Minecraft mod that Template Mod Description.
- ModMenu for an in game configuration screen (only for singleplayer/LAN)
Create an issue on the issue tracker if you've found an incompatibility!
See the version info in the filename for the supported Minecraft versions.
Made for the Fabric, Quilt, Forge, and NeoForge modloaders.
TODO side.
Q: Will you be backporting this to lower Minecraft versions?
A: No. -
Q: Does this mod work in multiplayer?
A: TODO. -
Q: Does only the server need this mod or does the client need it too?
If you've encountered a problem or you want to suggest features, create an issue on the issue tracker.
git clone https://github.com/templateorganization/templatemod.git
cd templatemod
./gradlew build
This project is licensed under LGPLv3, see LICENSE.