From fe7301f1e8e6abf33b691a486d8fda91aa8ed358 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marko Grujic <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:55:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove custom sqlparser expr visitor in favour of the native

 Cargo.lock              |   1 -
 Cargo.toml              |   1 -
 src/          |   5 +-
 src/datafusion/   |   1 -
 src/datafusion/ | 982 ----------------------------------------
 src/          |  40 +-
 6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 1006 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/datafusion/

diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 0e5792ef..9417f1a4 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -5062,7 +5062,6 @@ dependencies = [
- "dynamodb_lock",
  "itertools 0.11.0",
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index a08880af..40c39da7 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ datafusion-expr = "32.0.0"
 datafusion-remote-tables = { path = "./datafusion_remote_tables", optional = true }
 deltalake = { git = "", rev = "2b913b37e71ed96212dcec8c3fc8e865754ced82", features = ["s3-native-tls", "datafusion-ext"] }
-dynamodb_lock = { version = "0.6.1", default_features = false, features = ["native-tls"] }
 futures = "0.3"
 hex = ">=0.4.0"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5901d6d5..4c066df0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ use object_store::path::Path;
 use sqlparser::ast::{
     AlterTableOperation, CreateFunctionBody, Expr as SqlExpr, FunctionDefinition,
-    ObjectType, Query, Statement, TableFactor, TableWithJoins,
+    ObjectType, Query, Statement, TableFactor, TableWithJoins, VisitMut,
 use arrow_schema::{DataType, TimeUnit};
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ use crate::catalog::{DEFAULT_SCHEMA, STAGING_SCHEMA};
 use crate::config::context::{build_object_store, build_state_with_table_factories};
 use crate::config::schema;
 use crate::config::schema::{GCS, S3};
-use crate::datafusion::visit::VisitorMut;
 use crate::delta_rs::backports::parquet_scan_from_actions;
 use crate::frontend::http::tests::deterministic_uuid;
@@ -519,7 +518,7 @@ impl DefaultSeafowlContext {
     async fn rewrite_time_travel_query(&self, q: &mut Query) -> Result<SessionState> {
         let mut version_processor =
             TableVersionProcessor::new(self.database.clone(), DEFAULT_SCHEMA.to_string());
-        version_processor.visit_query(q);
+        q.visit(&mut version_processor);
         if version_processor.table_versions.is_empty() {
             // No time-travel syntax detected, just return the regular session state
diff --git a/src/datafusion/ b/src/datafusion/
index 8df182c9..15830ed7 100644
--- a/src/datafusion/
+++ b/src/datafusion/
@@ -6,4 +6,3 @@
 pub mod parser;
 pub mod utils;
-pub mod visit;
diff --git a/src/datafusion/ b/src/datafusion/
deleted file mode 100644
index d1084a78..00000000
--- a/src/datafusion/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,982 +0,0 @@
-// Adapted from (with a couple of tweaks to
-// align it with the latest AST definition, and make everything mut) as a way to enable table name
-// rewrites. Note that only the nodes contained under the sqlparser::ast::Statement::Query are kept,
-// other functions have been pruned away for ease of maintenance.
-// It's worth keeping an eye on what happens with,
-// as it would simplify the rewrite procedure a lot. Also, maybe it's worth trying to autogenerate
-// this ourselves?
-use sqlparser::ast::{
-    BinaryOperator, Cte, DataType, DateTimeField, Expr, Function, FunctionArg,
-    FunctionArgExpr, Ident, Join, JoinConstraint, JoinOperator, ObjectName, OrderByExpr,
-    Query, Select, SelectItem, SetExpr, SetOperator, TableAlias, TableFactor,
-    TableWithJoins, UnaryOperator, Value, Values, WindowFrame, WindowFrameBound,
-    WindowFrameUnits, WindowSpec, WindowType,
-/// A trait that represents a visitor that walks through a SQL AST.
