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How to Write a Plugin

Jake Hunsaker edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 35 revisions

What are SoS plugins?

The report functionality of sos is based on plugins that typically represent a specific component or product; E.G. the kernel, filesystems, oVirt, etc...

When report runs, it will first look to see which plugins exist and which of those should be enabled. Only plugins that pass an enablement check for the specific host sos is being run on are executed. A plugin should capture unique information for the component or product it is written for (i.e. two plugins should not collect the same data bits).

Where do they go?

Plugins live in the package. This is the first place that a proper python package exists on the python path (e.g. ./sos/report/plugins)

The bare minimum

Please review the Contribution Guidelines first to understand code contribution requirements and the style guidelines sos has.

Create a generic plugin that runs everywhere.

from import Plugin, IndependentPlugin

class Processor(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
    This plugin will capture information about the physical CPU(s)
    installed on the system.

    Per-CPU information will be gathered from /sys/devices/system/cpu,
    as well as output from commands such as lscpu, cpupower, cpuid, etc.

    short_desc = 'CPU information'

The plugin's docstring will be used for output along with sos help report.plugins.$plugin. This should be an informative description of the usecase of the plugin and an overview of what collections take place. You do not need to detail every collection made by the plugin.

short_desc will be presented to the user in the output of the sos report --list-plugins command. This should be a very short description of the plugin's usecase.

The IndependentPlugin subclass is used to enable a plugin for all distributions that sos currently supports. More on this later on.

Let's copy some stuff

In order for a plugin to actually do any work one of the hook methods must be defined. The setup method is called during normal collection on every enabled plugin.

    def setup(self):

The above will copy the /proc/cpuinfo file, but for /sys/devices/system/cpu it will copy that entire directory.

If you only need to add a single file you can call the add_copy_spec method with a single string instead.

    def setup(self):

The add_copy_spec method accepts several optional parameters, that may affect which files get collected and how many (or how large) files get copied:

    def add_copy_spec(self, copyspecs, sizelimit=None, maxage=None,
                      tailit=True, pred=None, tags=[]):

copyspecs whether a single string or a list of strings, accepts globs to match multiple files on the filesystem. The sizelimit parameters limits the maximum amount of data that will be copied on a per-copyspec basis. For example, assuming a 25MB sizelimit, the following would collect a maximum of 25MB from /var/log/messages and another 25MB from /var/log/secure:

    def add_copy_spec([

If sizelimit is hit, sos will tail the last X bytes of the file where X is the set sizelimit minus any already collected content.

I want to run a program too

If you wish to collect the output of a program as part of your collection process call the add_cmd_output method:

from import Plugin, IndependentPlugin

class Processor(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
    short_desc = 'CPU information'

    def setup(self):
            "cpupower info"

Like add_copy_spec, add_cmd_output accepts either a list of strings or a single string. Also like add_copy_spec, this method provides for several optional ways to modify how command output gets collected and saved:

    def add_cmd_output(self, cmds, suggest_filename=None,
                       root_symlink=None, timeout=cmd_timeout, stderr=True,
                       chroot=True, runat=None, env=None, binary=False,
                       sizelimit=None, pred=None, subdir=None,
                       changes=False, foreground=False, tags=[]):

Generally speaking, most commands will be called without providing any of the optional parameters. However, several of the more commonly used parameters are as follows:

Setting suggest_filename allows a plugin to override the default choice of file name in the report archive.

A symbolic link to the collected file from the report's root directory can be requested using the root_symlink parameter.

The timeout parameter sets a maximum time (in seconds) to wait for the child process to exit. After this time sos will abandon the child and continue with report generation.

If the stderr parameter is True the stderr stream of the child process will be captured along with stdout; otherwise stderr is discarded.

When the chroot parameter is True commands are executed in the configured system root directory (which may not be /). This parameter has no effect unless sos is running in a chrooted environment.

The sizelimit parameter limits the amount of output collected, in MB. The default is 25MB.

A directory may be specified via the runat program. The child will switch to this directory before executing the command.

Any parameters provided to the method will be applied to every program in the list. Note that if using the root_symlink or suggest_filename parameter only a single command is supported.

The add_cmd_output method will execute it's argument without a shell using the PATH specified by the active policy. There is normally no need to specify an absolute path. If you need to use shell syntax this can be done by calling sh -c "<command string>".

