Simple tool for Godot Engine to add persistent player preferences. It's just a JSON file with data serialized.
It's pretty simple. Most projects will only require 3 things:
- Import/Clone/Copy into your project.
- Add the PlayerPrefs scene to your Project Settings -> AutoLoad
- Make sure you include *.json in your export profiles.
Here's how I use PlayerPrefs in Starscan to set window settings:
func LoadWindowSettings():
OS.window_fullscreen = PlayerPrefs.get_pref("window_fullscreen", true)
if !OS.window_fullscreen:
OS.window_size = Vector2(PlayerPrefs.get_pref("window_size", 1280).x,PlayerPrefs.get_pref("window_size", 720).y)
And I set it like so:
func SaveWindowSettings():
PlayerPrefs.set_pref("window_fullscreen", OS.window_fullscreen)
if !OS.window_fullscreen:
PlayerPrefs.set_pref("window_size", {"x":OS.window_size.x,"y":OS.window_size.y})
And if if I want to do something specific if we do have settings, you can check for the existence of a setting preference:
if PlayerPrefs.has_pref("previous_difficulty_code"):
default_difficulty = PlayerPrefs.get_pref("previous_difficulty_code", default_difficulty)
- This probably doesn't serialize binary data very well.
- If you want to use this in other "AutoLoaded" scripts, you might need to set it to load earlier (use the up arrow in the list so it is first)
- You can change the file names, if so, you might make sure those export properly too.