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History of changes for WinPython-64bit

The following changes were made to WinPython-64bit distribution since version


New packages:

  • VSCode (source-code editor developed by Microsoft)

Upgraded packages:

  • Nodejs v12.16.1 → v12.16.3 (a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine)

  • npmjs 6.13.4 → 6.14.4 (a package manager for JavaScript)

Python packages

New packages:

  • asgiref 3.2.7 (ASGI specs, helper code, and adapters)

  • cachelib 0.1 (A collection of cache libraries in the same API interface.)

  • cartopy 0.18.0 (A cartographic python library with Matplotlib support for visualisation)

  • distlib 0.3.0 (Distribution utilities)

  • filelock 3.0.12 (A platform independent file lock.)

  • flask_mail 0.9.1 (Flask extension for sending email)

  • flask_session 0.3.2 (Adds server-side session support to your Flask application)

  • flask_sqlalchemy 2.4.1 (Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application.)

  • geoviews 1.8.1 (GeoViews is a Python library that makes it easy to explore and visualize geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets, such as those used in weather, climate, and remote sensing research.)

  • httpie 2.1.0 (HTTPie - a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans.)

  • imagecodecs 2020.2.18 (Image transformation, compression, and decompression codecs)

  • lz4 3.0.2 (LZ4 Bindings for Python)

  • mergedeep 1.3.0 (A deep merge function for 🐍.)

  • nest_asyncio 1.3.3 (Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops)

  • nlopt 2.6.2 (Library for nonlinear optimization, wrapping many algorithms for global and local, constrained or unconstrained, optimization)

  • outcome 1.0.1 (Capture the outcome of Python function calls.)

  • pipdeptree 0.13.2 (Command line utility to show dependency tree of packages)

  • pyshp 2.1.0 (Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format)

  • python_dotenv 0.13.0 (Add .env support to your django/flask apps in development and deployments)

  • rpy2 3.4.0.dev0 (Python interface to the R language (embedded R))

  • sniffio 1.1.0 (Sniff out which async library your code is running under)

  • tbb 2019.0 (Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks)

  • threadpoolctl 2.0.0 (threadpoolctl)

  • tifffile 2020.5.11 (Read and write TIFF(r) files)

  • trio 0.15.1 (A friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O)

  • trio_asyncio 0.11.0 (A re-implementation of the asyncio mainloop on top of Trio)

  • umap_learn 0.4.3 (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection)

  • virtualenv 20.0.20 (Virtual Python Environment builder)

Upgraded packages:

  • aiofiles 0.4.0 → 0.5.0 (File support for asyncio.)

  • aiosqlite 0.11.0 → 0.13.0 (asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module)

  • altair 4.0.1 → 4.1.0 (Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.)

  • appdirs 1.4.3 → 1.4.4 (A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir".)

  • astroid 2.3.3 → 2.4.1 (An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support.)

  • astropy 4.0 → 4.0.1 (Community-developed python astronomy tools)

  • atomicwrites 1.3.0 → 1.4.0 (Atomic file writes.)

  • autopep8 1.5 → 1.5.2 (A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide)

  • beautifulsoup4 4.8.2 → 4.9.0 (Screen-scraping library)

  • bleach 3.1.3 → 3.1.5 (An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool.)

  • blosc 1.8.3 → 1.9.1 (Blosc data compressor)

  • bokeh 2.0.0 → 2.0.2 (Interactive plots and applications in the browser from Python)

  • bqplot 0.12.6 → 0.12.11 (Interactive plotting for the Jupyter notebook, using d3.js and ipywidgets.)

  • certifi 2019.11.28 → 2020.4.5.1 (Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.)

  • cftime → 1.1.3 (Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python)

  • click 7.1.1 → 7.1.2 (Composable command line interface toolkit)

  • cloudpickle 1.3.0 → 1.4.1 (Extended pickling support for Python objects)

  • cryptography 2.8 → 2.9.2 (cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.)

  • cvxopt 1.2.4 → 1.2.5 (Convex optimization package)

  • cvxpy 1.0.28 → 1.0.31 (A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.)

  • cython 0.29.15 → 0.29.19 (The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language.)

  • dask 2.12.0 → 2.16.0 (Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling)

  • databases 0.2.6 → 0.3.2 (Async database support for Python.)

  • datasette 0.38 → 0.42 (A tool for exploring and publishing data)

  • deprecated 1.2.7 → 1.2.10 (Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.)

  • distributed 2.12.0 → 2.16.0 (Distributed scheduler for Dask)

  • fastparquet 0.3.3 → 0.4.0 (Python support for Parquet file format)

  • feather_format 0.4.0 → 0.4.1 (Simple wrapper library to the Apache Arrow-based Feather File Format)

  • flask 1.1.1 → 1.1.2 (A simple framework for building complex web applications.)

