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History of changes for WinPython-32bit

The following changes were made to WinPython-32bit distribution since version


Upgraded packages:

  • Nodejs v8.11.2 → v8.11.4 (a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine)

Python packages

New packages:

  • click_plugins 1.0.3 (An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via setuptools entry-points.)

  • cligj 0.4.0 (Click params for commmand line interfaces to GeoJSON)

  • descartes 1.1.0 (Use geometric objects as matplotlib paths and patches)

  • fiona 1.7.13 (reads and writes spatial data files)

  • geopandas 0.4.0 (Geographic pandas extensions)

  • idlex 1.18 (IDLE Extensions for Python)

  • mlxtend 0.13.0 (Machine Learning Library Extensions)

  • munch 2.3.2 (A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects).)

  • ppci 0.5.6 (A compiler for ARM, X86, MSP430, xtensa and more implemented in pure Python)

  • prometheus_client 0.3.1 (Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system.)

  • protobuf 3.6.1 (Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format)

  • pyproj (Python interface to PROJ.4 library)

  • pytest_runner 4.2 (Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution)

  • rise 5.4.1 (Live Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension)

  • shapely 1.6.4.post1 (Geometric objects, predicates, and operations)

  • vega_datasets 0.5.0 (A Python package for offline access to Vega datasets)

Upgraded packages:

  • altair 2.1.0 → 2.2.2 (High-level declarative visualization library for Python)

  • astroid 1.6.5 → 2.0.4 (Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast (required for pylint))

  • beautifulsoup4 4.6.0 → 4.6.3 (Screen-scraping library)

  • bleach 2.1.3 → 2.1.4 (An easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool)

  • bokeh 0.13.0 → 1.0.0.dev6 (Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python)

  • bqplot 0.10.5 → 0.11.1 (Interactive plotting for the Jupyter notebook, using d3.js and ipywidgets.)

  • certifi 2018.4.16 → 2018.8.13 (Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.)

  • cftime 1.0.0 → 1.0.1 (time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python)

  • cloudpickle 0.5.3 → 0.5.5 (Extended pickling support for Python objects)

  • comtypes 1.1.4 → 1.1.7 (Pure Python COM package)

  • cvxpy 1.0.6 → 1.0.8 (A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python)

  • cython 0.28.3 → 0.28.5 (Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python language as easy as Python)

  • dask 0.18.1 → 0.18.2 (Minimal task scheduling abstraction)

  • distributed 1.22.0 → 1.22.1 (Distributed computing)

  • fast_histogram 0.4 → 0.5 (Fast 1D and 2D histogram functions in Python)

  • fastparquet 0.1.5 → 0.1.6 (Python support for Parquet file format)

  • fuzzywuzzy 0.16.0 → 0.17.0 (Fuzzy string matching in python)

  • geopy 1.14.0 → 1.16.0 (Python Geocoding Toolbox)

  • greenlet 0.4.13 → 0.4.14 (Lightweight in-process concurrent programming)

  • holoviews 1.11.0a1 → 1.11.0a3 (Composable, declarative data structures for building complex visualizations easily.)

  • hvplot 0.2.0 → 0.2.1 (A high-level plotting API for pandas, dask, streamz and xarray built on HoloViews)

  • ipykernel 4.8.2 → 4.9.0 (IPython Kernel for Jupyter)

  • ipympl 0.2.0 → 0.2.1 (Matplotlib Jupyter Extension)

  • ipython 6.4.0 → 6.5.0 (Enhanced Python shell)

  • ipywidgets 7.2.1 → 7.4.1 (IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter)

  • joblib 0.12.0 → 0.12.2 (Lightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline jobs.)

  • jupyter_sphinx 0.1.2 → 0.1.4 (Jupyter Sphinx Extensions)

  • jupyterlab 0.32.1 → 0.34.7 (Jupyter lab environment notebook server extension)

  • jupyterlab_launcher 0.10.5 → 0.13.1 (Jupyter Launcher)

  • loky 2.1.4 → 2.2.1 (Robust and reusable Executor for joblib)

  • lxml 4.2.3 → 4.2.4 (Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.)

  • matplotlib 2.2.2 → 2.2.3 (2D plotting library (embeddable in GUIs created with PyQt))

  • more_itertools 4.2.0 → 4.3.0 (More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools)

  • msgpack_numpy 0.4.3 → (Numpy data serialization using msgpack)

  • multipledispatch 0.5.0 → 0.6.0 (A relatively sane approach to multiple dispatch in Python)

  • mypy 0.610 → 0.620 (Optional static typing for Python)

  • mysql_connector_python 8.0.6 → 8.0.11 (MySQL driver written in Python)

  • netcdf4 1.4.0 → 1.4.1 (Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 library)

  • notebook 5.5.0 → 5.6.0 (# Jupyter Notebook)

  • numexpr 2.6.5 → 2.6.8 (Fast evaluation of array expressions elementwise by using a vector-based virtual machine)

  • pandas 0.23.3 → 0.23.4 (Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series and statistics)

  • parambokeh 0.2.2 → 0.2.3 (Declarative Python programming using Parameters.)