The output of the command will be added to the report archive under sos_commands/plugin_name/mangled_command_name. Mangling converts spaces to underscores and removes other characters that are illegal or problematic in path names.

Additionally, the command will be added to the report index and manifest automatically.

Attempting to run a command that isn't installed is not treated as an error (but errors produced by commands that are found are logged) - it's fine to go ahead and speculatively try commands in a plugin without explicitly checking for their presence.

I want to run a program, then iterate over its results with another program

A not-uncommon scenario with plugins is that you want to use output from one command to determine another set of commands to run. For example, getting a list of network interfaces and then using that information to get detailed information on each interface.

The podman plugin is a great example of this:

        pnets = self.collect_cmd_output('podman network ls')
        if pnets['status'] == 0:
            nets = [pn.split()[0] for pn in pnets['output'].splitlines()[1:]]
                "podman network inspect %s" % net for net in nets
            ], subdir='networks')

Here, we call collect_cmd_output to get a listing of podman networks. This method will run immediately, save the output to the archive just like add_cmd_output does, and also return that output in a dict.

Once the command has returned, we check to make sure its exit code was 0, meaning a successful execution. The command output is accessible via the output key for the dict. This then makes it trivial to iterate over the output, and make successive add_cmd_output calls for each network listed.

If you do not want the output to be saved to the archive, and instead just need to grok the output for actually useful calls, then use exec_cmd instead of collect_cmd_output.

How can I collect data that is not directly in a file or existing command output?

Traditionally, sos plugins only executed existing commands or collected existing files from the host. However, the API has recently been expanded to allow plugin authors to perform "manual" collections - that is, write data to the report that is not directly the result of a command's output, or the contents of an already existing file.

Note: this functionality is only available from sos-4.5 and later.

To do these types of collections, plugin authors should define a collect() method within their plugin. This method will be executed during plugin collection, after collections of files and command outputs have completed.

In order to write data to the archive, plugins should use the Plugin.collection_file() method, which will yield an open file handler within the plugin's directory within the archive/temporary directory.

For example, see the process plugin:

import json
import re

from import Plugin, IndependentPlugin, PluginOpt

class Process(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):

    short_desc = 'process information'

    plugin_name = 'process'
    profiles = ('system',)

    def setup(self):

    def collect(self):
        with self.collection_file('pids_to_packages.json') as pfile:
            if not self.policy.package_manager.query_path_command:
                pfile.write('Package manager not configured for path queries')
            _ps = self.exec_cmd('ps --no-headers aex')
            pidpkg = {}
            paths = {}
            if not _ps['status'] == 0:
                pfile.write(f"Unable to get process list: {_ps['output']}")
            for proc in _ps['output'].splitlines():
                proc = proc.strip().split()
                pid = proc[0]
                path = proc[4]
                if not self.path_exists(path):
                if path not in paths:
                    paths[path] = self.policy.package_manager.pkg_by_path(path)
                pidpkg[pid] = {'path': path, 'package': paths[path]}

            pfile.write(json.dumps(pidpkg, indent=4))

Using a with context manager for managing the collection file is best practice, as this ensures that the file is always properly closed, even in the event of a plugin timeout during collect() execution. The only required argument for this method is the name of the file you wish to write to.

Within the body of the context manager is where the process plugin is generating the data to be written to the sos_commands/process/pids_to_process.json, and finally the data is written using the standard write() method.

Note that for any contributions for such "manual" collections, the collect() method must be implemented in pure-python. No bash or similar shell scripting is allowed. If a collection needs to handle output from an existing command, but that output should not separately be recorded in the archive, authors should use the Plugin.exec_cmd() method to execute the command ad-hoc and get the command's output, as seen above.


You can inform sos that your plugin should only run when certain conditions are met. The default behavior checks for the presence of files or packages specified in the plugin class. More complex checks can be implemented by overriding the check_enabled method of the base Plugin class.

from import Plugin, IndependentPlugin

class Processor(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
    short_desc = 'CPU information'

    files = ('/proc/cpuinfo',)
    packages = ('cpufreq-utils', 'cpuid')

Note: if you use a tuple for files or packages be sure that you place the trailing comma in the case of a 1-tuple. ('some string') does not create a 1-tuple, but ('some string',) does.

