Let’s start digging into the Ansible documentation.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula et ante eu interdum. Cras porttitor sed leo eu vehicula. Praesent a risus id eros condimentum imperdiet ut ac nulla. Nunc id dignissim nisi. Nunc sed mattis quam. Nulla viverra mi leo, id facilisis enim egestas in. Mauris placerat mauris quis sem euismod, vitae pretium ante hendrerit. Nulla vel consectetur turpis, pulvinar ullamcorper nulla. Nunc nec porta eros, et sollicitudin nulla. Suspendisse malesuada turpis et lacus mollis tempus.
Cras tincidunt quam orci. Nullam gravida nulla vel commodo pharetra. Nunc aliquam posuere elit, at tincidunt dui facilisis et. Aliquam lacinia auctor lobortis. Sed suscipit arcu ac molestie molestie. Praesent elementum faucibus dui, a rhoncus magna. Quisque pellentesque a sapien et sodales. Nullam rhoncus faucibus massa non convallis. Vestibulum et sapien vel sapien pellentesque consectetur.
Roles - Features
Role | Cluster Type | Description |
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Role: Docker
Cluster target type: K8s
One description
Role: Ingress Nginx controller
Cluster target type: K8s
This role will install the ingress nginx controller on a Kubernetes cluster. It can be deployed on a k8s cluster which has been created using kind
or the standard approach: kubeadm, kubelet.
A Kubernetes cluster or Kind kubernetes cluster is needed.
Role Variables
2 options are available for the parameter target_platform
cloud (default)
Example Playbook
ansible-playbook ./kubernetes/ansible/k8s-misc.yml -t ingress --connection=local -e override_host=localhost -e target_platform=kind
Author Information
This role has been created by the Snowdrop team.
Role: Kubernetes Cluster
Cluster target type: K8s
This role will install a Kubernetes cluster on a linux machine using kubelet
and kubeadmin
Role Variables
To play with a Kubernetes cluster, you must deploy a container runtime.
We support 2 of them: docker
, containerd
which can be configured using the following variables:
Name |
Type |
Value |
install_docker |
bool |
false (default) |
install_containerd |
bool |
true |
Example Playbook
ansible-playbook ....
Author Information
This role has been created by the Snowdrop team.
Role: Kubernetes Config
Cluster target type: K8s
A brief description of the role goes here.
Any pre-requisites that may not be covered by Ansible itself or the role should be mentioned here. For instance, if the role uses the EC2 module, it may be a good idea to mention in this section that the boto package is required.
Role Variables
A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.
A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
hosts: servers roles:
{ role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
Author Information
This role has been created by the Snowdrop team.
Role: Kubernetes Kind
Cluster target type: K8s
This role will install the Kubernetes Kind
tool, next create a Kubernetes cluster and optionally a docker container registry.
A docker daemon must be installed using the following docker role if no there.
The following python3 packages should be installed using pip
- docker
- openshift
REMARK: Configure the following ENV VAR export ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER=$(which python3)
to be sure that ansible use Python3
Role Variables
The full set of variables can be found in the default file.
The version of the cluster to be installed can be changed using the parameter k8s_version
The following versions are currently supported.
Example Playbook
To use this role, create a playbook and pass it as parameter under the roles
- hosts: "{{ override_host | default('masters') }}"
- { role: kind }
You can also configure the role with a tag
- { role: 'kind', tags: 'kind'}
To play with this role, call your playbook and pass the tag to execute your role :
ansible-playbook ./kubernetes/ansible/k8s-misc.yml -t kind
To execute the playbook on the host machine, override the host
and setup the connection as local
ansible-playbook ./kubernetes/ansible/k8s-misc.yml \
--connection=local -e override_host=localhost \
-t kind
To use a kubernetes cluster previously released, specify the version to be used:
ansible-playbook ./kubernetes/ansible/k8s-misc.yml \
-e k8s_version=1.16 \
-t kind
Check if kind cluster is working
To verify if kind
is well installed and running, if it can process ingress route
or docker
pull/push using the local registry,
please execute the following commands on your local machine to create the cluster and deploy the ingress role:
ansible-playbook ./kubernetes/ansible/k8s-misc.yml \
--connection=local -e override_host=localhost \
-e registry=true \
-t kind
ansible-playbook ./kubernetes/ansible/k8s-misc.yml \
--connection=local -e override_host=localhost \
-t ingress \
-e target_platform=kind
Next, pull a docker image, tag it
docker pull
docker tag localhost:5000/hello-app:1.0
docker push localhost:5000/hello-app:1.0
and create a Hello world
application to verify if it works
kubectl create ns demo
kubectl create deployment hello-server --image=localhost:5000/hello-app:1.0 -n demo
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n demo -f -
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: hello-server
app: hello-server
- port: 8080
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n demo -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: hello-server
- http:
- path: /hello
serviceName: hello-server
servicePort: 8080
Call the service using curl
curl -v http://localhost/hello
Author Information
This role has been created by the Snowdrop team.