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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.2.0] 2022-06-01

Version 4.2.0 of the IDS Information Model


  • Class ids:PaymentModality and property ids:paymentModality to document pricing modalities (free/ fixed price/ negotiation basis). Property is directly attached to the ids:Resource.
  • Class ids:IdsProtocolSpecification and property ids:apiSpecification to describe ids:Endpoints with their supported protocols
  • New individuals of ids:IdsProtocolSpecification: IDS-REST, IDS-CP, QUERY, MULTIPART
  • New individuals of ids:CustomMediaType: OTHER_MEDIATYPE
  • Title (ids:title) and description (ids:description) properties for ids:Representation.
  • Shapes for AppResources
  • Class UsageControlComponent and Shape


  • ids:Representation is now subclass of ids:Described giving instances a title- and description label.


  • Remove ids:magicNumber from ids:MediaType

[4.1.0] 2021-05-26

Version 4.1.0 of the IDS Information Model


  • ids:ConfigurationManager can refer to the configured App Resources, Brokers, App Stores and Clearing Houses represented as catalogs.
  • ids:AppRoute can refer to Broker and Clearing House instances (via ids:appRouteClearingHouse and ids:appRouteBroker), which are used for publishing and logging related communication.
  • ids:GenericEndpoint for non-IDS endpoints.
  • Catalog subclasses for Broker, AppStore, AppResource and ClearingHouse instances. Check the Catalog.ttl class for details.
  • Additional properties for Participants for identification and classification, e.g., legal name, business identifier, legal form and VAT ID (addressing requirements to participants in Gaia-X)
  • Additional properties for ids:DataApp and ids:AppRepresentation to express supported usage policies as well as app-related runtime, configuration and deployment information.


  • ids:ParticipantRequestMessage and ids:ParticipantResponseMessage are deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Using ids:DescriptionRequestMessage and ids:DescriptionReponseMessage is advised.


  • idsm: metamodel annotations, which were used to annotate cardinalities of properties. The property cardinalities and restrictions are now exclusively represented via the corresponding SHACL shapes found in the testing subdirectory

[4.0.0] 2020-08-04

Version 4.0.0 of the IDS Information Model


  • ids:ConfigurationModel class for Connector configuration and deployment related information.
    • Several complementary classes, including ids:Proxy, ids:LogLevel, ids:AppRoute, ids:UserAuthentication.
  • Redesign of ids:DataApp class.
    • ids:DataApp as superclass of ids:OrchestrationApp, ids:SmartDataApp, ids:SystemAdapterApp .
    • New properties ids:appDocumentation with range xsd:string and ids:appEndpoint with range ids:AppEndpoint to enable app and app endpoint documentation.
  • ids:AppEndpoint, a subclass of ids:Endpoint to describe data app endpoints, such as path suffixes, ports and endpoint documentation.
  • Languages for ids:Representation via the ids:language property.
  • ids:ResourceCatalog, ids:ConnectorCatalog and ids:ParticipantCatalog as subclasses of ids:Catalog to enable infrastructure components, e.g., Broker and ParIS, to present Connector- and Participant-specific catalogs.
  • New messages:
    • Messages for app-related communication between App Provider and App Store.
    • ids:UploadMessage and ids:UploadResponseMessage to allow data upload to a recipient.


  • Major changes on the IDS Usage Policy Language. See section IDS Usage Policy Language – Updates and major Changes below.

  • ids:MediaType. Removed instances for ids:IANAMediaType.

    • Media types via ids:mediaType with range ids:IANAMediaType should be used with the corresponding IANA URLs, as these have complete coverage. E.g., for JSON-LD:
    "ids:mediaType": {
      "@id":   "",
      "@type": "ids:IANAMediaType"
    • For custom media types (ids:CustomMediaType), it is advised to use a recognizable unique identifier.
  • Renamed property ids:catalog of Connector to ids:resourceCatalog and changed range to ids:ResourceCatalog.

  • Connectors can now present multiple catalogs via the ids:resourceCatalog property.

