This repository is created to complete the mini data analysis part 1 and 2 as a part of STAT 545 A course. The reository has three major folders: MDA1, MDA2 and Output_MDA2
- MDA 1: consists of all the files (with codes) and graphs from the Mini Data Analysis Part 1
- MDA 2: consists of ,.rmd and .md files (with codes) and graphs from the Mini Data Analysis Part 2
- Output_MDA2: consists of .csv and .rds files which were the output of the model from MDA2.
I selected the vancouver_trees dataset for both of my analysis. For Analysis1:
- The project explores how the diameter differs in two genus: Acer and Quercus?
- Next, the the cleaner dataset is created by checking the outliers of the data diameter of the quercus genus to analyse the diameter variable of the Quercus genus further.
- Afterthat the project explores if the diameter of the Quercus species is significantly affected by curb.
- At last, model is built to see if the diameters in each height class differ significantly.
For Analysis 2:
- This project is about Manipulating special data types in R: factors and/or dates and times.
- Fitting a model object to the data, and extraction of a result.
- Reading and writing data as separate files.