-/// Each function corresponds to a node in the SQL AST, and has a default
-/// implementation that visits all of its child nodes. Implementors of this
-/// trait can override functions as desired to hook into AST traversal without
-/// writing code to traverse the entire AST.
-pub trait VisitorMut<'ast> {
-    fn visit_query(&mut self, query: &'ast mut Query) {
-        visit_query(self, query)
-    }
-    fn visit_cte(&mut self, cte: &'ast mut Cte) {
-        visit_cte(self, cte)
-    }
-    fn visit_select(&mut self, select: &'ast mut Select) {
-        visit_select(self, select)
-    }
-    fn visit_select_item(&mut self, select_item: &'ast mut SelectItem) {
-        visit_select_item(self, select_item)
-    }
-    fn visit_table_with_joins(&mut self, table_with_joins: &'ast mut TableWithJoins) {
-        visit_table_with_joins(self, table_with_joins)
-    }
-    fn visit_table_factor(&mut self, table_factor: &'ast mut TableFactor) {
-        visit_table_factor(self, table_factor)
-    }
-    fn visit_table_table_factor(
-        &mut self,
-        name: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-        alias: Option<&'ast mut TableAlias>,
-        args: &'ast mut Option<Vec<FunctionArg>>,
-        with_hints: &'ast mut [Expr],
-    ) {
-        visit_table_table_factor(self, name, alias, args, with_hints)
-    }
-    fn visit_derived_table_factor(
-        &mut self,
-        lateral: bool,
-        subquery: &'ast mut Query,
-        alias: Option<&'ast mut TableAlias>,
-    ) {
-        visit_derived_table_factor(self, lateral, subquery, alias)
-    }
-    fn visit_nested_join_table_factor(
-        &mut self,
-        table_with_joins: &'ast mut TableWithJoins,
-    ) {
-        visit_nested_join_table_factor(self, table_with_joins)
-    }
-    fn visit_table_alias(&mut self, alias: &'ast mut TableAlias) {
-        visit_table_alias(self, alias)
-    }
-    fn visit_join(&mut self, join: &'ast mut Join) {
-        visit_join(self, join)
-    }
-    fn visit_join_operator(&mut self, op: &'ast mut JoinOperator) {
-        visit_join_operator(self, op)
-    }
-    fn visit_join_constraint(&mut self, constraint: &'ast mut JoinConstraint) {
-        visit_join_constraint(self, constraint)
-    }
-    fn visit_where(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_where(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_group_by(&mut self, exprs: &'ast mut [Expr]) {
-        visit_group_by(self, exprs)
-    }
-    fn visit_having(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_having(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_set_expr(&mut self, set_expr: &'ast mut SetExpr) {
-        visit_set_expr(self, set_expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_set_operation(
-        &mut self,
-        left: &'ast mut SetExpr,
-        op: &'ast mut SetOperator,
-        right: &'ast mut SetExpr,
-    ) {
-        visit_set_operation(self, left, op, right)
-    }
-    fn visit_set_operator(&mut self, _operator: &'ast mut SetOperator) {}
-    fn visit_order_by(&mut self, order_by: &'ast mut OrderByExpr) {
-        visit_order_by(self, order_by)
-    }
-    fn visit_limit(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_limit(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_type(&mut self, _data_type: &'ast mut DataType) {}
-    fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_expr(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_unnamed_expr(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_unnamed_expr(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_expr_with_alias(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr, alias: &'ast mut Ident) {
-        visit_expr_with_alias(self, expr, alias)
-    }
-    fn visit_object_name(&mut self, object_name: &'ast mut ObjectName) {
-        visit_object_name(self, object_name)
-    }
-    fn visit_ident(&mut self, _ident: &'ast mut Ident) {}
-    fn visit_compound_identifier(&mut self, idents: &'ast mut [Ident]) {
-        visit_compound_identifier(self, idents)
-    }
-    fn visit_wildcard(&mut self) {}
-    fn visit_qualified_wildcard(&mut self, idents: &'ast mut [Ident]) {
-        visit_qualified_wildcard(self, idents)
-    }
