The Publisher supports three formats of content:
Email format:
- Example: Gmail
Text format:
- Example: Twitter
Message format:
- Example: Telegram
The payload consists of three parts:
- Platform Letter: A shortcode used to identify the target platform. For a list of supported platforms and their corresponding shortcodes, refer to the Supported Platforms section.
- Encrypted Content: The content to be published, encrypted by an entity.
- Device ID: A unique device identifier for the requesting device.
- The first 4 bytes represent the length of the encrypted content.
- The 5th byte is the platform letter.
- The next
length of the encrypted content
bytes contain the encrypted content. - The remaining bytes after the encrypted content represent the device ID.
- Length of Encrypted Content (4 bytes)
- Platform Letter (1 byte)
- Encrypted Content (variable length, as indicated by the first 4 bytes)
- Device ID (remaining bytes)
| 4 bytes | 1 byte | Variable length | Remaining bytes |
| Length of encrypted | Platform | Encrypted content | Device ID |
| content | Letter | | |
Encoding Example:
import struct
import base64
platform_letter = b'g'
payload = struct.pack("<i", len(encrypted_content)) + pl + encrypted_content + device_id
incoming_payload = base64.b64encode(payload)
Decoding Example:
payload = base64.b64decode(incoming_payload)
len_enc_content = struct.unpack("<i", payload[:4])[0]
platform_letter = chr(payload[4])
encrypted_content = payload[5 : 5 + len_enc_content]
device_id = payload[5 + len_enc_content :]