Hardware things
Complete flight control system designed from scratch. Hardware designed with KiCad.
A high performance current & magnetic field probe
A dark theme for the Arduino IDE – no longer maintained :(
⌨️ A curated list of Open Source Mechanical Keyboard resources.
OpenHantek6022 is a DSO software for Hantek USB digital signal oscilloscopes 6022BE / BL. Development OS is Debian Linux, but the program also works on FreeBSD, MacOS, RaspberryPi and Windows. No s…
A handheld tool that gives a visual indication of the frequency or voltage at the probe.
opensouce RISC-V cpu core implemented in Verilog from scratch in one night!
Want to change the color scheme of KiCad? Look here for Inspiration.
Contents for my videos on embedded programming on Linux with STM32
Directly render SVG overlays into Gerber and Excellon files
Getting started with the STM32 HAL development environment. Tutorial documents in Markdown.
board for a reflowoven, works excellent on any kind of oven (resistive)
STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32F4 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis…
CubeIDE/CubeMX compatible MMC/SD memory card FatFs driver
pk2cmd source for Linux with 1.21RC1 patches (NOT MAINTAINED; PRs will be IGNORED)
Software tools/utilities made by others to augment the KiCad PCB EDA suite.