  • flask_accepts 0.16.2 → 0.17.2 (Easy, opinionated Flask input/output handling with Flask-restx and Marshmallow)

  • flask_restx 0.1.0 → 0.2.0 (Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask)

  • folium 0.10.1 → 0.11.0 (Make beautiful maps with Leaflet.js & Python)

  • fsspec 0.6.2 → 0.7.3 (File-system specification)

  • geopy 1.21.0 → 1.22.0 (Python Geocoding Toolbox)

  • helpdev 0.6.10 → 0.7.1 (HelpDev - Extracts information about the Python environment easily.)

  • holoviews 1.13.0b12 → 1.13.2 (Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself.)

  • hypercorn 0.9.2 → 0.9.5 (A ASGI Server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by Gunicorn.)

  • hypothesis 5.6.0 → 5.14.0 (A library for property-based testing)

  • imageio_ffmpeg 0.4.1 → 0.4.2 (FFMPEG wrapper for Python)

  • intake 0.5.4 → 0.5.5 (Data load and catalog system)

  • ipykernel 5.1.4 → 5.2.1 (IPython Kernel for Jupyter)

  • ipyleaflet 0.12.3 → 0.12.6 (A Jupyter widget for dynamic Leaflet maps)

  • ipympl 0.5.3 → 0.5.6 (Matplotlib Jupyter Extension)

  • ipyparallel 6.2.4 → 6.3.0 (Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython)

  • ipython 7.13.0 → 7.14.0 (IPython: Productive Interactive Computing)

  • ipython_sql 0.3.9 → 0.4.0 (RDBMS access via IPython)

  • janus 0.4.0 → 0.5.0 (Mixed sync-async queue to interoperate between asyncio tasks and classic threads)

  • jedi 0.15.2 → 0.17.0 (An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors.)

  • jinja2 2.11.1 → 2.11.2 (A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.)

  • joblib 0.14.1 → 0.15.1 (Lightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline jobs.)

  • julia 0.5.1 → 0.5.3 (Julia/Python bridge with IPython support.)

  • jupyter_client 6.1.0 → 6.1.3 (Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries)

  • jupyterlab 2.0.1 → 2.1.2 (The JupyterLab notebook server extension.)

  • jupyterlab_pygments 0.1.0 → 0.1.1 (Pygments theme)

  • jupyterlab_server 1.0.7 → 1.1.3 (JupyterLab Server)

  • keyring 21.2.0 → 21.2.1 (Store and access your passwords safely.)

  • kiwisolver 1.1.0 → 1.2.0 (A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver)

  • llvmlite 0.31.0 → 0.32.1 (lightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality)

  • lmfit 1.0.0 → 1.0.1 (Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints)

  • loky 2.6.0 → 2.8.0 (A robust implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor)

  • lxml 4.5.0 → 4.5.1 (Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.)

  • markdown 3.2.1 → 3.2.2 (Python implementation of Markdown.)

  • marshmallow 3.5.1 → 3.6.0 (A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes.)

  • mercantile 1.1.2 → 1.1.4 (Web mercator XYZ tile utilities)

  • metakernel 0.24.3 → 0.24.4 (Metakernel for Jupyter)

  • more_itertools 8.2.0 → 8.3.0 (More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools)

  • moviepy 1.0.1 → 1.0.3 (Video editing with Python)

  • nbclient 0.1.0 → 0.3.0 (A client library for executing notebooks. Formally nbconvert's ExecutePreprocessor.)

  • nbformat 5.0.4 → 5.0.6 (The Jupyter Notebook format)

  • nltk 3.4.5 → 3.5 (Natural Language Toolkit)

  • numba 0.48.0 → 0.49.1 (compiling Python code using LLVM)

  • numpy 1.18.2+mkl → 1.18.4+mkl (NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.)

  • octave_kernel 0.31.0 → 0.31.1 (A Jupyter kernel for Octave.)

  • packaging 20.3 → 20.4 (Core utilities for Python packages)

  • panel 0.9.2 → 0.9.5 (A high level app and dashboarding solution for Python.)

  • papermill 2.0.0 → 2.1.1 (Parametrize and run Jupyter and nteract Notebooks)

  • parso 0.6.2 → 0.7.0 (A Python Parser)

  • pathspec 0.7.0 → 0.8.0 (Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths.)

  • pillow 7.0.0 → 7.1.2 (Python Imaging Library (Fork))

  • pip 20.0.2 → 20.1.1 (The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.)