  • Switched range of ids:standardLicense property from ids:License to xsd:anyURI. There is no vocabulary with a complete, regularly updated list of software and data licenses which we can provide as instances of the ids:License class, to the best of our knowledge. Users should provide the IRI of the correct license. We recommend using sources such as Wikidata to search for most common licenses.

  • ids:contentStandard properties of class ids:DigitalContent and ids:representationStandard properties of class ids:Representation now have range xsd:anyURI.

  • Redesign of ids:Endpoint class.

    • Removed ids:InteractiveEndpoint.
    • ids:StaticEndpoint is now called ids:ConnectorEndpoint. ids:ConnectorEndpoint contains additional properties, especially for endpoint description and documentation.
    • ids:Host information is now part of the ids:Endpoint.
    • New property: ids:endpointInformation with range xsd:string and ids:endpointDocumentation with range xsd:anyURI for endpoint description and documentation.
  • Core classes for digital content (ids:Resource, ids:DigitalContent, ids:Representation, ids:Artifact) now aligned with W3C DCAT 2


  • Classes related to runtime related interaction, such as ids:Operation, ids:Activity, ids:Interface, ids:Parameter.
  • ids:Host. Information are now part of the ids:Endpoint itself.
  • ids:transportCertsSha256 from Connector class. Property should only be part of the ids:Token class.
  • Some ids:Resource and ids:Representation subclasses, such as ids:SchemaResource and ids:SimpleResource.
  • Some unused classes, e.g., ids:Audio, ids:Video, ids:Text
  • Refactoring of ids:Message subclasses:
    • Removed ids:...AvailableMessage notifications for ids:Resource, ids:Connector and ids:Participant. The corresponding update messages, e.g., ids:ResourceUpdateMessage, should now be used to announce availability and updates.

The first version of the IDS Usage Policy Language has been created by the end of 2019 and presented the combined state of discussion of the IDS community. As such, it of course reflected the best intentions and views at that time. However, the following developments, examinations and the deeper understanding of the topic now requires a major update, which is provided with this document and implemented as an integral part into the IDS Information Model version 4.0.0. Obviously, it is still unlikely that the language itself is already finished and no further updates will become necessary. Nevertheless, the significant improvements and lessons learned since 2019 certainly justify this rework of the Usage Policy Language.

At the core, the usage policy classes and the closely related templates have been affected most. The IDS community has understood the deficiencies of the original set and therefore developed the current classifications. Integrating several perspectives – legal, data modelling, business-driven, and from an enforcement perspective – the current proposals should be mature and expressive enough to reflect most use cases.

In addition, the Actions, LeftOperands, and BinaryOperators have been further restricted and defined in order to minimize the uncertainty about their meaning, requirements and implications. An IDS Contract must not be interpreted differently by different systems, while both claim a correct implementation of the language. For instance, the operators for ‘Time’ now have defined datatypes, and a clear semantics of how temporal entities are compared.

The intended communication process for improvements, new use cases or bug reports is aligned with the IDS Information Model in general. Deficiencies and/or errors can be discussed with the responsible working group through GitHub Issues in the IDS Information Model GitHub Repository.

[3.1.0] 2020-04-30

Version 3.1.0 of the IDS Information Model


  • ids:created and ids:modified properties with range xsd:dateTimeStamp for ids:Resource and ids:Representation
  • ids:hasEndpoint property for ids:Connector with range ids:Endpoint


  • ids:rightOperand and ids:rightOperandReference (class ids:Constraint) changed range to rdfs:Resource. Even though both properties allow similar values, their inteded usage differs (cf. the specification of the underlying ODRL ontology). ids:rightOperand values should be interpreted directly, while ids:rightOperandReference values must be dereferenced beforehand.

  • An ids:Constraint is only valid, if either ids:rightOperandReference or ids:rightOperand is used. Using both properties is not permitted by the corresponding SHACL shape. This behaviour is once more suggested by ODRL.

  • Dynamic Attribute Token (DAT) aligned to current specification in the IDS Communication Guide. DAT is now represented by the ids:DatRequestPayload and ids:DatPayload classes. While ids:DatRequestPayload represents the content of the token (a.k.a. claims) a clients sends to the DAPS, the ids:DatPayload represents the content of the token a DAPS issues after validation.