-    fn visit_is_null(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_is_null(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_is_not_null(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_is_not_null(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_in_list(
-        &mut self,
-        expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-        list: &'ast mut [Expr],
-        negated: bool,
-    ) {
-        visit_in_list(self, expr, list, negated)
-    }
-    fn visit_in_subquery(
-        &mut self,
-        expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-        subquery: &'ast mut Query,
-        negated: bool,
-    ) {
-        visit_in_subquery(self, expr, subquery, negated)
-    }
-    fn visit_between(
-        &mut self,
-        expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-        low: &'ast mut Expr,
-        high: &'ast mut Expr,
-        negated: bool,
-    ) {
-        visit_between(self, expr, low, high, negated)
-    }
-    fn visit_binary_op(
-        &mut self,
-        left: &'ast mut Expr,
-        op: &'ast mut BinaryOperator,
-        right: &'ast mut Expr,
-    ) {
-        visit_binary_op(self, left, op, right)
-    }
-    fn visit_binary_operator(&mut self, _op: &'ast mut BinaryOperator) {}
-    fn visit_unary_op(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr, op: &'ast mut UnaryOperator) {
-        visit_unary_op(self, expr, op)
-    }
-    fn visit_unary_operator(&mut self, _op: &'ast mut UnaryOperator) {}
-    fn visit_cast(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr, data_type: &'ast mut DataType) {
-        visit_cast(self, expr, data_type)
-    }
-    fn visit_collate(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr, collation: &'ast mut ObjectName) {
-        visit_collate(self, expr, collation)
-    }
-    fn visit_extract(&mut self, field: &'ast mut DateTimeField, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_extract(self, field, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_date_time_field(&mut self, _field: &'ast mut DateTimeField) {}
-    fn visit_nested(&mut self, expr: &'ast mut Expr) {
-        visit_nested(self, expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_value(&mut self, _val: &'ast mut Value) {}
-    fn visit_function(&mut self, func: &'ast mut Function) {
-        visit_function(self, func)
-    }
-    fn visit_function_arg(&mut self, arg: &'ast mut FunctionArg) {
-        visit_function_arg(self, arg)
-    }
-    fn visit_function_arg_named(
-        &mut self,
-        ident: &'ast mut Ident,
-        func_arg_expr: &'ast mut FunctionArgExpr,
-    ) {
-        visit_function_arg_named(self, ident, func_arg_expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_function_arg_expression(
-        &mut self,
-        func_arg_expr: &'ast mut FunctionArgExpr,
-    ) {
-        visit_function_arg_expression(self, func_arg_expr)
-    }
-    fn visit_window_type(&mut self, window_type: &'ast mut WindowType) {
-        visit_window_type(self, window_type)
-    }
-    fn visit_window_spec(&mut self, window_spec: &'ast mut WindowSpec) {
-        visit_window_spec(self, window_spec)
-    }
-    fn visit_window_frame(&mut self, window_frame: &'ast mut WindowFrame) {
-        visit_window_frame(self, window_frame)
-    }
-    fn visit_window_frame_units(
-        &mut self,
-        _window_frame_units: &'ast mut WindowFrameUnits,
-    ) {
-    }
-    fn visit_window_frame_bound(
-        &mut self,
-        _window_frame_bound: &'ast mut WindowFrameBound,
-    ) {
-    }
-    fn visit_case(
-        &mut self,
-        operand: Option<&'ast mut Expr>,
-        conditions: &'ast mut [Expr],
-        results: &'ast mut [Expr],
-        else_result: Option<&'ast mut Expr>,
-    ) {
-        visit_case(self, operand, conditions, results, else_result)
-    }
-    fn visit_exists(&mut self, subquery: &'ast mut Query) {
-        visit_exists(self, subquery)
-    }
-    fn visit_subquery(&mut self, subquery: &'ast mut Query) {
-        visit_subquery(self, subquery)
-    }
-    fn visit_insert(
-        &mut self,
-        table_name: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-        columns: &'ast mut [Ident],
-        source: &'ast mut Query,
-    ) {
-        visit_insert(self, table_name, columns, source)
-    }
-    fn visit_values(&mut self, values: &'ast mut Values) {
-        visit_values(self, values)
-    }
-    fn visit_values_row(&mut self, row: &'ast mut [Expr]) {