  • paramnb 2.0.2 → 2.0.4 (Generate ipywidgets from Parameterized objects in the notebook)

  • parso 0.3.0 → 0.3.1 (A Python Parser)

  • pdvega 0.1 → 0.2.1.dev0 (Pandas plotting interface to Vega and Vega-Lite)

  • pip 10.0.1 → 18.0 (A tool for installing and managing Python packages)

  • plotnine 0.3.0 → 0.4.0 (A grammar of graphics for python)

  • pluggy 0.6.0 → 0.7.1 (plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python)

  • psutil 5.4.6 → 5.4.7 (Provides an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, disk, memory, network) in a portable way)

  • pyct 0.4.3 → 0.4.5 (python package common tasks for users (e.g. copy examples, fetch data, ...))

  • pygame 1.9.3 → 1.9.4 (Pygame gives multimedia to python.)

  • pylint 1.9.2 → 2.1.1 (Logilab code analysis module: analyzes Python source code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality)

  • pymongo 3.7.0 → 3.7.1 (Python driver for MongoDB

  • pyodbc 4.0.23 → 4.0.24 (DB API Module for ODBC)

  • pytest 3.6.3 → 3.7.2 (pytest: simple powerful testing with Python)

  • pywin32_ctypes 0.1.2 → 0.2.0 (A (partial) reimplementation of pywin32 that is pure python (uses ctypes/cffi))

  • pyzmq 17.0.0 → 17.1.2 (Lightweight and super-fast messaging based on ZeroMQ library (required for IPython Qt console))

  • pyzo 4.5.2 → 4.6.0 (the Python IDE for scientific computing)

  • qtconsole 4.3.1 → 4.4.1 (Jupyter Qt console)

  • qtpy 1.4.2 → 1.5.0 (Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide) and additional custom QWidgets.)

  • regex 2018.6.21 → 2018.8.17 (Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.)

  • reportlab 3.4.0 → 3.5.6 (The PDF generation library)

  • rope 0.10.7 → 0.11.0 (a python refactoring library...)

  • ruamel.yaml 0.15.42 → 0.15.52 (a YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip preservation of comments, seq/map flow style, and map key order)

  • scikit_learn 0.19.1 → 0.19.2 (A set of Python modules for machine learning and data mining)

  • scs 1.2.7 → 2.0.2 (scs: splitting conic solver)

  • seaborn 0.9.dev0 → 0.9.0 (statistical data visualization)

  • setuptools 39.2.0 → 40.2.0 (Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages - easily)

  • snakeviz 0.4.2 → 1.0.0 (An in-browser Python profile viewer)

  • sphinx 1.7.5 → 1.7.7 (Tool for generating documentation which uses reStructuredText as its markup language)

  • sphinx_rtd_theme 0.4.0 → 0.4.1 ( theme for Sphinx, 2013 version.)

  • spyder 3.3.0 → 3.3.1 (The Scientific Python Development Environment: An IDE designed for interactive computing and data visualisation with a simple and intuitive user interface)

  • spyder_kernels 0.2.4 → 0.2.6 (Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console)

  • sqlalchemy 1.2.9 → 1.2.11 (SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper)

  • sympy 1.1.1 → 1.2 (Symbolic Mathematics Library)

  • tornado 5.0.2 → 5.1 (Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools (required for IPython notebook))

  • tqdm 4.23.4 → 4.25.0 (A Simple Python Progress Meter)

  • vega 1.3.0 → 1.4.0 (An IPython/ Jupyter widget for Vega and Vega-Lite)

  • widgetsnbextension 3.2.1 → 3.4.1 (IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter)

  • winpython 1.10.20180624 → 1.10.20180827 (WinPython distribution tools, including WPPM (package manager))

  • wordcloud 1.4.1 → 1.5.0 (A little word cloud generator)

  • xarray 0.10.7 → 0.10.8 (N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python)

  • xlsxwriter 1.0.5 → 1.0.7 (A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.)

  • xlwings 0.11.5 → 0.11.8 (Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa)

Removed packages:

  • pymc3 3.4.1 (Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit.)

  • theano 1.0.2 (Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions on CPUs and GPUs.)

  • vega3 0.13.0 (An IPython/ Jupyter widget for Vega 3 and Vega-Lite 2)