- Added optional "direction cones" to cartoons visualization.
- Added BGSU RNA Loop Annotation.
- Updated/fixed carbohydrate selection behaviour.
- Fixed screenshot support.
- Increased camera rotation speed.
- Added "particle coloring" extension.
- Better show interactions between different components of a molecule.
- Better default representation of molecules.
- Added 3D SNFG carbohydrate representation.
- Support for _struct_conn mmCIF category.
- Show metallic bonds in balls and sticks models.
- Support for labels.
- Default theme changed to light.
- Updated DensityServer mapping.
- Updated PDBe Validation Report support to the latest version of the API.
- Simplified downloading/opening molecule data.
- PDBe Validation Reports are no longer applied to HET residues.
- BinaryCIF is now the default format.
- Updated Density Streaming to work with the new DensityServer.
- Added examples.
- Fixed Density Streaming to work on multiple structures at the same time.
- Automatic detail for molecular surfaces => improved performance for large molecules.
- Higher automatic detail for small molecules.
- Updated for "LiteMol 2".
- Performance updates thanks to rewrite of the Computation/Task API.
- Support for density streaming vie DensityServer.
- Support for PDBe EMDB density data.
- It is now possible to select 'Show: Everything' in the dynamic denisty surface behaviour.
- Fixed/improved support for CA/P-only models.
- Help for viewport.
- Touch slabbing.
- Mouse wheel now works similar to PyMOL.
- Basic ValidatorDB support.
- Added support for popup messages (toasts).
- Fog no longer affects selected residue, ambience, and dynamic density data.
- Expandable transform controls no longer collapse when a value changes.
- Changed how visual interactivity works.
- Repeatedly clicking on any element clears the selection.
- Clicking on dynamically created "ambient" residues now shifts the selection.
- Ability to manually decompress binary AJAX responses.
- Support for specifying absolute iso values for density data.
- Added secondary structure (helices and sheets) approximation for cartoons visualization if not present in the input file.
- Fixed molecule highlight info to show authAsymId instead of asymId for highlighted residues.
- Support for ?loadFromURL=url and loadFromURLFormat=format query params,
- Support for ?loadFromPDB=ID URL query to enable loading of default structures.
- Improved color picker.
- Fixed bond display between atoms that have no altLoc specified and these that do.
- Added rainbow coloring for molecules.
- Coordinate Streaming now uses BinaryCIF.
- Added support for BinaryCIF.
- Added basic SDF support.
- Improved the behaviour of selecting the next node when the current one is removed.
- This version is the result of refactoring the "format" support in the Core to better support different formats in the future.
- To support these features, refactored parsing of molecular and desnity data.
- This introduces a few breaking changes.
- Most of these changes happen in the Plugin Spec.
- Outside of the spec, the most notable change change is renaming Bootstrap.Entity.Transformer.Molecule.CreateFromCif to Bootstrap.Entity.Transformer.Molecule.CreateFromMmCif and Bootstrap.Entity.Transformer.Density.ParseCcp4 to Bootstrap.Entity.Transformer.Density.ParseBinary.
- Refer to changelogs for Core, Bootstrap, and Plugin for more details.
- Added the ability to download/open/parse old PDB files.
- Added query flatten and function Fragment.find(query). (for example residuesByName('ALA').flatten(f => f.find(atomsByElement('C')))).
- Added xs.intersectWith(ys) query.
- Fixed and issue with ambientResidues/Atoms query when used inside "inside" query.
- Fixed transparent objects incorrectly being made interactive when updating visibility.
- Fixed a mouse-scrolling issue that would scroll the entire page is scrolled on top of the plugin.
- Updated some internals (the way "collapsed" transforms are handled).
- Added behaviour to unselect elements on repeated click.
- Added new queries: atomsByElement, atomsByName, atomsById, residuesByName, residuesById, chainsById.
- Added BRIX density data support.
- Fixed mouse issues related to scrollbar position.
- Toggling expand no longer resets scrollbar position to 0.
- Screenshot support.
- Fix to overlapping secondary structure elements.
- Added support for wireframe models of all surfaces.
- Camera zoom reversed (moving mouse down brings the structure closer).
- Fix for visibility state not updating in Chrome.
- Fix for strange behaviour of themes when updating visuals.
- Fix of assembly generation.
- Better handling of AJAX errors.
- Fixed slider issues in chrome.
- Align label of the header in the "transform panel" to the center + added bottom border.
- Fixes in assembly/symmetry generation.
- Tweaks in atom highlight label.
- Added atom count to molecule model nodes.
- Added support for sequence annotations.
- Added support for validation coloring.
- Fix for non-displaying C-alpha only molecules.
- Initial release.