-        visit_values_row(self, row)
-    }
-pub fn visit_query<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    query: &'ast mut Query,
-) {
-    if let Some(with) = &mut query.with {
-        for cte in &mut with.cte_tables {
-            visitor.visit_cte(cte);
-        }
-    }
-    visitor.visit_set_expr(&mut query.body);
-    for order_by in &mut query.order_by {
-        visitor.visit_order_by(order_by);
-    }
-    if let Some(limit) = &mut query.limit {
-        visitor.visit_limit(limit);
-    }
-pub fn visit_cte<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    cte: &'ast mut Cte,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_table_alias(&mut cte.alias);
-    visitor.visit_query(&mut cte.query);
-pub fn visit_select<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    select: &'ast mut Select,
-) {
-    for select_item in &mut select.projection {
-        visitor.visit_select_item(select_item)
-    }
-    for table_with_joins in &mut select.from {
-        visitor.visit_table_with_joins(table_with_joins)
-    }
-    if let Some(selection) = &mut select.selection {
-        visitor.visit_where(selection);
-    }
-    if let Some(having) = &mut select.having {
-        visitor.visit_having(having);
-    }
-pub fn visit_select_item<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    select_item: &'ast mut SelectItem,
-) {
-    match select_item {
-        SelectItem::UnnamedExpr(expr) => visitor.visit_unnamed_expr(expr),
-        SelectItem::ExprWithAlias { expr, alias } => {
-            visitor.visit_expr_with_alias(expr, alias)
-        }
-        SelectItem::QualifiedWildcard(object_name, ..) => {
-            visitor.visit_qualified_wildcard(&mut object_name.0)
-        }
-        SelectItem::Wildcard(..) => visitor.visit_wildcard(),
-    }
-pub fn visit_table_with_joins<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    table_with_joins: &'ast mut TableWithJoins,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_table_factor(&mut table_with_joins.relation);
-    for join in &mut table_with_joins.joins {
-        visitor.visit_join(join);
-    }
-pub fn visit_table_factor<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    table_factor: &'ast mut TableFactor,
-) {
-    match table_factor {
-        TableFactor::Table {
-            name,
-            alias,
-            args,
-            with_hints,
-            ..
-        } => visitor.visit_table_table_factor(name, alias.as_mut(), args, with_hints),
-        TableFactor::Derived {
-            lateral,
-            subquery,
-            alias,
-        } => visitor.visit_derived_table_factor(*lateral, subquery, alias.as_mut()),
-        TableFactor::NestedJoin {
-            table_with_joins,
-            alias,
-        } => {
-            visitor.visit_nested_join_table_factor(table_with_joins);
-            if let Some(alias) = alias {
-                visitor.visit_table_alias(alias);
-            }
-        }
-        _ => {}
-    }
-pub fn visit_table_table_factor<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    name: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-    alias: Option<&'ast mut TableAlias>,
-    args: &'ast mut Option<Vec<FunctionArg>>,
-    with_hints: &'ast mut [Expr],
-) {
-    visitor.visit_object_name(name);
-    if let Some(func_args) = args {
-        for func_arg in func_args {
-            visitor.visit_function_arg(func_arg);
-        }
-    }
-    if let Some(alias) = alias {
-        visitor.visit_table_alias(alias);
-    }
-    for expr in with_hints {
-        visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    }
-pub fn visit_derived_table_factor<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    _lateral: bool,
-    subquery: &'ast mut Query,
-    alias: Option<&'ast mut TableAlias>,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_subquery(subquery);
-    if let Some(alias) = alias {
-        visitor.visit_table_alias(alias);
-    }
-pub fn visit_nested_join_table_factor<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    table_with_joins: &'ast mut TableWithJoins,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_table_with_joins(table_with_joins);
-pub fn visit_table_alias<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    alias: &'ast mut TableAlias,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_ident(&mut;
