Propaganda detection using fine-tuned BERT
Download data on all of Donald Trump's (@realDonaldTrump) tweets
Code and data set for the WebConf2023 paper "Evidence of Demographic rather than Ideological Segregation in News Discussion on Reddit"
Computational Social Science Project: "Algorithmic Bias in Echo Chamber Formation".
This page is meant to provide current research updates on Polarization and Echo-chambers on Social Media. Unlike other survey pages, this site will focus on reproducible research along with code sn…
ECS (Echo Chamber Score) is a method to measure the echo chamber and polarization in social media.
Repository to reproduce "Cascade-based Echo Chamber Detection" accepted at CIKM2022
Examining how information cascades driven by polarized media can cause "echo chambers" to emerge in social networks. Agent-based model and empirical data collection from Twitter.
The most accurate natural language detection library for Python, suitable for short text and mixed-language text
STEM: Unsupervised STructural EMbedding for Stance Detection