for outgoing characters, and normally goes to the terminal screen but does not necessarily have to. (see below) This stream is buffered which means it is not sent to the terminal until a new line character is sent. This means if you use printf("hello") you likely will not see it until the end of your program is reached.
  • (2) stderr (Standard error) This stream is for error messages and is not buffered, meaning any characters written to it will immediately be flushed to their destination. This destination is normally the terminal screen but can be other locations as well.

If you wish to interact with these buffers you will need to #include <stdio.h> which is a library that defines standard operations such as printf() scanf() and others which you may or may not have already used.

Redirecting I/O

While most input and output to/from programs will go to the shell, it is possible to redirect the source of stdin or the destination of stderr and stdout. The < and > characters are used to denote redirection at the console. 2> will redirect stderr whereas > will redirect stdout. 2>&1 will redirect stderr to the same location as stdout. >> will append the output to a file instead of overwriting the file. You can use other programs or files on either side of most of these operators.

 [1] $ cat myfile.c 
 [2] $ cat < myfile.c 
 [3] $ cat myfile.c > cat
 [4] $ cat myfile.c > myfilecopy.c
 [5] $ cat myfile.c >> myfilecopy.c
 [6] $ valgrind ./myprogram 2> myerrors
 [7] $ valgrind ./myprogram > myoutput
 [8] $ valgrind ./anotherprogram 2>> myerrors
 [9] $ valgrind ./anotherprogram >> myoutput
[10] $ valgrind ./myprogram > ALLthethings 2>&1
[11] $ valgrind ./anotherprogram >> ALLthethings 2>&1

Each of the above expressions build on each other. If you can tell what the effect of each expression above is, then you're set. If not, try them out and see what happens.


printf and scanf both use format strings to specify what how to format their output. They also both accept variable arguments. All arguments to scanf must be pointers whereas arguments to printf should be values (in the case of numbers) or char * in the case of strings. Pages 153-154 in the K&R explain how to format your format strings for printf() and 157-158 explain formatting for scanf(). Make sure you can identify the following two format strings:

printf("%-15.10s", "hello, world");
sscanf("25 Dec 1988", "%d %s %d", &day, month, &year);

Functions with Variable Arguments

printf() and scanf() family of functions accept a variable number of arguments. You can do this too! Once you've enumerated all the required arguments, you can specify that you would like to also accept variable arguments with ...:

int myFWithVarArgs(int a, int b, ...);

The declaration means that the number and types of all arguments after the integer b can vary. If you want to be able to actually access these arguments you'll need to #include <stdarg.h> whose implementation is system dependent, but interface is the same. To access the values, you will have to do the following:

  1. Declare a variable of type va_list that will point to each argument.
va_list my_arg;
  1. Call va_start() with the last named argument, and your variable that will point to each argument.
va_start(my_arg, b);
  1. Call va_arg() with the variable that will point to the argument as well as the type of the argument (you'll need some way to figure out the type of this argument from your other arguments). Assign the return value to a variable. Repeat this step for each argument you want to read.
int myvarInt = va_arg(my_arg, int);
  1. Clean up by calling va_end() with the variable list of args variable.


size_t shows up all over the place in memory operations. malloc expects its parameters to be of this form, and certain file operation functions will return the number of bytes read in this formed. What you need to know about size_t is that it's an unsigned integer type. This means it works like an integer but cannot represent negative values. So, while the following is okay:

size_t x = 5;
size_t y = 3;
int z = x + y;

The following is not (and wouldn't be a good idea even if the value was positive):

size_t x = 5;
size_t y = 3;
int z = y - x;

Other than that you can treat size_t as any other integer type.

File I/O

When writing your C programs, you will often be interacting with files in various forms. The standard library provides a simplified interface for interacting with those files through the stdio header and the FILE pointer.


FILE is a typedef'ed structure in stdio.h. Whenever you use it, you'll use a FILE * though because you'll always be getting a value back from/passing it to common file operating functions. Why a pointer? Because these functions will modify the internal values of the FILE value. So while you could copy them because it's a struct and C would be fine with passing it by value, things like your place in the file would not be maintained. A FILE * is given as an opaque type, meaning you should never be accessing it's internals directly.

