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CFCR/Kubo Deployment with Compiled Releases

I want it to be fast and fun for people to get started with BOSH and Kubernetes.

How fun and fast? Try out:

bosh -d cfcr deploy <(curl -L

The only requirements are an existing BOSH environment with v97.X ubuntu-xenial stemcell and a cloud-config similar to cf-deployment.

Many of the BOSH releases used have been pre-compiled for you, so its even more lovely and fast.

$ bosh instances -d cfcr

Deployment 'cfcr'

Instance                                     Process State  AZ  IPs
master/a957bed5-8e09-46f5-94a8-ef2964cfebdb  running        z1
worker/169c76e7-76b9-4546-949c-89e7630c9bed  running        z2
worker/2e5a58aa-5e7d-4e8d-9918-a5400cd6f278  running        z1
worker/e3ad4443-2d67-47ba-b661-5f68929bd711  running        z3

The cfcr.yml file, and the pre-compiled releases, are built by Stark & Wayne CI pipeline.


This project is only possible thanks to the CFCR team (heavily sponsored by Pivotal, VMWare, and Google). The ops-files and helper folders are taken from the upstream kubo-deployment project's manifests folder. The cfcr.yml file is also originally sourced from manifests/cfcr.yml, but modified with pre-compiled final releases so everything "just works" out of the box.

Once kubo-deployment project starts maintaining a stable master branch and the manifests/cfcr.yml file includes pre-compiled final releases then this repository will not be necessary. Although the walk-thrus may still be valuable as they are different from

Walk thru

This section will include a walk thru for various CPI/IaaS/Clouds.


The prerequisites for this walk thru are:

  • an AWS account
  • an admin/poweruser IAM user with API keys
  • a VPC and subnet
  • security groups to allow ingress traffic on ports 22, 443, and 25555; as well as all traffic between VMs using the same security group


To provision a BOSH environment with Credhub/UAA/Concourse, I recommend BUCC. It makes it easy and provides you with helper commands to login to BOSH and CredHub.

NOTE: see comments below about performing this walk-thru upon an existing AWS VM rather than your local computer. See YouTube video Walk thru using BUCC/BOSH to learn more about production AWS environments with jumpboxes, private subnets, and BUCC.

mkdir ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
git clone
source <(~/workspace/bucc/bin/bucc env)
bucc up --cpi aws

This will download the bosh CLI and then create stub ~/workspace/bucc/vars.yml where you fill in your AWS credentials, networking etc.

installing bosh cli '2.0.48' into: /Users/drnic/workspace/bucc/bin/
We just copied a template in /Users/drnic/workspace/bucc/vars.yml please adjust it to your needs

When you're done run bucc up again to bring up your BOSH environment:

bucc up

This will take some time depending a lot on your upload/download Internet speed. It will take:

  • a few minutes or hours to download about 1G of pre-compiled BOSH releases
  • a few minutesto compile the AWS CPI locally
  • a minute or so to provision an AWS VM
  • a few minutes or hours to upload the 1G of BOSH releases to the VM
  • a few minutes to compile the AWS CPI upon your new VM
  • a few minutes for the BOSH/UAA/CredHub/Concourse processes to start up

This sequence will be a lot faster if you perform it upon another AWS VM (download and upload times will reduce to almost zero).

When its complete, re-source your environment to setup various $BOSH environment variables for your BOSH environment:

source <(~/workspace/bucc/bin/bucc env)
bosh env


The bucc up command creates or upgrades your BOSH environment. It does not populate it with stemcells or cloud-config (nor CFCR clusters or other deployments). So, let's setup our BOSH environment for CFCR.

A stemcell is BOSH terminology for AWS AMI in your AWS region. The cfcr.yml includes pre-compiled packages (hurray for not having to watch compilation) that require any 3541.X stemcell:

bosh upload-stemcell

Setting up your cloud-config is more difficult to simplify for a walk-thru. But let's try.