-    for column in &mut alias.columns {
-        visitor.visit_ident(column);
-    }
-pub fn visit_join<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    join: &'ast mut Join,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_table_factor(&mut join.relation);
-    visitor.visit_join_operator(&mut join.join_operator);
-pub fn visit_join_operator<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    op: &'ast mut JoinOperator,
-) {
-    match op {
-        JoinOperator::Inner(constraint)
-        | JoinOperator::LeftOuter(constraint)
-        | JoinOperator::RightOuter(constraint)
-        | JoinOperator::FullOuter(constraint)
-        | JoinOperator::LeftSemi(constraint)
-        | JoinOperator::RightSemi(constraint)
-        | JoinOperator::LeftAnti(constraint)
-        | JoinOperator::RightAnti(constraint) => {
-            visitor.visit_join_constraint(constraint)
-        }
-        JoinOperator::CrossJoin | JoinOperator::CrossApply | JoinOperator::OuterApply => {
-        }
-    }
-pub fn visit_join_constraint<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    constraint: &'ast mut JoinConstraint,
-) {
-    match constraint {
-        JoinConstraint::On(expr) => visitor.visit_expr(expr),
-        JoinConstraint::Using(idents) => {
-            for ident in idents {
-                visitor.visit_ident(ident);
-            }
-        }
-        _ => {}
-    }
-pub fn visit_where<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-pub fn visit_group_by<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    exprs: &'ast mut [Expr],
-) {
-    for expr in exprs {
-        visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    }
-pub fn visit_having<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-pub fn visit_set_expr<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    set_expr: &'ast mut SetExpr,
-) {
-    match set_expr {
-        SetExpr::Select(select) => visitor.visit_select(select),
-        SetExpr::Query(query) => visitor.visit_query(query),
-        SetExpr::Values(values) => visitor.visit_values(values),
-        SetExpr::SetOperation {
-            left, op, right, ..
-        } => visitor.visit_set_operation(left, op, right),
-        // TODO: There is also a new enum option, INSERT, which is actually a top level sqlparser
-        // STATEMENT; we may need to enforce no table version specification there but that would
-        // entail adding the visit_statement function and thus a bunch of unused code
-        _ => {}
-    }
-pub fn visit_set_operation<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    left: &'ast mut SetExpr,
-    op: &'ast mut SetOperator,
-    right: &'ast mut SetExpr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_set_expr(left);
-    visitor.visit_set_operator(op);
-    visitor.visit_set_expr(right);
-pub fn visit_order_by<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    order_by: &'ast mut OrderByExpr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(&mut order_by.expr);
-pub fn visit_limit<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr)
-pub fn visit_expr<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    match expr {
-        Expr::Identifier(ident) => visitor.visit_ident(ident),
-        Expr::CompoundIdentifier(idents) => visitor.visit_compound_identifier(idents),
-        Expr::IsNull(expr) => visitor.visit_is_null(expr),
-        Expr::IsNotNull(expr) => visitor.visit_is_not_null(expr),
-        Expr::InList {
-            expr,
-            list,
-            negated,
-        } => visitor.visit_in_list(expr, list, *negated),
-        Expr::InSubquery {
-            expr,
-            subquery,
-            negated,
-        } => visitor.visit_in_subquery(expr, subquery, *negated),
-        Expr::Between {
-            expr,
-            negated,
-            low,
-            high,
-        } => visitor.visit_between(expr, low, high, *negated),
-        Expr::BinaryOp { left, op, right } => visitor.visit_binary_op(left, op, right),
-        Expr::UnaryOp { expr, op } => visitor.visit_unary_op(expr, op),
-        Expr::Cast { expr, data_type } => visitor.visit_cast(expr, data_type),
-        Expr::Collate { expr, collation } => visitor.visit_collate(expr, collation),
