diff --git a/src/context/delta.rs b/src/context/delta.rs
index 02c88e81..401d49eb 100644
--- a/src/context/delta.rs
+++ b/src/context/delta.rs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use bytes::BytesMut;
 use datafusion::error::Result;
 use datafusion::execution::context::SessionState;
 use datafusion::parquet::basic::{Compression, ZstdLevel};
+use datafusion::parquet::format::FileMetaData;
 use datafusion::{
     arrow::datatypes::{Schema, SchemaRef},
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
 use object_store::path::Path;
 use object_store::ObjectStore;
 use std::fs::File;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempPath};
@@ -48,11 +50,8 @@ const PARTITION_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 128 * 1024;
 // This denotes the threshold size for an individual multipart request payload prior to upload.
 // It dictates the memory usage, as we'll need to to keep each part in memory until sent.
 const PARTITION_FILE_MIN_PART_SIZE: usize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
-// Controls how many multipart upload tasks we let run in parallel; this is in part dictated by the
-// fact that object store concurrently uploads parts for each of our tasks. That concurrency in
-// turn is hard coded to 8 (https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/blob/master/object_store/src/aws/mod.rs#L145)
-// meaning that with 2 partition upload tasks x 8 part upload tasks x 5MB we have 80MB of memory usage
+// Controls how many partition write/multipart upload tasks we let run in parallel at any one time.
 fn get_uuid() -> Uuid {
@@ -92,75 +91,116 @@ fn temp_partition_file_writer(
 /// Execute a plan and upload the results to object storage as Parquet files, indexing them.
-/// Partially taken from DataFusion's plan_to_parquet with some additions (file stats, using a DiskManager)
+/// We try to adhere to a couple of invariants here, namely:
+///     - no partition will have more than `max_partition_size` rows
+///     - there will be at least `min_file_count_hint` partition files and possibly more (but not less)
 pub async fn plan_to_object_store(
     state: &SessionState,
     plan: &Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
     store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore>,
     local_data_dir: Option<String>,
     max_partition_size: u32,
+    min_file_count_hint: Option<usize>,
 ) -> Result<Vec<Add>> {
-    let mut current_partition_size = 0;
-    let (mut current_partition_file_path, mut writer) =
-        temp_partition_file_writer(plan.schema())?;
-    let mut partition_file_paths = vec![current_partition_file_path];
-    let mut partition_metadata = vec![];
-    let mut tasks = vec![];
+    let max_concurrency = match min_file_count_hint {
+        // No/zero file hint passed, go with sequential writing
+        None | Some(0) => 1,
+        // Some file hint provided; use that or `PARTITION_FILE_WRITE_MAX_CONCURRENCY` tasks to
+        // re-chunk DataFusion partitions if the anticipated file count is larger
+        Some(min_file_count) => min_file_count.min(PARTITION_FILE_WRITE_MAX_CONCURRENCY),
+    };
+    // Pointer to the next partition to stream from
+    let partition = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
-    // Iterate over Datafusion partitions and re-chunk them, since we want to enforce a pre-defined
+    let input_partitions = plan.output_partitioning().partition_count();
+    // Iterate over DataFusion partitions and re-chunk them, since we want to enforce a pre-defined
     // partition size limit, which is not guaranteed by DF.
-    info!("Persisting data into temporary partition objects on disk");
-    for i in 0..plan.output_partitioning().partition_count() {
+    info!("Persisting data into temporary partition objects on disk in {max_concurrency} tasks from {input_partitions} input partitions");
+    let mut tasks = vec![];
+    for _ in 0..max_concurrency {
+        let task_partition = Arc::clone(&partition);
+        let input = plan.clone();
         let task_ctx = Arc::new(TaskContext::from(state));
-        let mut stream = plan.execute(i, task_ctx)?;
-        while let Some(batch) = stream.next().await {
-            let mut batch = batch?;
-            let mut leftover_partition_capacity =
-                (max_partition_size - current_partition_size) as usize;
-            while batch.num_rows() > leftover_partition_capacity {
-                if leftover_partition_capacity > 0 {
-                    // Fill up the remaining capacity in the slice
-                    writer
-                        .write(&batch.slice(0, leftover_partition_capacity))
-                        .map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
-                    // Trim away the part that made it to the current partition
-                    batch = batch.slice(
-                        leftover_partition_capacity,
-                        batch.num_rows() - leftover_partition_capacity,
-                    );
-                }
+        let handle: tokio::task::JoinHandle<Result<Vec<(TempPath, FileMetaData)>>> =
+            tokio::task::spawn(async move {
+                let mut current_partition_size = 0;
+                let (mut current_partition_file_path, mut writer) =
+                    temp_partition_file_writer(input.schema())?;
+                let mut partition_file_paths = vec![current_partition_file_path];
+                let mut partition_metadata = vec![];
+                let mut next_partition = task_partition.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+                while next_partition < input_partitions {
+                    let mut stream = input.execute(next_partition, task_ctx.clone())?;
+                    while let Some(batch) = stream.next().await {
+                        let mut batch = batch?;
+                        let mut leftover_partition_capacity =
+                            (max_partition_size - current_partition_size) as usize;
+                        while batch.num_rows() > leftover_partition_capacity {
+                            if leftover_partition_capacity > 0 {
+                                // Fill up the remaining capacity in the slice
+                                writer
+                                    .write(&batch.slice(0, leftover_partition_capacity))
+                                    .map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
+                                // Trim away the part that made it to the current partition
+                                batch = batch.slice(
+                                    leftover_partition_capacity,
+                                    batch.num_rows() - leftover_partition_capacity,
+                                );
+                            }
-                // Roll-over into the next partition: close partition writer, reset partition size
-                // counter and open new temp file + writer.