There is a very simple AWS cloud-config provided by bosh-deployment.

bosh update-cloud-config ~/workspace/bucc/src/bosh-deployment/aws/cloud-config.yml \
  -l ~/workspace/bucc/vars.yml

This creates a cloud-config with a network default (the same subnet you used for your BOSH environment), and vm_types default (m4.large) and large (m4.xlarge). These are pretty good for us to get started with our CFCR deployment.

But they don't match the requirements of cfcr.yml. This file references vm_types named small, small-highmem, and minimal.

You have a choice: Either we can:

  1. update our cloud-config to add these additional vm_types, or
  2. update our cfcr.yml deployment manifest to use the available vm_types

Fortunately, this project (which originates from upstream kubo-deployment) contains an operator file to pick different vm_types. So I choose option 2. We will modify our cfcr.yml via operator files.

Deploy CFCR to BUCC lite

bucc up --lite
source <(bucc env)
bucc routes
bosh update-cloud-config src/bosh-deployment/warden/cloud-config.yml
bosh upload-stemcell --sha1 2b045cbb20b11924599b021ddbe9acde724731a1 \\?v\=3586.26

cd ~/workspace
git clone

bosh -d cfcr deploy cfcr-compiled-deployment/cfcr.yml \
  -o ops-files/iaas/virtualbox/bosh-lite.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/allow-privileged-containers.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/misc/single-master.yml

Deploy CFCR to AWS

You do not need to create or upload any BOSH releases. bosh deploy cfcr.yml will do everything for you.

cd ~/workspace
git clone

bosh deploy cfcr-compiled-deployment/cfcr.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/vm-types.yml \
  -v master_vm_type=default \
  -v worker_vm_type=large

I ran these commands at 10:35am. It finished at around 10:50am, and created a full-functional 1-master, 3-worker cluster of Kubernetes:

$ bosh instances
Deployment 'cfcr'

Instance                                     Process State  AZ  IPs
master/129f5313-976b-4f89-89c3-dfcb3f207274  running        z1
worker/032096e3-84b0-46d5-9b94-2e0910ebbb1f  running        z2
worker/3a40714e-dcdb-47a1-b698-4ea434192b6b  running        z3
worker/ee08db00-3bc1-4b29-aef4-c207151bf26c  running        z1

Using CFCR on AWS

Once the deployment is running, you can setup your kubectl CLI to connect and authenticate you.

Download and install the kubectl CLI using the instructions.

Firstly, to download the credhub CLI and login to CredHub API:

bucc credhub

To get the randomly generated Kubernetes API admin password from Credhub, and set $admin_password:

credhub find -n cfcr/kubo-admin-password

admin_password_key=$(credhub find -n /cfcr/kubo-admin-password -j | jq -r ".credentials[].name")
admin_password=$(credhub get -n $admin_password_key -j | jq -r .value)

Next, get the dynamically assigned IP address of the master/0 instance:

master_host=$(bosh instances | grep master | awk '{print $4}')

Finally, setup your local kubectl configuration:


kubectl config set-cluster "${cluster_name}" \
  --server="https://${master_host}:8443" \
kubectl config set-credentials "${user_name}" --token="${admin_password}"
kubectl config set-context "${context_name}" --cluster="${cluster_name}" --user="${user_name}"
kubectl config use-context "${context_name}"

To confirm that you are connected and configured to your Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl get all
kubernetes   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   17m

Example Kubernetes Usage

To deploy the Kubernetes tutorial Guestbook application:

cd ~/workspace
git kubernetes-examples
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/guestbook/redis-master-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/guestbook/redis-master-service.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/guestbook/redis-slave-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/guestbook/redis-slave-service.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/guestbook/frontend-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/guestbook/frontend-service.yaml

Watch the pods/containers come up:

kubectl get all

By default we will be able to access our frontend application by connecting directly to the workers.

