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History of changes for WinPython

The following changes were made to WinPython distribution since version

Python packages

New packages:

  • Keras 0.1.1 (Theano-based Deep Learning library)

  • bcolz 0.9.0 (columnar and compressed data containers.)

  • cyordereddict 0.2.2 (Cython implementation of Python's collections.OrderedDict)

  • cytoolz 0.7.3 (Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities)

  • dask 0.5.0 (Minimal task scheduling abstraction)

  • datashape 0.4.5 (A data description language)

  • dill 0.2.2 (serialize all of python (almost))

  • multipledispatch 0.4.7 (A relatively sane approach to multiple dispatch in Python)

  • odo 0.3.2 (Data migration in Python)

  • toolz 0.7.2 (List processing tools and functional utilities)

  • vispy 0.4.0 (Interactive visualization in Python)

Upgraded packages:

  • Cython 0.22 → 0.22.1 (Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python language as easy as Python)

  • Pillow 2.8.1 → 2.8.2 (Python Imaging Library (fork))

  • PyQt4 4.11.3 → 4.11.4 (Python bindings for the Qt cross platform GUI toolkit)

  • SQLAlchemy 1.0.4 → 1.0.5 (SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper)

  • XlsxWriter 0.7.2 → 0.7.3 (A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.)

  • alabaster 0.7.3 → 0.7.4 (A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme)

  • cffi 0.9.2 → 1.1.2 (Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.)

  • 0.4.1 → 0.4.4 (a db package that doesn't suck)

  • ipython 3.1.0 → 3.2.0 (Enhanced Python shell)

  • ipython_sql 0.3.5 → 0.3.6 (RDBMS access via IPython)

  • jedi 0.8.1 → 0.9.0 (An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors)

  • jsonschema 2.4.0 → 2.5.1 (An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python)

  • llvmlite 0.4.0 → 0.5.1 (lightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality)

  • mysql_connector_python 2.0.3 → 2.0.4 (MySQL driver written in Python)

  • nose 1.3.6 → 1.3.7 (nose is a discovery-based unittest extension (e.g. NumPy test module is using nose))

  • numba 0.18.2 → 0.19.2 (compiling Python code using LLVM)

  • oct2py 3.1.0 → 3.2.0 (Python to GNU Octave bridge --> run m-files from python.)

  • pandas 0.16.1 → 0.16.2 (Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series and statistics)

  • pip 6.1.1 → 7.0.3 (A tool for installing and managing Python packages)

  • psutil 2.2.1 → 3.0.0 (Provides an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, disk, memory, network) in a portable way)

  • pycparser 2.12 → 2.14 (C parser in Python)

  • pyflakes 0.8.1 → 0.9.2 (passive checker of Python programs)

  • pymongo 3.0.1 → 3.0.2 (Python driver for MongoDB

  • pytz 2015.2 → 2015.4 (World Timezone Definitions for Python)

  • pyzmq 14.6.0 → 14.7.0 (Lightweight and super-fast messaging based on ZeroMQ library (required for IPython Qt console))

  • reportlab 3.1.44 → 3.2.0 (The PDF generation library)

  • rpy2 2.5.6 → 2.6.0 (Python interface to the R language (embedded R))

  • setuptools 15.2 → 17.1.1 (Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages - easily)

  • simplejson 3.6.5 → 3.7.3 (Simple, fast, extensible JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder)

  • spyder 2.3.4 → (Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment: designed for interactive computing and data visualisation with a simple and intuitive user interface)

  • tornado 4.1 → 4.2 (Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools (required for IPython notebook))

Removed packages:

  • tqdm 1.0 (A Simple Python Progress Meter)