🚀 My stack
Monitoring agent for servers, containers, and applications 🔬
Time Series Database based on Cassandra with Prometheus remote read/write support 🗄️
Serverboards is a microservices based service monitoring, alerting and management system.
Generic SQL engine in Elixir that uses generic data extractors
Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data.
Display and monitor your servers statistics in a beatiful way
Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator(LFCS) learning materials
Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) - Notes for exam
A succinct cheat sheet for newbie linux coders and system administrators, documenting some of the more obscure and useful gems of linux lore. Intended to be viewed in emacs org-mode, or VimOrganize…
A short tutorial about building Linux based operating systems.
The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
Send all traffic from macOS through Wireguard running on a Linux VM
Security Technical Implementation Guide for Debian