$ kubectl get service frontend
NAME       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
frontend   NodePort   <none>        80:30841/TCP   4m

$ bosh instances -d cfcr
Instance                                     Process State  AZ  IPs
master/391853a3-0dd0-40ad-9e34-9ddc58c956c0  running        z1
worker/9fc2f8d9-c8ac-427e-8818-d2e3d00636b4  running        z3
worker/b53b3e64-ceef-4980-9145-832c637d4932  running        z1
worker/e85c1c25-17e7-4e81-87bf-7fcd7849cbb7  running        z2

In the example above, the frontend service is available on port :30841 on each worker. Pick a worker IP a try to ping it:


Privileged containers

Some Kubernetes deployments required privileged containers. There is an operator file allow-privileged-containers.yml to enable this across your CFCR cluster:

bosh deploy cfcr-compiled-deployment/cfcr.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/vm-types.yml \
  -v master_vm_type=default \
  -v worker_vm_type=large \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/allow-privileged-containers.yml

You can now deploy the kubernetes-examples/staging/elasticsearch deployment which requires privileged containers:

cd ~/workspace
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/staging/elasticsearch/service-account.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/staging/elasticsearch/es-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-examples/staging/elasticsearch/es-rc.yaml

Watch the es pod come up:

kubectl get pods

Setup TCP routing via Cloud Foundry routing mesh

Check that your Cloud Foundry has both HTTP and TCP domains. If missing TCP domains, follow the instructions for setting them up.

$ cf domains
Getting domains in org system as admin...
name                   status   type     shared      shared   tcp

We will also be changing how we interact with the Kubernetes API. Instead of using https://IP:8443 we will access it through the Cloud Foundry TCP routing hostname and the selected port; such as

So we need need to have some certificates regenerated to include the new hostname. Delete them from Credhub (the ones to delete are prefixed with tls-kube):

cd ~/workspace
bucc bosh
bucc credhub

credhub find -n cfcr/tls-kube

credhub find -n cfcr/tls-kube -j | jq -r ".credentials[].name" | xargs -L1 credhub delete -n

There is a helper shell script that will lookup your cf deployment credentials for use by CFCR. Store the output to cf-vars.yml:

cfcr-compiled-deployment/helper/ > cf-vars.yml

Now redeploy cfcr with the cf-routing.yml operator file and our cf-vars.yml:

bosh deploy cfcr-compiled-deployment/cfcr.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/vm-types.yml \
  -v master_vm_type=default \
  -v worker_vm_type=large \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/allow-privileged-containers.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/cf-routing.yml \
  -l cf-vars.yml

This will create a new instance called route-sync that will provide the facility to watch your Kubernetes services for tags and publish the required HTTP or TCP routes.

Task 1640 | 07:32:49 | Creating missing vms: route-sync/59fd5320-b7bf-4240-af48-e7cd36b69e7f (0) (00:01:05)

We can now re-configure kubectl to use the new hostname and its matching certificate (rather than use the smelly --insecure-skip-tls-verify flag).

First, get the randomly generated Kubernetes API admin password from CredHub again:

credhub find -n cfcr/kubo-admin-password

admin_password_key=$(credhub find -n /cfcr/kubo-admin-password -j | jq -r ".credentials[].name")
admin_password=$(credhub get -n $admin_password_key -j | jq -r .value)

Next, get your TCP hostname from your cf-vars.yml (e.g.

master_host=$(bosh int cf-vars.yml --path /kubernetes_master_host)

Then, store the root certificate in a temporary file:

bosh int <(credhub get -n "${BOSH_ENVIRONMENT}/${BOSH_DEPLOYMENT}/tls-kubernetes" -j) --path=/value/ca > "${tmp_ca_file}"

Finally, setup your local kubectl configuration:


kubectl config set-cluster "${cluster_name}" \
  --server="https://${master_host}:8443" \
  --certificate-authority="${tmp_ca_file}" \
kubectl config set-credentials "${user_name}" --token="${admin_password}"
kubectl config set-context "${context_name}" --cluster="${cluster_name}" --user="${user_name}"
kubectl config use-context "${context_name}"

Confirm that the :8443 TCP route and certificate for Kubernetes API are working:

kubectl get all

Register service to HTTP or TCP router

To register an HTTP route to route to your Elastic HTTP API:

kubectl label service frontend http-route-sync=myelastic

The route will take a few moments to appear:

$ curl -k
502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request.
$ curl -k
  "name" : "f6a77df3-a1ae-42a6-b749-87e3a7e88906",
  "cluster_name" : "myesdb",
  "cluster_uuid" : "ErRYBEU8QHChXeOV0NOhsA",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "5.6.2",
    "build_hash" : "57e20f3",
    "build_date" : "2017-09-23T13:16:45.703Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "6.6.1"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

To assign yourself public port :9300 on the TCP routing tier

kubectl label service elasticsearch tcp-route-sync=9300

AWS Cloud Provider

Kubernetes can be configured to communicate with AWS.

