This project is about a parcel delivery system with three types of users: Admin, User, and Deliveryman.
- User: Can request parcel delivery. To confirm the parcel delivery, the user must pay first.
- Admin: Can only see parcels that are already paid for. The admin approves the parcel and selects a deliveryman for delivery.
- Deliveryman: Can only see the parcels they are assigned to deliver.
- Full-Stack Website
- Parcel Delivery Management Website
- Resposive Design
- Authication with firebase
- Three type of Users: User, Admin & Deliveryman
- Three types of routes. Private, Admin and Deliveryman Rout
- Implemented JWT for Token Generate and Bankend veerification
- Implemented Axios & Tenstack queries for secure data fetching and get post method
- Used Mongdb for database
- All users and data stored in mongodb via express and node
- step-1: clone this repo
- step-2: open the file. After that open the CMD & npm i
- step-3: install & setup the firebase
- step-4: Set-up a mongo serverfor back-end