-        Expr::Extract { field, expr } => visitor.visit_extract(field, expr),
-        Expr::Nested(expr) => visitor.visit_nested(expr),
-        Expr::Value(val) => visitor.visit_value(val),
-        Expr::Function(func) => visitor.visit_function(func),
-        Expr::Case {
-            operand,
-            conditions,
-            results,
-            else_result,
-        } => visitor.visit_case(
-            operand.as_mut().map(|o| o.as_mut()),
-            conditions,
-            results,
-            else_result.as_mut().map(|r| r.as_mut()),
-        ),
-        Expr::Exists {
-            subquery,
-            negated: _,
-        } => visitor.visit_subquery(subquery),
-        Expr::Subquery(subquery) => visitor.visit_subquery(subquery),
-        _ => {}
-    }
-pub fn visit_unnamed_expr<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-pub fn visit_expr_with_alias<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-    alias: &'ast mut Ident,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    visitor.visit_ident(alias);
-pub fn visit_object_name<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    object_name: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-) {
-    for ident in &mut object_name.0 {
-        visitor.visit_ident(ident)
-    }
-pub fn visit_compound_identifier<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    idents: &'ast mut [Ident],
-) {
-    for ident in idents {
-        visitor.visit_ident(ident);
-    }
-pub fn visit_qualified_wildcard<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    idents: &'ast mut [Ident],
-) {
-    for ident in idents {
-        visitor.visit_ident(ident);
-    }
-pub fn visit_is_null<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-pub fn visit_is_not_null<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-pub fn visit_in_list<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-    list: &'ast mut [Expr],
-    _negated: bool,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    for e in list {
-        visitor.visit_expr(e);
-    }
-pub fn visit_in_subquery<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-    subquery: &'ast mut Query,
-    _negated: bool,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    visitor.visit_query(subquery);
-pub fn visit_between<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-    low: &'ast mut Expr,
-    high: &'ast mut Expr,
-    _negated: bool,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    visitor.visit_expr(low);
-    visitor.visit_expr(high);
-pub fn visit_binary_op<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    left: &'ast mut Expr,
-    op: &'ast mut BinaryOperator,
-    right: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(left);
-    visitor.visit_binary_operator(op);
-    visitor.visit_expr(right);
-pub fn visit_unary_op<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-    op: &'ast mut UnaryOperator,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    visitor.visit_unary_operator(op);
-pub fn visit_cast<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-    data_type: &'ast mut DataType,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    visitor.visit_type(data_type);
-pub fn visit_collate<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-    collation: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    visitor.visit_object_name(collation);
-pub fn visit_extract<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    field: &'ast mut DateTimeField,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_date_time_field(field);
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-pub fn visit_nested<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    expr: &'ast mut Expr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-pub fn visit_function<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    func: &'ast mut Function,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_object_name(&mut;
-    for arg in &mut func.args {
-        visitor.visit_function_arg(arg);
-    }
-    if let Some(over) = &mut func.over {
-        visitor.visit_window_type(over);
-    }
-pub fn visit_function_arg<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    arg: &'ast mut FunctionArg,
-) {
-    match arg {
-        FunctionArg::Named { name, arg } => visitor.visit_function_arg_named(name, arg),