Add a tag called KubernetesCluster with a random long string to your AWS Subnet. You'll reuse this long string for your BOSH VM and its managed VMs.

Then, redeploy your BUCC/BOSH by adding a tag to your BOSH VM. You can add the operator file ops-files/iaas/aws/lb.yml to your bosh create-env command, and providing -v kubernetes_cluster_tag=<same-random-long-string> variable.

This operator file adds a /tags section to add the KubernetesCluster tag on your BOSH VM.

Or if you're following the BUCC instructions in this tutorial, then first add the following line to bucc/vars.yml:

kubernetes_cluster_tag: <same-random-long-string>

Next, add the ops-files/iaas/aws/lb.yml to your BUCC deployment:

mkdir -p bucc/operators
cp cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/iaas/aws/lb.yml \
bucc up

Next, we also need to add a root /tags section to our cfcr.yml deployment manifest to add the KubernetesCluster tag to all VMs (learn more about /tags in deployment manifests). We can use the same ops-files/iaas/aws/lb.yml operator file as above for cloud-config, which is convenient (or confusing if you're trying to figure this out for the first time).

We can pass the kubernetes_cluster_tag variable from our bucc/vars.yml file (alternately, we could store it in CredHub).

cd ~/workspace
aws_access_key_id=$(bosh int bucc/vars.yml --path /access_key_id)
aws_secret_access_key=$(bosh int bucc/vars.yml --path /secret_access_key)
bosh deploy cfcr-compiled-deployment/cfcr.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/vm-types.yml \
  -v master_vm_type=default \
  -v worker_vm_type=large \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/allow-privileged-containers.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/iaas/aws/cloud-provider.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/iaas/aws/add-master-credentials.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/iaas/aws/add-worker-credentials.yml \
  -v aws_access_key_id_master=${aws_access_key_id} \
  -v aws_access_key_id_worker=${aws_access_key_id} \
  -v aws_secret_access_key_master=${aws_secret_access_key} \
  -v aws_secret_access_key_worker=${aws_secret_access_key} \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/iaas/aws/lb.yml \
  -l bucc/vars.yml

Deploy another CFCR cluster

Why have one CFCR/Kubernetes cluster, when you can have many? Each will be independently deployed, configured, and upgradable over time.

Each BOSH deployment needs a unique name. Currently cfcr.yml has a hard-coded name: cfcr. We can change this with an operator file operators/rename.yml.

To create a new cfcr2 deployment we use the command above, plus our new operator file and deployment_name variable:

cd ~/workspace
export BOSH_DEPLOYMENT=cfcr2

bosh deploy cfcr-compiled-deployment/cfcr.yml \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/ops-files/vm-types.yml \
  -v master_vm_type=default \
  -v worker_vm_type=large \
  -o cfcr-compiled-deployment/operators/rename.yml \
  -v deployment_name=$BOSH_DEPLOYMENT

Follow the Using CFCR on AWS instructions to register and login to Kubernetes API with kubectl, where BOSH_DEPLOYMENT=cfcr2.

Throw the new cluster away when you're ready:

bosh -d cfcr2 delete-deployment

Cleanup BOSH on AWS

One day you might want to discard everything we've just created together. Ok.

First, delete your deployments:

source <(~/workspace/bucc/bin/bucc env)
bosh deployments
bosh delete-deployment -d cfcr

Next, tell your BOSH environment to clean up all orphaned disks/volumes so that you can stop paying AWS for them:

bosh clean-up --all

Finally, use bucc down to drop your BOSH environment VM:

bucc down