title | platform |
About the aws_vpcs Resource |
aws |
Use the aws_vpcs
InSpec audit resource to test properties of some or all AWS Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs).
Each VPC is uniquely identified by its VPC ID. In addition, each VPC has a non-unique CIDR IP Address range (such as which it manages.
Every AWS account has at least one VPC, the "default" VPC, in every region.
An aws_vpcs
resource block uses an optional filter to select a group of VPCs and then tests that group.
# Since you always have at least one VPC, this will always pass.
describe aws_vpcs do
it { should exist }
This resource does not expect any parameters.
See also the AWS documentation on VPCs.
Property | Description |
cidr_blocks | The cidr_blocks property provides a list of the CIDR blocks that the matched VPCs serve as strings. |
dhcp_options_ids | The dhcp_option_set_ids property provides a de-duplicated list of the DHCP Option Set IDs that the matched VPCs use when assigning IPs to resources. |
vpc_ids | The vpc_ids property provides a list of the IDs of the matched VPCs. |
tags | A hash of key-value pairs corresponding to the tags associated with the entity. |
entries | Provides access to the raw results of the query, which can be treated as an array of hashes. |
describe aws_vpcs.where { dhcp_options_id != 'dopt-12345678' } do
it { should_not exist }
describe aws_vpcs do
its('vpc_ids') { should include 'vpc-12345678' }
aws_vpcs.vpc_ids.each do |vpc_id|
describe aws_security_group(vpc_id: vpc_id, group_name: 'default') do
it { should_not allow_in(port: 22) }
describe aws_vpcs.where { cidr_block.start_with?('10') } do
it { should_not exist }
describe aws_vpc do
its('tags') { should include(:Environment => 'env-name',
:Name => 'vpc-name')}
This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our Universal Matchers page.
The control will pass if the describe returns at least one result.
Use should_not
to test the entity should not exist.
describe aws_vpcs do
it { should exist }
describe aws_vpcs.where( <property>: <value>) do
it { should_not exist }
Your Principal will need the ec2:DescribeVpcs
action with Effect set to Allow.
You can find detailed documentation at Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon EC2.