  • plotly 4.5.4 → 4.7.1 (An open-source, interactive graphing library for Python)

  • prompt_toolkit 3.0.4 → 3.0.5 (Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python)

  • ptpython 3.0.1 → 3.0.2 (Python REPL build on top of prompt_toolkit)

  • pyaml 20.3.1 → 20.4.0 (PyYAML-based module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data)

  • pyarrow 0.16.0 → 0.17.1 (Python library for Apache Arrow)

  • pybind11 2.4.3 → 2.5.0 (Seamless operability between C++11 and Python)

  • pycodestyle 2.5.0 → 2.6.0 (Python style guide checker)

  • pyflakes 2.1.1 → 2.2.0 (passive checker of Python programs)

  • pylint 2.4.4 → 2.5.2 (python code static checker)

  • pymc 2.3.7 → 2.3.8 (Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit.)

  • pyparsing 2.4.6 → 2.4.7 (Python parsing module)

  • pyproj 2.6.0 → 2.6.1.post1 (Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library))

  • pyqt5 5.14.1 → 5.14.2 (Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit)

  • pyqt5_sip 12.7.1 → 12.7.2 (The sip module support for PyQt5)

  • pyrsistent 0.15.7 → 0.16.0 (Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures)

  • pytest 5.4.1 → 5.4.2 (pytest: simple powerful testing with Python)

  • Python 3.8.2 → 3.8.3 (Python programming language with standard library)

  • python_language_server 0.31.9 → 0.32.0 (Python Language Server for the Language Server Protocol)

  • pytz 2019.3 → 2020.1 (World timezone definitions, modern and historical)

  • pyzmq 19.0.0 → 19.0.1 (Python bindings for 0MQ)

  • qdarkstyle 2.8 → 2.8.1 (The most complete dark stylesheet for Python and Qt applications)

  • qtawesome 0.7.0 → 0.7.2 (FontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications)

  • qtconsole 4.7.1 → 4.7.4 (Jupyter Qt console)

  • quantecon 0.4.6 → 0.4.7 (QuantEcon is a package to support all forms of quantitative economic modelling.)

  • quart 0.11.3 → 0.12.0 (A Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask)

  • rasterio 1.1.3 → 1.1.4 (Fast and direct raster I/O for use with Numpy and SciPy)

  • readme_renderer 25.0 → 26.0 (readme_renderer is a library for rendering "readme" descriptions for Warehouse)

  • redis 3.4.1 → 3.5.2 (Python client for Redis key-value store)

  • regex 2020.2.20 → 2020.5.14 (Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.)

  • scikit_image 0.16.2 → 0.17.2 (Image processing routines for SciPy)

  • scikit_learn 0.22.2.post1 → 0.23.1 (A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining)

  • scs 2.1.1.post2 → 2.1.2 (scs: splitting conic solver)

  • seaborn 0.10.0 → 0.10.1 (seaborn: statistical data visualization)

  • setuptools 46.0.0 → 46.4.0 (Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages)

  • simpy 3.0.12 → 4.0.1 (Event discrete, process based simulation for Python.)

  • snakeviz 2.0.1 → 2.1.0 (A web-based viewer for Python profiler output)

  • sphinx 2.4.4 → 3.0.3 (Tool for generating documentation which uses reStructuredText as its markup language)

  • spyder 4.1.1 → 4.1.3 (The Scientific Python Development Environment)

  • spyder_kernels 1.9.0 → 1.9.1 (Jupyter kernels for Spyder's console)

  • sqlalchemy 1.3.15 → 1.3.17 (Database Abstraction Library)

  • swifter 0.297 → 0.304 (A package which efficiently applies any function to a pandas dataframe or series in the fastest available manner)

  • tenacity 6.1.0 → 6.2.0 (Retry code until it succeeds)

  • toml 0.10.0 → 0.10.1 (Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language)

  • tqdm 4.43.0 → 4.46.0 (Fast, Extensible Progress Meter)

  • typing_extensions → (Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+)

  • tzlocal 1.5.1 → 2.1 (tzinfo object for the local timezone)

  • urllib3 1.25.8 → 1.25.9 (HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.)

  • uvicorn 0.11.3 → 0.11.5 (The lightning-fast ASGI server.)

  • vega 3.1.0 → 3.4.0 (A Jupyter widget for Vega 5 and Vega-Lite 4)

  • wcwidth 0.1.8 → 0.1.9 (Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes)

  • werkzeug 1.0.0 → 1.0.1 (The comprehensive WSGI web application library.)

  • winpython 2.3.20200319 → 2.4.20200425 (WinPython distribution tools, including WPPM)

  • wordcloud 1.6.0 → 1.7.0 (A little word cloud generator)

  • wrapt 1.11.2 → 1.12.1 (Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching.)

  • xarray 0.15.0 → 0.15.1 (N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python)

  • xlwings 0.18.0 → 0.19.4 (Make Excel fly: Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa.)

Removed packages:

  • importlib_metadata 1.5.0 (Read metadata from Python packages)

  • portalocker 1.5.2 (Wraps the portalocker recipe for easy usage)

  • zipp 3.1.0 (Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files)