File Descriptors

Among other things, a FILE wraps a file descriptor, an integer used by the operating system to keep track of open files. As you'll see below, a FILE provides a nicer interface than a file descriptor for interacting with files. You can use function like fopen and fclose instead of the more low-level open and close.

fopen and fclose

fopen() is how you'll open files. It takes two arguments, both strings. The first is a string representing the path to the file you want to open, and the second is the mode with which you will open it. The mode tells whether or not you are going to be reading, writing, or appending to the file and also how you want to read the file in. Make sure you know the difference between "r", "w", "a", "r+", "w+", "a+", and all of the above with a "b" on the end. If fopen() fails it will return a NULL pointer. This can happen because a file doesn't exist (in the case of r's and a's) or because you don't have permissions to access the file. fclose() will close the file when you're done.

FILE *fopen(char *name, char *mode);
int fclose(FILE *fp);

The above structure should look a tiny bit familiar. Knowing what we know about FILE *s you might see the likeness here to:

void *malloc(size_t size);
int free(void *p);

That's because fopen and fclose create a new FILE structure on the heap so that the status of the open file can be maintained. This means that if you don't fclose your FILE *s, you'll have memory leaks. Be careful about this.

fgets and fputs


What's that you ask? It means they're really good at reading in strings, but bad for everything else. Only use these functions if lines are a logical way to delimit chunks of the file you're reading.

char *fgets(char *line, int maxline, FILE *fp);
int fputs(char *line, FILE *fp);

fgets reads the next line from the input file in fp into the memory location pointed to by line. If all is successful, it reads at most maxline-1 characters out of the file, and returns line as well. If something goes wrong (on end of file, or error) it returns NULL. It will keep the newline character it reads if it gets to one before it reaches maxline-1 characters. It also ALWAYS appends the null character to the end of the string.

fputs returns EOF if there's an error and 0 otherwise. This will not append a newline to the file, nor does your string need to contain a newline character.

Watch out! gets and puts work very similarly for stdin and stdout but gets will not give you the newline character. But you shouldn't have to worry about that because you should NEVER use gets. It does not perform any bounds checking on the input, so you're just asking for memory errors.

fread and fwrite

size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

Each of these functions accept pointers of type void. So if you want each item to be read into the right size memory space, you'll need to tell it the size of each item, and the number of items nmemb to read/write from/to the stream. fwrite promises not to modify the data that ptr references as well. The return the number of bytes read/written. If it's anything less than what you expected, you should check what happened using ferror or feof.


int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int origin);

This handy dandy function lets you hop through a file without doing anything other than changing the position in the FILE structure. You can use any stream of your choosing, but pay attention to whether or not it's a binary stream. If it's a binary stream, offset can be any number of bytes/characters from origin which should be set to either SEEK_SET (a constant representing the beginning of the file), SEEK_CUR (a constant representing the current position), or SEEK_END (the end of the file).

If you're reading a text stream, offset must either be zero or the current position as returned by a call to ftell (see below). In this case, always set origin to SEEK_SET.

FILE *text = fopen("myfile", "r");
FILE *binary = fopen("myfile", "rb");

fseek(text, ftell(text), SEEK_SET);
fseek(binary, -100, SEEK_END);

feof and ferror

int feof(FILE *stream);
int ferror(FILE *stream);

So you didn't get what you were expecting from one of the above functions. What do you do? You call feof or ferror. These two functions let you know what happened. feof returns true if the end of the stream has been reached, and ferror returns true if there was an error reading the stream.

fprintf and fscanf

These functions work just like their counterparts printf and scanf, respectively, except you specify which FILE to write to, rather than defaulting to stdout and stdin, respectively.

What's Buffering?

Buffering determines how often the contents of a stream are sent to their destination. There's some low level stuff going on at this point, but just understand that its not very efficient to send data one character at a time, so buffering happens. Unbuffered streams are constantly flushed to their destination. Line-buffered streams are only flushed to its destination after a newline character is written. Block-buffered streams are flushed when they reach a certain size. You can use fflush(fp) to manually flush the buffer for any file pointer.

  • stderr is unbuffered (why?)
  • stdout is line-buffered when it's connected to terminal
  • everything else is block-buffered