Be aware that if any of the files or packages are found then the plugin will attempt to run. If you need to ensure that multiple files are in place or multiple packages are in place then you will want to implement your own check_enabled method.

from import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
from os.path import exists

class DepTest(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
    """This plugin depends on something"""

    def check_enabled(self):
        files = [
        return all(map(exists,files))

    def setup(self):

Add plugin options

Excerpt from the podman plugin

from import PluginOpt, Plugin

class Podman(Plugin):
    option_list = [
        PluginOpt('all', default=False,
                  desc='collect for all containers, even terminated ones'),
        PluginOpt('logs', default=False,
                  desc='collect stdout/stderr logs for containers'),
        PluginOpt('size', default=False,
                  desc='collect image sizes for podman ps')

    def setup(self):
        # separately grab ps -s as this can take a *very* long time
        if self.get_option('size'):
            self.add_cmd_output('podman ps -as')

As can be seen above, options are added to plugins via PluginOpt(name='undefined', default=None, desc='', long_desc='', val_type=None) objects being added to the option_list class attr. Then, later on the plugin may use self.get_option(name) to get the value of that option - either default or the value passed by -k plugin.opt_name=value.

desc will be the short description printed in sos report -l output. long_desc is for the moment unused, but planned to be referenced by the upcoming sos help subcommand to provide more context around plugin options.

Because the argument handling for sos already uses logic around using a comma (,) as a separator for list values, plugin options that can take a list of values must use a non-comma delimiter. Recently the preferred approach is to use a colon (:) as the delimiter for values in a list for a plugin option.

Value type handling is handled by the PluginOpt class. By default, the type accepted for a given option is determined by the type of the default value. If you need to override this, or accept multiple different types, specify those types in a list passed to val_type when creating the plugin option.

OS Specific Plugins

Plugins use a "tagging" class concept for enabling a plugin for specific OSes/distributions.

As mentioned earlier, if your plugin can be run the exact same on all supported distributions, import IndependentPlugin and subclass it in your plugin.

However, if you need to do different things on different platforms you need to define one plugin per platform, like so:

from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin

class MyRedHatPlugin(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):

    name = "myplugin"

    def setup(self):
       pass # do red hat specific stuff

class MyDebianPlugin(Plugin, DebianPlugin):
    name = "myplugin"

    def setup(self):
        pass # do debian specific stuff

Notice how both plugins have a class-level name attribute. This should be the same for all platform-specific implementations of your plugin. The name attribute determines the name presented to the user for plugin selection as well as option definition.

In some cases you may wish to share certain bits between platform-specific plugins, in this case you can make a common shared superclass:

from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin

class MyPlugin(Plugin):

    name = "myplugin"

    def setup(self):
        pass # do common things here

class MyRedHatPlugin(MyPlugin, RedHatPlugin):

    def setup(self):
       super(MyRedHatPlugin, self).setup()
       pass # do red hat specific stuff

class MyDebianPlugin(MyPlugin, DebianPlugin):

    def setup(self):
        super(MyDebianPlugin, self).setup()
        pass # do debian specific stuff

Note how the leaf classes are still the only ones that subclass things like RedHatPlugin and DebianPlugin. This ensures that your shared plugin class does not get run as a plugin on its own. Note that for this scheme to work correctly it's important for the leaf classes to use appropriate super(MySuperClass, self).method() calls in order to properly inherit the generic plugin's behavior (unless intentionally overriding an entire method).

Note: If any of the distributions for your plugin need a separate distro-specific class, then you cannot use IndependentPlugin and must explicitly subclass each distribution your plugin should support

Gating command or file collection

There may be times when you want a plugin to only perform a collection when certain criteria is met. For example, collecting certain information in the networking plugin may inadvertently load kernel modules. SoS is committed to making no changes to the host system during collection, so we would only want those collections to run if those kernel modules are already loaded.

For this, SoS uses predicates. Predicates may be passed to either add_copy_spec or add_cmd_output via the pred= kwarg. This predicate will then be evaluated to either True or False before attempting the collection. If the predicate evaluates False, the collection is skipped.

Here is an example of a predicate from the networking plugin:

from import SoSPredicate

    ip_macsec_show_cmd = "ip -s macsec show"
    macsec_pred = SoSPredicate(self, kmods=['macsec'])
    self.add_cmd_output(ip_macsec_show_cmd, pred=macsec_pred, changes=True)

In this example, we define a predicate that requires the macsec kernel module to be loaded. We then pass the predicate to add_cmd_output, ensuring that ip -s macsec show command will only be run if that module is loaded.

Predicates currently support testing for kernel modules, services running, packages being installed, system architecture, and substrings existing within command output.