  • SHACL shapes for properties with IRI ranges. Property values written as defined by the RDF serialisations should now be correctly validated.

[3.0.0] 2020-03-04

Version 3.0.0 of the IDS Information Model



  • Redesign of the DynamicAttributeToken (DAT) based on the new Dynamic Attribute Provisioning Service (DAPS) version. Check the corresponding Token class as well as the DAT payload example for more information.

  • ids:RequestMessage, ids:ResponseMessage, ids:NotificationMessage not abstract anymore. These messages can now be used directly for non-core IDS communication.

  • ids:DescriptionRequestMessage(previously called ids:SelfDescriptionRequest) now accepts an optional URI. This can be used to either retrieve a component's self-description (by providing its own URI or nothing) or to retrieve metadata about a specific element by providing the element's URI.

  • Renamed some existing ids:Messages. Check the Documentation Table of the ids:Message taxonomy for the current naming.


  • ids:Message now correctly labelled as abstract since it is not intended to be used directly.

[2.1.0] 2019-12-02

Version 2.1.0 of the IDS Information Model


  • New class ids:VocabularyData. Partial mapping of the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) in the IDS Information Model. It can be used to reference domain-specific vocabularies and terminologies.

  • New class ids:DescribedSemantically. Superclass of ids:Resource and ids:Representation. ids:DescribedSemantically introduces two new properties:

    • ids:domainVocabulary with range ids:VocabularyData. Allows using instances of class ids:VocabularyData to reference domain-specific terminologies used in ids:Resource / ids:Representation .
    • ids:shapesGraph (an import of sh:shapesGraph) with range xsd:anyURI. URI should refer to an RDF graph containing SHACL shapes, which describes the domain-specific semantics of a Resource / Representation.
  • Travis CI script for validating correctness of Turtle files in Pull Requests.

  • SHACL Shapes for the new RDF classes and properties.

  • Example of ids:Resource (in JSON-LD and RDF/TTL) and corresponding SHACL shapes to describe (temperature) sensor data with domain-specific semantics. Example and README can be found in the /examples/domain-specific semantics using SHACL directory.

[2.0.1] 2019-11-19

Version 2.0.1 of the IDS Information Model


  • Removed property ids:baseContractOffer from class ids:ContractRequestMessage due to redundancy. By definition ids:ContractRequestMessage already requires a contract in its payload. The property is therefore not needed.


  • Changed ids:referingConnector (class ids:Token) from owl:ObjectProperty to owl:DatatypeProperty with rdfs:range xsd:anyURI. Allows to reference the connector via a URI.

  • Removed idsm:abstract true property from ids:variant (class ids:Resource). Property is invalid, since it is intended to be used by classes only.

  • Minor typo fixes.

[2.0.0] 2019-10-14

Version 2.0 of the IDS Information Model


  • ids:DynamicAttributeToken, subclass of ids:Token
  • ids:ParIS
  • Additional SHACL Shapes for schema validation
  • ids:contentVersion property. Version identifier for ids:Message payload, indicates the version of the description of the information in the payload.


  • Connector is now subClass of InfrastructureComponent (Broker, ParIS, DAPS, IP, AppStore)

  • ids:SecurityProfile is now used for pre-defined security profiles. Removed ids:CustomSecurityProfile.

  • Messages: Additional classes / properties for the ids:Message taxonomy to further specify and distinguish different message types

    • Update of notification messages related to (un-)availability and changes of a component or its certification
    • ids:QueryMessage now uses codes for message targets (e.g., BROKER, APPSTORE, ANY) and scopes (ALL, ACTIVE_ONLY, INACTIVE_ONLY)
    • New class ids:ContractSupplementMessage to exchange information to access a resource of a contract
    • New class ids:LogNotification, which is intended for logging messages
  • Policies: LeftOperand, Operator more restrictive. Additional operands and operators for different constraint types.

  • Reduced namespace: ids_ for core model classes / properties, idsc_ for codes and idsm_ for metamodel classes / properties


  • Removing plural forms for properties: A catalog can have several “ids:offer” triples but must not have any with “ids:offers