"Silver" is the codename of much of the iPod's UI framework. Every SilverDB database contains multiple types of resources, henceforth referenced as "sections". Every section contains multiple of a resource, referred to as "content". You identify content based on its ID - for example, 0x0dad06d8
(This may or may not be the correct terminology used, but it seems close enough.)
All known databases have a version of 3
. Immediately following the header, section metadata is present. All data is little endian.
Although sections define an offset to resource metadata, resource metadata is immediately followed by section metadata.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x0 | Database Header | Defines section count. |
0xc | Section Metadata | Repeats for as many sections as defined. |
... | Resource metadata | Repeats for as many resource entries defined in sections. |
... | Resource contents | All data offsets are relative to this. |
All known firmware versions ensure a database version of 3
Offset | Type | Description |
0x0 | u32 | Version |
0x4 | u32 | Header length |
0x8 | u32 | Section count |
Offset | Type | Description |
0x0 | u32 | Section type. |
0x4 | u32 | Amount of resource entries this section contains |
0x8 | u32 | Whether resource IDs jump around, or increase by one. |
0xc | u32 | Offset to where this section's resource metadata array begins, relative to the file's start (0x0). |
Offset | Type | Description |
0x0 | u32 | ID of this resource |
0x4 | u32 | Offset to this resource's data, relative to file contents (proceeding resource metadata entries) |
0x8 | u32 | Resource size |
This section should not be considered exhaustive, as its information is largely focused on the 5th generation iPod nano. Some descriptions may be wrong - please feel free to create a pull request and expand or elaborate on section types!
Some section types have contents which represent an array of elements within. In these situations, the first two bytes (a uint16_t
) represent the amount of elements within.
Natively, section types are stored in little-endian format.
The names of sections are presented in big-endian for readability (i.e. BMap
is paMB
in firmware).
Name | Magic | Description |
0x41414c49 |
0x41435354 |
Possibly "animation controller string", as contents have names similar to TPhotosAppCntlr . |
0x41455654 |
0x414e494d |
BMap |
0x70614d42 |
Bitmap imagery, commonly found in SilverImagesDB.LE.bin . |
0x43455654 |
CLov |
0x434c6f76 |
0x434f4c52 |
Defines colors used in UI elements. |
0x434c4b48 |
Seen within an iPod nano 7G's internal ROM. |
CSov |
0x43536f76 |
0x4357424d |
Seen within an iPod nano 7G's internal ROM. |
0x4445434f |
Seen within an iPod nano 7G's internal ROM. |
0x45454545 |
0x464f4e54 |
0x4954454d |
LDTm |
0x4c44546d |
Referenced as TLocaleDateTimeResource within firmware. |
MASt |
0x4d415374 |
0x50564344 |
Seen within an iPod nano 7G's internal ROM. |
0x5056434c |
Seen within an iPod nano 7G's internal ROM. |
0x50564352 |
Seen within an iPod nano 7G's internal ROM. |
0x53414e49 |
0x5343524e |
0x53435254 |
0x53435354 |
Possibly "Silver/UI controller string", as contents match C++ class names (like TTrainer_Cntlr_ConfirmationAlert ). |
0x53455654 |
SLst |
0x534c7374 |
0x534f5243 |
0x5352564c |
SStr |
0x53537472 |
SUse |
0x53557365 |
StBM |
0x5374424d |
Bitmap images for use within the status bar. |
Str |
0x53747220 |
Strings used within various UI components. Translations can be found within SilverDB.xx_XX.LE.bin . |
StrT |
0x53747254 |
Base descriptions of view text (i.e. PhotosSettingsSlideshowMusic_Screen_Nested_Default or PhotosGL_Camera_Delete_All_Confirmation_Alt ) |
T10N |
0x5431304e |
0x54455654 |
0x544c4950 |
0x544c4f50 |
0x544d4c54 |
TMap |
0x544d6170 |
Seen within an iPod nano 7G's internal ROM. |
0x5456434c |
Table view cell? |
0x54564353 |
Table view cell "from Silver"? |
TrIN |
0x5472494e |
TrIO |
0x5472494f |
TrOO |
0x54724f4f |
TrOU |
0x54724f55 |
VCvs |
0x56437673 |
VLyt |
0x564c7974 |
VSlt |
0x56536c74 |
View |
0x56696577 |
TODO: What's StSt
, and how is it utilized? It's referenced in a few areas, yet seemingly not present.