-                let file_metadata = writer.close().map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
-                partition_metadata.push(file_metadata);
+                            // Roll-over into the next partition: close partition writer, reset partition size
+                            // counter and open new temp file + writer.
+                            let file_metadata =
+                                writer.close().map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
+                            partition_metadata.push(file_metadata);
-                current_partition_size = 0;
-                leftover_partition_capacity = max_partition_size as usize;
+                            current_partition_size = 0;
+                            leftover_partition_capacity = max_partition_size as usize;
-                (current_partition_file_path, writer) =
-                    temp_partition_file_writer(plan.schema())?;
-                partition_file_paths.push(current_partition_file_path);
-            }
+                            (current_partition_file_path, writer) =
+                                temp_partition_file_writer(input.schema())?;
+                            partition_file_paths.push(current_partition_file_path);
+                        }
-            current_partition_size += batch.num_rows() as u32;
-            writer.write(&batch).map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
-        }
+                        current_partition_size += batch.num_rows() as u32;
+                        writer.write(&batch).map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
+                    }
+                    // Roll-over into the next partition
+                    next_partition = task_partition.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+                }
+                let file_metadata = writer.close().map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
+                partition_metadata.push(file_metadata);
+                Ok(partition_file_paths
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .zip(partition_metadata)
+                    .collect())
+            });
+        tasks.push(handle);
-    let file_metadata = writer.close().map_err(DataFusionError::from)?;
-    partition_metadata.push(file_metadata);
+    // Merge all the partition handles/metadata
+    let partition_data: Vec<(TempPath, FileMetaData)> = futures::future::join_all(tasks)
+        .await
+        .into_iter()
+        .map(|x| x.unwrap_or_else(|e| Err(DataFusionError::External(Box::new(e)))))
+        .collect::<Result<Vec<Vec<(TempPath, FileMetaData)>>>>()?
+        .into_iter()
+        .flatten()
+        .collect();
     info!("Starting upload of partition objects");
     let partitions_uuid = get_uuid();
-    let sem = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(PARTITION_FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_CONCURRENCY));
-    for (part, (partition_file_path, metadata)) in partition_file_paths
-        .into_iter()
-        .zip(partition_metadata)
-        .enumerate()
+    let mut tasks = vec![];
+    let sem = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(PARTITION_FILE_WRITE_MAX_CONCURRENCY));
+    for (part, (partition_file_path, metadata)) in partition_data.into_iter().enumerate()
         let permit = Arc::clone(&sem).acquire_owned().await.ok();
@@ -412,6 +452,7 @@ impl SeafowlContext {
+            None,
@@ -554,6 +595,7 @@ mod tests {
+            None,
@@ -707,6 +749,7 @@ mod tests {
+            None,
diff --git a/src/context/physical.rs b/src/context/physical.rs
index 57bfe954..f24788f3 100644
--- a/src/context/physical.rs
+++ b/src/context/physical.rs
@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ impl SeafowlContext {
+                        None,
@@ -427,6 +428,7 @@ impl SeafowlContext {
+                                None,
diff --git a/src/frontend/flight/sync/writer.rs b/src/frontend/flight/sync/writer.rs
index 7f6b8e2c..206ac08c 100644
--- a/src/frontend/flight/sync/writer.rs
+++ b/src/frontend/flight/sync/writer.rs
@@ -454,6 +454,10 @@ impl SeafowlDataSyncWriter {
+        // Guesstimate the number of new partition files that will be produced
+        let max_size = self.context.config.misc.max_partition_size as usize;
+        let min_file_count_hint = files.len() + (entry.rows + max_size - 1) / max_size;
         // Create a special Delta table provider that will only hit the above partition files
         let base_scan = Arc::new(
@@ -505,6 +509,7 @@ impl SeafowlDataSyncWriter {
+            Some(min_file_count_hint),