Python |
3.4.3 |
Python programming language with standard library |
astroid |
1.4.1 |
Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast (required for pylint) |
backports-abc |
0.4 |
A backport of recent additions to the '' module. |
baresql |
0.7.3 |
playing SQL directly on Python datas |
beautifulsoup4 |
4.4.1 |
Screen-scraping library |
colorama |
0.3.3 |
Cross-platform colored terminal text |
cycler |
0.9.0 |
Composable style cycles | |
0.4.4 |
a db package that doesn't suck |
decorator |
4.0.6 |
Better living through Python with decorators |
formlayout |
1.1.0 |
Module for creating form dialogs/widgets to edit various type of parameters without having to write any GUI code |
guidata |
1.7.4 |
Automatically generated graphical user interfaces for easy data set edition and display |
guiqwt |
3.0.1 |
Efficient curve/image plotting and other GUI tools for scientific data processing software development |
h5py |
2.5.0 |
General-purpose Python interface to HDF5 files (unlike PyTables, h5py provides direct access to the full HDF5 C library) |
html5lib |
0.9999999 |
HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification |
ipykernel |
4.2.1 |
IPython Kernel for Jupyter |
ipyparallel |
4.1.0 |
Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython |
ipython |
4.0.1 |
Enhanced Python shell |
ipython-genutils |
0.1.0 |
Vestigial utilities from IPython |
ipython-sql | |
RDBMS access via IPython |
ipywidgets |
4.1.1 |
IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter |
jedi |
0.8.1 |
An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors |
jinja2 |
2.8 |
Sandboxed template engine (provides a Django-like non-XML syntax and compiles templates into executable python code) |
jsonschema |
2.5.1 |
An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python |
jupyter |
1.0.0 |
Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go. |
jupyter-client |
4.1.1 |
Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go. |
jupyter-console |
4.0.3 |
Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go. |
jupyter-core |
4.0.6 |
Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go. |
lazy-object-proxy |
1.2.1 |
A fast and thorough lazy object proxy. |
markupsafe |
0.23 |
Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python |
matplotlib |
1.5.0 |
2D plotting library (embeddable in GUIs created with PyQt) |
mistune |
0.7.1 |
The fastest markdown parser in pure Python, inspired by marked. |
nbconvert |
4.1.0 |
Converting Jupyter Notebooks |
nbformat |
4.0.1 |
The Jupyter Notebook format |
notebook |
4.0.6 |
# Jupyter Notebook |
numexpr |
2.4.6 |
Fast evaluation of array expressions elementwise by using a vector-based virtual machine |
numpy |
1.9.3 |
NumPy: multidimensional array processing for numbers, strings, records and objects (SciPy''s core module) |
pandas |
0.17.1 |
Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series and statistics |
pandas-datareader |
0.2.0 |
Data readers extracted from the pandas codebase,should be compatible with recent pandas versions | |
8.1.2 |
A module wrapper for os.path |
patsy |
0.4.1 |
Describing statistical models using symbolic formulas |
pep8 |
1.6.2 |
Python style guide checker |
pickleshare |
0.5 |
Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support |
pillow |
3.0.0 |
Python Imaging Library (fork) |
pip |
7.1.2 |
A tool for installing and managing Python packages |
prettytable |
0.7.2 |
A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format. |
prompt-toolkit |
0.54 |
Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python |
psutil |
3.3.0 |
Provides an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, disk, memory, network) in a portable way |
pybars3 |
0.9.1 |
Handlebars.js templating for Python 3 and 2 |
pyflakes |
0.9.2 |
passive checker of Python programs |
pygments |
2.0.2 |
Generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software |
pylint |
1.5.1 |
Logilab code analysis module: analyzes Python source code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality |
pymeta3 |
0.5.1 |
Pattern-matching language based on Meta for Python 3 and 2 |
pyodbc |
3.0.10 |
DB API Module for ODBC |
pyparsing |
2.0.6 |
A Python Parsing Module |
PyQt5 |
5.5.1 |
Python bindings for the Qt cross platform GUI toolkit |
pyqtgraph |
0.9.10 |
Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python |
python-dateutil |
2.4.2 |
Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module |
pythonqwt |
0.5.3 |
Qt plotting widgets for Python |
pytz |
2015.7 |
World Timezone Definitions for Python |
pyzmq |
15.1.0 |
Lightweight and super-fast messaging based on ZeroMQ library (required for IPython Qt console) |
qtawesome |
0.2.0 |
FontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications |
qtconsole |
4.1.1 |
Jupyter Qt console |
qtpy |
0.1.2 |
Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide) and additional custom QWidgets. |
requests |
2.8.1 |
Requests is an Apache2 Licensed HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings. |
rope-py3k |
0.9.4.post1 |
a python refactoring library... |
scipy |
0.16.1 |
SciPy: Scientific Library for Python (advanced math, signal processing, optimization, statistics, ...) |
seaborn |
0.7.0.dev0 |
statistical data visualization |
setuptools |
18.7.1 |
Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages - easily |
simplegeneric |
0.8.1 |
Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.) |
simplejson |
3.8.1 |
Simple, fast, extensible JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder |
six |
1.10.0 |
Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities |
spyder |
3.0.0.dev0 |
Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment: designed for interactive computing and data visualisation with a simple and intuitive user interface |
sqlalchemy |
1.0.9 |
SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper |
sqlite-bro |
0.8.10 |
a graphic SQLite Client in 1 Python file |
sqlparse |
0.1.18 |
Non-validating SQL parser |
statsmodels |
0.6.1 |
Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy |
tables |
3.2.2 |
Package based on HDF5 library for managing hierarchical datasets (extremely large amounts of data) |
tornado |
4.3 |
Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools (required for IPython notebook) |
traitlets |
4.0.0 |
Traitlets Python config system |
wcwidth |
0.1.5 |
Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes |
winpython |
1.3 |
WinPython distribution tools, including WPPM (package manager) |
wrapt |
1.10.5 |
A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. |
xlrd |
0.9.4 |
Extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files |