-        FunctionArg::Unnamed(expr) => visitor.visit_function_arg_expression(expr),
-    }
-pub fn visit_function_arg_named<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    ident: &'ast mut Ident,
-    func_arg_expr: &'ast mut FunctionArgExpr,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_ident(ident);
-    visitor.visit_function_arg_expression(func_arg_expr)
-pub fn visit_function_arg_expression<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    func_arg_expr: &'ast mut FunctionArgExpr,
-) {
-    match func_arg_expr {
-        FunctionArgExpr::Expr(expr) => visitor.visit_expr(expr),
-        FunctionArgExpr::QualifiedWildcard(object_name) => {
-            visitor.visit_qualified_wildcard(&mut object_name.0)
-        }
-        _ => {}
-    }
-pub fn visit_window_type<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    window_type: &'ast mut WindowType,
-) {
-    if let WindowType::WindowSpec(window_spec) = window_type {
-        visitor.visit_window_spec(window_spec)
-    }
-pub fn visit_window_spec<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    window_spec: &'ast mut WindowSpec,
-) {
-    for expr in &mut window_spec.partition_by {
-        visitor.visit_expr(expr);
-    }
-    for order_by in &mut window_spec.order_by {
-        visitor.visit_order_by(order_by);
-    }
-    if let Some(window_frame) = &mut window_spec.window_frame {
-        visitor.visit_window_frame(window_frame);
-    }
-pub fn visit_window_frame<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    window_frame: &'ast mut WindowFrame,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_window_frame_units(&mut window_frame.units);
-    visitor.visit_window_frame_bound(&mut window_frame.start_bound);
-    if let Some(end_bound) = &mut window_frame.end_bound {
-        visitor.visit_window_frame_bound(end_bound);
-    }
-pub fn visit_case<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    operand: Option<&'ast mut Expr>,
-    conditions: &'ast mut [Expr],
-    results: &'ast mut [Expr],
-    else_result: Option<&'ast mut Expr>,
-) {
-    if let Some(operand) = operand {
-        visitor.visit_expr(operand);
-    }
-    for cond in conditions {
-        visitor.visit_expr(cond);
-    }
-    for res in results {
-        visitor.visit_expr(res);
-    }
-    if let Some(else_result) = else_result {
-        visitor.visit_expr(else_result);
-    }
-pub fn visit_exists<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    subquery: &'ast mut Query,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_query(subquery)
-pub fn visit_subquery<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    subquery: &'ast mut Query,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_query(subquery)
-pub fn visit_insert<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    table_name: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-    columns: &'ast mut [Ident],
-    source: &'ast mut Query,
-) {
-    visitor.visit_object_name(table_name);
-    for column in columns {
-        visitor.visit_ident(column);
-    }
-    visitor.visit_query(source);
-pub fn visit_values<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    values: &'ast mut Values,
-) {
-    for row in values.rows.iter_mut() {
-        visitor.visit_values_row(row)
-    }
-pub fn visit_values_row<'ast, V: VisitorMut<'ast> + ?Sized>(
-    visitor: &mut V,
-    row: &'ast mut [Expr],
-) {
-    for expr in row {
-        visitor.visit_expr(expr)
-    }
-mod tests {
-    use datafusion::sql::parser::Statement;
-    use rstest::rstest;
-    use sqlparser::ast::{
-        Expr, FunctionArg, ObjectName, Statement as SQLStatement, TableAlias,
-    };
-    use std::ops::Deref;
-    use crate::datafusion::parser::DFParser;
-    use crate::datafusion::visit::{visit_table_table_factor, VisitorMut};
-    pub struct TestTableRenameVisitor<F>
-    where
-        F: FnMut(&mut ObjectName),
-    {
-        pub rename_fn: F,
-    }
-    impl<'ast, F> VisitorMut<'ast> for TestTableRenameVisitor<F>
-    where
-        F: FnMut(&mut ObjectName),
-    {
-        fn visit_table_table_factor(
-            &mut self,
-            name: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-            alias: Option<&'ast mut TableAlias>,
-            args: &'ast mut Option<Vec<FunctionArg>>,
-            with_hints: &'ast mut [Expr],
