ModSkeleton Mods build on top of Unreal Engine 4's DLC system. In order to cook and package a Mod, we're going to create two Custom Project Launcher Profiles. First, one to build the base game. Second, we're going to create a Profile for our DLC / Plugin / Mod, referencing the base game version.
- pick the platform you would like to cook for
- Check "Create a release version of the game for distribution"
- Give a version name under "Name of the new release to create"
- Uncheck "Save packages without versions"
- Check "Store all contents in a single file (UnrealPak)"
- Set to Package and Store Locally
- pick the platform you would like to cook for
- Un-Check "Create a release version of the game for distribution"
- Leave "Name of the new release to create" blank
- Set "Release version this is based on." the same version string as in your base profile
- Check "Build DLC"
- Set "Name of the DLC to build." to "ModSkeletonExamplePluginA"
- Uncheck "Save packages without versions"
- Check "Store all contents in a single file (UnrealPak)"
- Set to Package and Store Locally