- The user should be able to retrieve his password by informing his email.
- The user should not be able to retrieve his password by informing a non-existent email.
- The user should receive an email with instructions to retrieve his password.
- Should generate a user token for password recovery
- The user should be able to reset his password.
- Should hash the user's new password.
- Should not be able to reset the user's password after the token is expired.
- Use Mailtrap for email testing during the development phase.
- Use Amazon SES for email testing during the production phase.
- Send emails in the background NOTE: Background jobs
Business Requirement
- The email link sent through the user's email to reset a password should expire in two hours.
- The user can only reset his own password.
- The user needs to confirm his new password after resetting his previous password.
- The user should be able to update his name, email and password.
- The user cannot change his email to an email that is already being used by another user.
- To update a password the user needs to inform his current password.
- To update a password the user cannot inform his current password incorrectly.
- To update a password the user needs to confirm his new password.
- The provider should be able to list all of his appointments in a given day.
- The provider should receive a notification whenever a user creates a new appointment with him.
- The provider should be able to visualize his unread notifications.
- The provider's appointment in a given day should be stored in cache.
- The provider's notifications should be stored in MongoDB.
- The notification should have the unread and read states that can be toggled by the provider.
- 1. The user should be able to list all registered service providers.
- 2. The user should be able to list all days, that have at least one available time slot, from a given month for a given service provider.
- 3. The user should be able to list all available time slots in a given day for a given service provider.
- 4. The user should be able to make a new appointment with a service provider.
- The provider list should be stored in cache.
- Should exclude the logged user from the list of providers. (This is for FR #1)
- All available time slots should be comprised of 1 hour.
- The available time slots should be between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM NOTE: The 1st time slot is at 8:00 AM and the last time slot is at 5:00 PM.
- The user cannot schedule a new appointment with a provider if the time slot is already occupied.
- The user cannot schedule a new appointment in a time slot that is in the past.
- The user cannot schedule a new appointment with himself as a provider.