-        ) {
-            (self.rename_fn)(name);
-            visit_table_table_factor(self, name, alias, args, with_hints)
-        }
-    }
-    #[rstest]
-    #[case::basic_select_bare_table_name("SELECT * FROM test_table")]
-    #[case::basic_select_schema_and_table_name("SELECT * FROM some_schema.test_table")]
-    #[case::basic_select_fully_qualified_table_name(
-        "SELECT * FROM some_db.some_schema.test_table"
-    )]
-    fn test_table_name_rewrite(#[case] query: &str) {
-        let stmts = DFParser::parse_sql(query).unwrap();
-        let mut q = if let Statement::Statement(stmt) = &stmts[0] {
-            if let SQLStatement::Query(query) = stmt.deref() {
-                query.clone()
-            } else {
-                panic!("Expected Query not matched!");
-            }
-        } else {
-            panic!("Expected Statement not matched!");
-        };
-        let rename_table_to_aaaa = |name: &mut ObjectName| {
-            let table_ind = name.0.len() - 1;
-            name.0[table_ind].value = "aaaa".to_string()
-        };
-        let mut rewriter = TestTableRenameVisitor {
-            rename_fn: rename_table_to_aaaa,
-        };
-        rewriter.visit_query(&mut q);
-        // Ensure table name in the original query has been replaced
-        assert_eq!(format!("{q}"), query.replace("test_table", "aaaa"),)
-    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8631841e..be1836d8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@ use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset, NaiveDateTime, Utc};
 use datafusion::error::{DataFusionError, Result};
 use datafusion::sql::TableReference;
 use sqlparser::ast::{
-    Expr, FunctionArg, FunctionArgExpr, Ident, ObjectName, TableAlias, Value,
+    Expr, FunctionArg, FunctionArgExpr, Ident, ObjectName, TableFactor, Value, VisitorMut,
 use std::collections::HashSet;
-use crate::datafusion::visit::{visit_table_table_factor, VisitorMut};
+use std::ops::ControlFlow;
 // A struct for walking the query AST, visiting all tables and rewriting any table reference that
 // uses time travel syntax (i.e. table function syntax such as `table('2022-01-01 20:01:01Z')`).
@@ -58,18 +57,23 @@ impl TableVersionProcessor {
-impl<'ast> VisitorMut<'ast> for TableVersionProcessor {
-    fn visit_table_table_factor(
+impl VisitorMut for TableVersionProcessor {
+    type Break = ();
+    fn pre_visit_table_factor(
         &mut self,
-        name: &'ast mut ObjectName,
-        alias: Option<&'ast mut TableAlias>,
-        args: &'ast mut Option<Vec<FunctionArg>>,
-        with_hints: &'ast mut [Expr],
-    ) {
-        if let Some(func_args) = args {
-            if let FunctionArg::Unnamed(FunctionArgExpr::Expr(Expr::Value(
-                Value::SingleQuotedString(value),
-            ))) = &func_args[0]
+        table_factor: &mut TableFactor,
+    ) -> ControlFlow<()> {
+        if let TableFactor::Table {
+            name, ref mut args, ..
+        } = table_factor
+        {
+            // If a function arg expression is a single string interpret this as a version specifier
+            if let Some(
+                [FunctionArg::Unnamed(FunctionArgExpr::Expr(Expr::Value(
+                    Value::SingleQuotedString(value),
+                )))],
+            ) = &args.as_deref()
                 let unresolved_name = name.to_string();
                 let resolved_ref = TableReference::from(unresolved_name.as_str())
@@ -89,7 +93,8 @@ impl<'ast> VisitorMut<'ast> for TableVersionProcessor {
                 *args = None;
-        visit_table_table_factor(self, name, alias, args, with_hints)
+        ControlFlow::Continue(())
@@ -97,11 +102,10 @@ impl<'ast> VisitorMut<'ast> for TableVersionProcessor {
 mod tests {
     use datafusion::sql::parser::Statement;
     use rstest::rstest;
-    use sqlparser::ast::Statement as SQLStatement;
+    use sqlparser::ast::{Statement as SQLStatement, VisitMut};
     use std::ops::Deref;
     use crate::datafusion::parser::DFParser;
-    use crate::datafusion::visit::VisitorMut;
     use crate::version::TableVersionProcessor;
@@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ mod tests {
-        rewriter.visit_query(&mut q);
+        q.visit(&mut rewriter);
         // Ensure table name in the original query has been renamed to appropriate version